Wuchen frowned and squeezed the brush in his hand.

Said, "Is that just a pen like this?"

Granny Feng said helplessly: "Not many people in the village know how to write, so I only left a little bit. This is what my sister left. If you think you can write, write it. What are you going to write?"

Wuchen smiled and said, "Of course I'm writing something important, but I can only say that if you know how to use it, you will be able to make the village stronger and no longer be disturbed by bandits and monsters!"

After speaking, he began to write and draw on the paper, writing four or five pieces of paper.

Grandma Feng looked very distressed and wanted to stop her very much, but the more she looked, the more surprised she was, what the hell is this?The more I thought about it, the more surprised I became.

Dust-free filled 20 sheets of paper.

I just used up all the ink, I shook my hand and put the 20 sheets of paper on the table or on the floor or on the wall.

Say: "These things are very important things, and I hope you will keep them, and let those of good character who are willing to learn, if they are willing to learn!"

All he left behind was chakra and a part of ninjutsu

Also the most basic one.

Also, it is naturally the cultivation method of the Eight Gates of Dunjia.

This kind of thing is most suitable for humans who don't have much foundation. If they have always been so weak, it will be boring, and they must be made a little stronger.

Granny Feng stared blankly at the things written on the paper.

Naturally, she knew these pictures and words, but she couldn't recognize them at all when they were combined, and said dumbly, "What are these?"

Wuchen smiled and said: "You can call these spells, you can do anything, as long as someone is willing to learn, I also write the method of learning on it, you have the potential to learn, but not much, after all, your age It's too big... so I'll give you this!"

After he finished speaking, he ripped three or four pieces of paper from the remaining paper on the side.

Granny Feng wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

A smile appeared on Wuchen's face, he picked up the brush, but found that there was no ink, he sighed helplessly, bit his teeth, bit his index finger, wrote and drew on the paper, and used his fingers to directly Written into three spells!

He slowly blocked the blood with energy.

Then he put the finished painting aside and said, "This is a special spell and incantation. If you activate it with your heart and strength, it will give you a certain degree of power!"

The spell he wrote down was naturally the spell of exorcism.

And it can be used 999 times. Generally speaking, there is no damage to the body. As long as the power is injected, it can be activated directly!

The three spells are: golden light to protect the body, exorcise evil spirits, and golden thunder to subdue demons.

One is a special shield, the other is a special bondage, and the other is an attack method!

Offensive and defensive.

Granny Feng stared at it blankly, and touched it lightly, she was very surprised by the law that had been removed from the edema. She slowly injected a little energy, and she could feel the vastness and power in it, involuntarily. Withdrew his hand and said in surprise: "This is too precious, how can I thank you..."

Instead, Wuchen shook his head indifferently: "It's okay, it's just a small matter. There is no need to say more about this trivial matter."

277. Teaching

Wuchen finished speaking.

Granny Feng was even more surprised that such precious things were described as very unimportant things by him, and she said in surprise, "This..."

Wuchen laughed, touched the back of his head and said, "You also gave me a place to live, so logically it's just a small thank you, and it doesn't mean anything!"

Granny Feng put away the three spells and the papers stuck to the wall, and folded the papers together.

Said: "I will pass on these things carefully!"

As he spoke, there was a solemn expression in his eyes. These important treasures, if they could meet people with talent and good character, they would definitely make more masters born in the village.

When Wuchen heard this, he smiled bitterly and said, "It's a small thing, a small thing!"

And it was at this time that Inuyasha, who was lying on the side, opened his eyes slightly.

He stood up, patted the back of his head, and said with a snort, "Mother-in-law, it's really a troublesome guy!"

After hearing this, Wuchen turned his head and looked over, rolled his eyes and said, "You finally woke up, you are really brave, even that power almost couldn't save you, if it wasn't because I was here, You are really dead!"

Inuyasha said with disdain: "I won't die, but I want to become a big monster, how could I die so easily!"

After hearing this, Wuchen said with a smile: "Interesting, this is what you said, but don't, it's really easy to die!"

Inuyasha sighed, loosened his muscles, stood up, and said, "Don't you think I'm all right?"

After speaking, it seemed that there was no problem at all.

Wuchen thought for a while, looked at his appearance, and said with a smile: "It's really nothing, so let me teach you something next!"

Inuyasha froze for a moment, blinked his eyes, and said very strangely: "What do you want?"

Wuchen pushed open the door and said, "Come out!"

Inuyasha followed him and walked out.

Wuchen took him to the side of the river.

Said: "You almost died before, so I want you to learn something, otherwise, if you really died, then my master will be a little sad!"

When Inuyasha heard this, he snorted with disdain and said, "How could this guy..."

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