His face was full of surprise, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

The Holy Master said coldly: "I didn't expect it to be this damn potion, you bastard actually got this kind of thing!"

As soon as his words came out, he suddenly sprayed a ray of light from his mouth, and immediately sprayed it out!

The moment the light burst out.

The violent light wave will explode to Jackie Chan in an instant

Jackie Chan smiled bitterly, his face full of helplessness.

Just then.

The people on the hillside didn't understand what happened, but the thunder and lightning suddenly descended from the sky!

Dustless appeared.

He coldly appeared in the palace

The whole body was flashing with light, trying to block the flame bomb just now directly in the palm of his hand.

He coldly blocked the flame bullet.

Looking at the Holy Lord

Said: "Long time no see, we meet again!"

The Holy Master's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said coldly: "Bastard, you are not dead yet, I thought you were dead!"

This is spoken.

Wuchen smiled coldly and said, "But I'm not only not dead, but I'm still here to find you, why do you want to try it? I'm recovering well, but I don't think you really want to try it, but I'm still going to cut you into pieces!"

The moment the words were spoken, a huge amount of energy rose up from the body!

This is the amount he can recover in half a day!

At this moment, the strong energy in his body rose to the sky.

Susanoo re-formed in an instant, but in a half-length state.

When the Holy Master saw this, he stepped back slightly, suddenly let out a cold laugh, and said, "No matter how strong you are, you can't stop it now, I, the evil dragon, will descend on this world and destroy all of you. Devour them all, let you live in hell forever, and I will conquer other worlds with that person, I will become the overlord of the world, and you humans will always be humble existences!"

The words say so.

A cold smile appeared on his face, and murderous aura rose! ..

200. Defeating the Holy Lord [First Update]

Wuchen didn't want to listen to him talking so much nonsense at this time, and immediately attacked, only to see the energy booming on his body.

In an instant, he took out a sword in his hand, and suddenly swept it away.

The Lord does not wait.

Immediately, his body became bigger and he suddenly carried it up with his hands!

The strength of the two collided, and the magic power immediately caused the entire palace to explode with a bang!

The huge light caused the surrounding to explode.

And this time.

Dust-free hand prints!

The speed is extremely fast, he has completed the printing in an instant

His eyes widened, his mouth suddenly spewed, and a huge fireball spewed out from his mouth, and he suddenly shouted loudly: "Huo Dun: Extinction!"

The words fell, and a huge fireball burned in the past.

At this moment, the Holy Master was not afraid when he saw the huge fireball hitting him, but also spit out a huge fireball, and when it collided with it, the surroundings were illuminated as bright as day.

Jackie Chan knew it too.

Unable to participate in the battle, he hurriedly flew back and quickly retreated to the top of the high slope.

At this time, when everyone saw this appearance, there was a bit of complexity in their expressions. The old man on the side frowned and said, "Jackie Chan, you didn't succeed!"

Jackie Chan took a breath and said: "No, I can't find a chance, this evil dragon is really too tightly guarded, and the magic power on his body is too heavy to approach him all at once, so he did not succeed in putting his body on him. Take the spell out!"

After hearing this, Dad sighed and said, "Then there is only one other way!"

His words said so, and a look ordered.

Paris and Little Snake, who already knew the plan, immediately laid out all the things they were carrying behind their backs.

Sheriff Black led a large group of federal agents with a bit of surprise in his eyes.

Dad laid everything out, and at this time he also put on a yellow Taoist robe.

In front of him, everyone looked at him in surprise.

In front of the father at this time is the yellow paper, the yellow house, the sword, the incense, and the cauldron!

The old man said solemnly: "You all back away immediately, so that I have space to move, I am going to cast a spell now, and I want to kill that demon dragon!"

With the words said, everyone felt the serious atmosphere and retreated.

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