He didn't immediately change back to his appearance, but walked in swaggeringly.

at this time.

At this time, when he came to the gate of the palace, he saw several big red-faced men, and immediately turned around suddenly, holding a weapon in his hand, his eyes were a little more surprised, how could a child suddenly run away Come here, what's going on?

A little more strange in my heart.

I saw a big red-faced man immediately raised the big knife in his hand and said, "Who are you? Why did you come here? You are a familiar child..."

Because he recognized the children in the village chief's family, his eyes suddenly became a little more strange.

Wuchen's current appearance is like that of the village chief's child, which naturally made him wonder, wasn't that child a sacrifice just now?Isn't that the village chief's son?It's really strange how suddenly another one popped up.

Wuchen had a smile on his face at this time, took a deep breath and said, "Yeah, how could this be? It's really strange, right? But in the future, I can only let you go to the underworld to figure it out, goodbye!"

And at this time.

A voice came from the palace: "What's the matter? You dare to deceive the gods, do you want to be punished!"

Wuchen knew at this time that he had to speed up.

Dust-free is completely welcome.

Hand seal!

Immediately, energy was condensed from his mouth, and he suddenly shouted forward, "Huo Dun: Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique!"

A mass was sprayed directly from his mouth, and another flame like a dedicated flower burned directly over it. Before the first group of the group had time to understand what happened, it was roasted into dried fish by the flames.

Wuchen jumped out with him, and at the same time, there was a ray of light in his hand, and a punch just hit the monster posing as a water god and flew out.

At this moment, the child quickly fell to the ground.

Wuchen quickly hugged the child directly in his arms and stabilized his body.

With a smile on his face, he turned to look at the monster who pretended to be a water god and said, "It's interesting, I didn't expect you to dare to pretend to be a water god, but I think it's true that the real water god doesn't eat live sacrifices, you eat it!"

At this time, the feminine man immediately became angry when he heard this, and his face was punched. Naturally, the angry man directly picked up the trident beside him and shouted loudly: "Who is this guy? You damn child, oh, I get it, you are the child of the village chief's family, don't you want your village? Don't you want to be taken care of by the gods? You want to be punished by God!"

Wuchen now looks like Taromaru. He smiled and said, "You are a monster and not a god. I'm fighting a monster and not a god. You should be damned, you have been doing your best for so long!"

At this time, he was completely rude and took a deep breath.

The seal of both hands: "Fire escape: the art of fireball!"

A huge ball of lava spewed out of his mouth and slammed into it. The monster in front of him was a water snake. How could he withstand the fire? It was burned and broke, and he lost an arm. He was frightened a lot. Jump!

With a bang, the huge lava ball blew up the entire palace with an explosion sound.

The monster immediately jumped down, immediately jumped into the water, his eyes were full of surprise, how did he provoke such a evil star, who is this?Such a powerful spell can't even be cast by himself.

The palace has been almost destroyed.

And the water snake has swooped down into the water.

Wuchen then presented its original form.

And there was no more monsters in the palace, so he said, "It's safe!"

Inuyasha and his party chased after them, and soon they came to the almost destroyed palace, looking at the corpses of monsters all over the floor.

Everyone was astonished, and sure enough, these monsters would have no way to survive as soon as they were shot!

Coral was very surprised and said, "It's so strong..."

Taromaru looked at the corpses of so many monsters, and his eyes were full of surprise, but he was even more worried in his heart. What happened to the explosion just now? .

When he saw his playmate, he quickly said, "Suekichi!"

The child turned around and said, "Master!"

The two embraced

Wuchen breathed a sigh of relief and said: "It's done, but we should go now, although the water snake escaped..."

At this time, Kagome said: "No way, isn't he dead? What if he makes a comeback later?" ..

314. Killing the Monster

After hearing this speech.

Wuchen thought for a while, frowned and said, "That's right, you all leave first!"

When he finished speaking, he immediately turned around and looked at the destroyed palace at this moment.

And everyone was just about to withdraw from the palace at this moment.

After hearing this sentence, everyone felt puzzled.

Taromaru said, "What are you doing here? Aren't we going together? Wait a few days before..."

X Wuchen looked indifferent, rolled his eyes and said, "It doesn't matter, it's just a little demon, it can't help me, just let me kill him!"

There was a bit of indifference in his words.

After all, it's just a very ordinary little demon, which is very easy for him.

At this time, everyone heard this and chose to believe it.

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