Everyone turned to look over.

Followed by.

A flea popped out of the kitten

The flea shouted loudly: "Master Inuyasha, Lord Wuchen! Master Maitreya, Qibao!"

I didn't expect that it was Grandpa Mingjia

At this time, he said quite excitedly: "Everyone finally sees you here again, I know you will definitely come here!"

Wuchen picked him up carefully, and said very curiously, "Why did you come here? It's really strange..."

Grandpa Mingjia sighed, and immediately jumped onto the floor with a struggle and said, "Because I came to investigate before, and I found particularly useful clues, so I am here waiting for your arrival. I know you will definitely come. of!"

After hearing this, Wuchen couldn't help blinking his eyes and said curiously: "What kind of information did you investigate that is particularly useful? Although I know that this guy will evacuate quickly when there is danger, I am still curious about what information you will find. What useful information did the investigation find!"

Grandpa Mingjia immediately rolled his eyes and said, "Master Wuchen, how can you say that to me, I'm just retreating strategically, and I'm just gathering more information for everyone, not really running away! "

Inuyasha said with a look of disbelief on the side: "Who would believe your nonsense, tell me what you found!"

Grandpa Mingjia said at this time: "I have been in this cottage for a month. After investigation, I found out that the Jade of Four Souls is actually a product of this cottage, and it appeared in a very special place!"

And this time I heard this sentence.

The bald-headed uncle next to him came over and said, "So you are here to investigate that thing! Didn't that thing have been handed over to a witch many years ago, why are you here again?"

The bald-headed uncle blinked his eyes strangely.

Wuchen turned his head and said, "Because we wanted to know the truth, we came over to check..."

The bald-headed uncle nodded and said, "So it's like this, that piece of jade is a legendary thing in our village, and only the head of the village knows it, but we do know some legends, although we don't know the piece of jade. Where exactly is it, but I heard that it was handed over to a priest for purification many years ago, but recently...a lot of fragments have been found, something must have happened."

Inuyasha suddenly realized and nodded, but then there was a bit of inexplicable helplessness in his eyes.

The bald-headed uncle told the story endlessly.

"However, if you want to know, you have to wait for Miss Coral to really wake up, because only they know these things, and I don't know..."

And at this time, when everyone was looking forward to it, only the sound of exclamations came from the house.

Kagome yelled.

Inuyasha was extremely fast, got up immediately, kicked out quickly, kicked the door of the house open, and rushed in quickly, entered the corridor, and quickly came to the door of the room.

At this moment, Kagome retreated to the door, and Coral, who stood up directly on the bed, had a vigilant look on his face. Although he didn't have a knife, he immediately took a stance and clenched his fists.

After all, no matter who faces their upper body being detached, and suddenly appears in an unfamiliar place, they will immediately become vigilant.

At this moment, Kagome hurriedly said: "Miss, don't be so excited yet... I am treating you, your wounds have not been completely healed..."

A slight pain in the shoulder.

Coral immediately felt the pain, so she half-knelt down and looked at it. It turned out that this was her own room, and she couldn't help being stunned.

There was a bit of surprise in Coral's eyes.

Say, "Why am I in my room, who are you? What's going on?"

Inuyasha snorted and said, "Stinky woman, we rescued you, why do you think you appeared in your room, if it wasn't because we rescued you, you would have died!"

As soon as Coral heard this and saw him, he immediately became angry.

Said: "You guy... Inuyasha! You..."

Suddenly, as if something was wrong, he frowned slightly and immediately understood.

Said: "No, isn't the cottage already destroyed? How can I still have a room and so on..."

The words just came out.

I saw that the big bald head just now quickly trotted to the door.

Coral was wearing this thin underwear, she was stunned at this time, and quickly squatted down and wrapped her body with a quilt.

She said loudly, "Uncle Shishi! Why are you still alive..."

It's even more incomprehensible to say so.

Didn't that guy just say that the monsters have attacked the village and learned the whole village?Logically speaking, the village has already been burnt down, how could it be like this?

After hearing this, Uncle Wanshi scratched his head very puzzled and said, "Miss, don't you know... In fact, I thought these were your friends, and they came to help us out of the siege..."

It was only then that Coral suddenly realized that he was stunned as if he had just woken up from a dream, his eyes were full of surprise, and he had been deceived.

Involuntarily, he took a deep breath and lowered his head, speechless.

Inuyasha snorted, and was about to draw the knife, but immediately let go of the handle and said, "Gao Wei, if she hasn't been cured, go and cure her, otherwise this woman will bleed to death!"

At this time, Kagome cautiously approached the bed and said, "Miss Coral, let me treat you..."

Coral nodded and said, "Thank you..."

At this time, everyone also exited the room and closed the door.

Coral's mood is even more complicated, and there is a little helplessness in his eyes. I didn't expect such a thing to happen. That guy must be the culprit who deceived himself!

Father, uncle, and younger brother were all killed by that damn guy. If I see him again, I have to tear him to shreds! ..

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