He snorted coldly, took a deep breath, and then suddenly spit out into the sky: "Huo Dun: Big Flame Bullet!"

A huge flame bomb with a width of more than ten meters was spit out from its mouth, and the flying monster was blown up to ashes. There was a huge monster around, but soon one after another monster attacked again. It comes like a tide, and generally has no meaning to stop at all.

At this time, a demon slayer came to him with a tachi made of monster bones in his hand and said, "What happened? What happened? Why are there so many monsters attacking suddenly, and who are you? "

As he spoke, he hacked to death a monster with one knife, and his eyes were a little more vigilant, but at this moment he didn't dare to ask any more questions.

Wuchen heard this, looked back at him, snorted coldly and said, "These monsters are all brought by others, and you have to be more careful, just protect yourselves, we are It's just that Wen Feng came to help!"

The words are finished.

Hand seal!

In an instant, his eyes widened, and he sprayed again in the direction of the stockade gate.

"Water Escape: Water Breaks Waves!"

The high-pressure water gun spewed out of his mouth and shot out instantly, directly causing the monsters in front of him to be directly cut into countless pieces.

Inuyasha and several people fell into a hard fight.

Master Maitreya didn't have much mana at this time, and he came to the side of the room under the protection of several demon slayers.

But the house was about to collapse, and Master Maitreya's face was a little more surprised. He turned to look at the huge door beam, and it was about to hit him in the face. directly killed.

Dustless appeared.

He suddenly smashed the door beam with a punch, roared loudly, slapped the ground with his palm and shouted loudly: "Fire escape: the art of fireball!"

The voice fell, and the mouth immediately spewed out the words, and the huge fireball like a ball rushed into the sky, burning the monster above the sky directly to ashes. Gao, and at this moment, the monsters calmed down and slowly retreated.

At this moment, I saw a monster wearing a white baboon skin leaping out and quickly rushing into the house, holding several pieces of debris flying into the sky, picking it up and being bitten by poisonous insects at the same time. gone.

Wuchen sees this way

Immediately, he wanted to chase, but after thinking about it for a while, he gritted his teeth and gave up on this damn guy. He ran away so quickly, let's just stay and take care of others.

Although Inuyasha was already very powerful, so many monsters made him exhausted. He half-squatted on the ground, took a deep breath, and stood up slowly. At this time, the villagers all looked over. , There was a bit of surprise on his face, this group of people ran over to help him, and it was really strange that there were monsters in there, and there were monks who specialized in eliminating demons and guarding the way!

At this moment, I saw a bald middle-aged man holding the knife tightly in his hand, came over very carefully, narrowed his eyes slightly towards Wuchen, and said, "Who are you guys and what happened to the monster just now? Why suddenly What happened when you hit here?"

The words say so.

Wuchen smiled bitterly and quickly explained: "We came to you to ask for the fragments of the Four Soul Jade. I didn't expect these monsters to be led here by others to steal your treasures, but I didn't expect that we would come late after all. one step..."

After the words were spoken and looked at for 4 weeks, the faces of everyone became a little gloomy at this time, because there were many people who died around, even if there were people to help, but at least the monsters of Suqian level even if someone came to help, it would not be. We must be able to get it done, which is why so many people died.

The bald middle-aged man lowered his head, gritted his teeth and clenched his fists and said, "Is that so? Why did you come to find the Jade of Four Souls?"

He looked up slightly strangely.

At this time, Kagome trotted over and said, "This is the uncle, because we have to find the infected Siwen to heal, and then re-evolve it, so that we can purify the jade of the four souls, and we can't let him fall. Take it!"

Hearing this sentence, the middle-aged man nodded with satisfaction, but he became suspicious, and squinted his eyes and said strangely: "Who are you talking about, Naraku?" ..

306. Coral Misunderstanding

Wuchen shrugged his shoulders and said, "That is a despicable and shameless monster. We can't let him get the fragments, and we can't let him find you, but those monsters are all sent by them..."

This has just been said.

Immediately after that, the middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, and then a strange expression appeared on his face, and he frowned slightly and said, "Wait, that's not right, Chen Zu, the eldest lady, and the son have just gone out to remove the demon, I just received a special mission, why is it suddenly like this..."

Inuyasha also understood at this moment, came over and said quickly: "No way, it's the trick of that damn guy, where did they go? Where did they go!"

The words were quite excited when he said this, and he immediately grabbed the middle-aged man's clothes, and his eyes were a little more excited.

Inuyasha was very excited at this time, and his face was a little anxious. He didn't want to protect who he wanted to save, he just wanted to know the whereabouts of his enemy, that's all!

The middle-aged man heard this and said quickly: "If they remember correctly, they went to...that city over there is..."

As soon as Inuyasha heard this, he immediately became excited and knew that the matter was urgent. He nodded, and the two rushed out immediately, while the others were already weak, so they didn't follow. .

At this time, Master Maitreya quickly stopped a few people who wanted to go with him and said: "It's enough for the two of them to go. We are very weak now. Once we follow the past, it will only be a drag, and it may not be helpful. Now we should immediately Consolidate the defense here, otherwise we will be finished if more monsters attack us!"

Qibao felt very reasonable when he heard this, nodded and said, "That's right!"

Kagome was originally very worried, but after hearing this, she narrowed her eyes slightly, nodded, and said no more!

And then the two chased out.

Soon it was before a city.

This tall city is covered with dark clouds, but there are no signs of monsters, and it seems that no one exists.

Wuchen could not help frowning slightly, is it over?

He just thought so in his mind.

He took a deep breath and said to Inuyasha, "Let's go and have a look first. Although there is a very strong demonic aura here, we haven't seen any demons. Let's go in first!"

As the words spoke, the two walked in together.

And this time.

At this time, the two walked to the gate of the city together, and just knocked on the door.

Immediately, a voice came from inside: "Who are you? Why did you come and knock on the door? Is there a greeting?"

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