It is really cumbersome and requires various preconditions, so he combined the number of seals in ninjutsu and the sealing technique in qi magic with each other!

I saw that he was holding the magic formula in one hand and running energy in the other.

His eyes widened suddenly, and then he only heard him roar: "Five Elements Heavenly Heart Seal!"

His words fell, and his palms suddenly slapped on Tara's body. Immediately, Tara's body was immediately covered with all kinds of impetuousness, and the shape of the Five Elements Tai Chi Yin-Yang Gossip appeared on his forehead!

Tara only felt that her body was constantly being oppressed, and her energy was being drawn away. She had a falling look on her face. She couldn't figure out what was going on for a while. The originally complicated sealing technique was simplified to this level!

But at this time, when he earned that seal technique, he was going to climb up on him completely!

At this moment, the sound of glass breaking appeared on Tara's body, and with a click, his body disappeared directly.

Wuchen was a little surprised, the sand also fell directly to the ground, and at this time the dark seal also dissipated in an instant.

Tara was rescued, and there was a bit of guesswork in his expression, but he guessed who it was at once, the world had been changed once, and then the world changed him back, right. The so-called adult times have changed, and he has changed again!

What's going on now?Have times changed again.

Wuchen thought like this, from the disappearance with Kara just now, he could perceive the familiar power, and he could also guess who the energy in Tara belonged to, and his expression became more and more serious. Jia got colder.

At the same time, he did it directly in the same place, and the forest fire behind him disappeared. At this moment, nothing interfered with his energy operation. He also completely sealed the demon of wind just now, so he had no scruples at this time.

Sitting on the spot, he started induction. He wanted to find Tara and find out where the bastard was. He wanted to kill that guy completely, otherwise he would not be able to feel at ease.

And at this time, when he was trying to sense it, he was in another sub-space.

this moment.

In this space, Tara looked vigilant, and her eyes were full of surprise. She couldn't help but step back. He looked at 4 Zhou, and there was a bit of surprise and fear in his eyes.

Everything around is transparent, everything is black, but there is a blue light.

The floor under his feet was transparent.

He couldn't even tell how wide it was.

Where the hell are you?Inexplicably, there was a little panic in his heart, and he couldn't help but feel a little more afraid. What the hell is this place? ! ..

221. Transaction [Second Update]

Just when he thought so.

ten feet away in front of him.

The black smoke kept gathering, and the black smoke contained traces of lavender traces.

At this moment.

Tara took two steps forward slowly.

At this moment, in the black and purple smoke, a human figure came out. It was a man with a devil's head and long hair, wearing a wizard's robe.

Tara's face was a little surprised. Isn't this the person who appeared in his original dream?

It is said that he signed a contract with himself, and he has indeed gained power. This guy seems to be called...

He just wanted to remember the name, but he suddenly stopped his mind, it seemed to stop running, he couldn't remember the name at all!

A strange look of astonishment appeared on his face.

And this time.

The man said to him: "I know that you are the original evil in this world, this is the sub-space of this world, no one can find it! I brought you here to make a special deal with you, Although we have already made deals before, in your dreams I am called Ozma!"

After saying this sentence, Tara suddenly took a breath, and he suddenly remembered that it was indeed like that in the dream. In the dream, he promised him the condition that he would help him kill the enemy!

That is the dustless!

The expression of the person who defeated himself suddenly turned cold, and many eyes narrowed slightly and said, "What did you call me here for?"

Ozma said blankly: "I saved your life just now, you should be grateful to me now, but you should not be grateful to me by your nature, but I forgive your rudeness, and I want to make peace with you. You make another deal!"

His words said so.

Tara said coldly: "What do you want to do? What do you want me to do for you?"

Ozma said lightly: "I will give you stronger power again, and you will become my subordinate and work for me!"

Tara is a first-time leader, how could he agree to such a condition, his first reaction was to reject him and said coldly: "I can't agree to you, I'm the leader of the Ghost Shadow Corps, how can I agree to you? Who the hell are you?!"

This has just been said.

Ozma did not fluctuate at all, and said indifferently: "I know that you control the strength of the Corps, I know that you have a lot of capable people, but your strength is too weak to reach my dimension, mine The purpose is to annex the power of each resource, to annex everything from them! This is my purpose, as for who I am, you will know later! However, now you have only two choices, either surrender to me, or you will become An empty shell!"

When he said this, he was merciless, with a calm expression on his face, and there was no emotional fluctuation at all, as if it was a statue completely carved out of stone.

Tara saw his appearance, heard this sentence and her scalp was slightly numb, this guy is indeed very terrifying, and he can only feel a little bit, but that is not the same as himself, or he Compared with him, the purity of his energy is simply worlds apart. Maybe he is just a puddle of water, but the man in front of him is as immeasurable as the ocean!

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he said coldly, "Why did you choose me?"

Ozma said indifferently: "I didn't choose you, but the evil in every world! Heaven and earth are based on yin and yang, with balance as the criterion, good and evil are opposites, and you are the evil in this world. , and I am the evil of the universe, the world is reincarnated, and eternally sad, and one day evil will swallow up the good! I am the promoter of it all, and you are part of me!"

That's what he said.

It was a little difficult for him to accept it at that moment, but he gritted his teeth and took a deep breath, and finally chose to accept it and stood up straight and said, "Okay!"

still at this time

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