Wuchen looked back at the village chief and said coldly: "If I guessed correctly, this house has a lot of resentment, but you don't know why you dare to live in it with such courage, and then I I found out that there are many problems in one movie, and then I kept looking for people to exorcise the demons. What I didn’t expect was that the money was useless, but was swallowed by resentment and became a ghost in it, right?”

When Coral heard this, he immediately turned his head and looked over. The most fearful thing for the exorcist was that he didn't know what was going on, and the old village chief must have hidden a lot of things!

What Coral hates most is the anger in such a person's eyes for a while, and he almost spit it out!

Hearing these words, the old village chief smiled awkwardly and led the crowd back to the side.

And the monster immediately made a roaring sound! ..

334. The monster that accumulated resentment

The huge monster made everyone stunned. Even if he was well-informed, Inuyasha couldn't help but startled at this moment, and his eyes were full of surprise.

Very surprised and said: "What the hell is this!"

This question was just asked, and the coral on the side narrowed slightly, and said coldly: "If you guessed correctly, it is a monster that combines the resentment of humans and the resentment of monsters!"

After Inuyasha heard these words, his expression became even more awe-inspiring, and he was shocked, and said in surprise: "Is it actually that kind of thing? I didn't expect it to exist. Before, I only heard my mother say it. , but I didn't expect it to exist!"

Inuyasha's words said this, and at this moment, Master Maitreya narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "It's a little troublesome, so what should we do now!"

Wuchen also felt a little troublesome, but he couldn't use too much power, otherwise he would destroy the village and kill a lot of people. If that's the case, then it's better to run away with everyone. , and to deal with this monster, it is not particularly difficult for him, the difficulty lies in the premise of saving everyone's lives, it is more difficult to deal with this monster!

He took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, "Now we have to think of a way, because this thing is very dangerous, we must kill him on the premise of not hurting everyone else, otherwise he will be destroyed. , a lot of people will definitely die, you all understand what I mean?"

When several people heard this, they all nodded immediately, only to hear Master Maitreya say: "I know, teacher, I will try my best. Although this guy is very strong, it is not invincible, not that we can't defeat it!"

After Master Maitreya finished speaking, he immediately stood up and stood up abruptly. Immediately after that, he put his staff on the ground and felt his breath for 4 weeks. Although the cleansing energy for 4 weeks was very small, it was Master Maitreya could still feel it, but he immediately took out a spell!

He took out the spell, held it in the palm of his hand, took a deep breath, then threw the spell up, and his palms snapped together!

When his palms suddenly matched, he immediately opened his eyes wide and shouted loudly, "Vajra Conquering Demons!"

Immediately after that, the golden light was released from the spell, and it rushed directly to the monster!

Between the golden brilliance flickering, a sudden blow hit the huge monster. The huge monster didn't react immediately at this moment. It was directly hit by the shock wave and sent out The roaring sound, took two or three steps back, and then it was the side of the body again, with the strength in the body, after making the sound of roaring, the mouth also opened.

The giant mouth opens like a shark's mouth, which makes people shudder!

At this moment.

Although Master Maitreya was nervous in his heart, he was firm at the moment. Once again, he suddenly snapped together. Suddenly, an astonishing light was released from the spell, and it flew out immediately. The monster is pushed back again!

But after the huge monster opened its mouth, it roared at the same time!

The huge mouth opened, at least 10 meters in diameter, and at the same time spit out countless evil spirits energy from it, and immediately made the sound of ghosts and ghosts, and hit the crowd directly.

Wuchen did not take action at this time, but let Inuyasha take action!

Inuyasha immediately shot at this time, with a bit of vigilance in his eyes, he snorted coldly, and then rushed up with Iron Broken Teeth, one evil ghost after another was chopped into pieces by his Iron Broken Teeth. Fragments!

Although those monsters are strong, under the power of the broken iron teeth, they are like paper paste. They have been using an evil ghost under its broken iron teeth. It seems to be caused by complete grease. The howling sound is dead!

Inuyasha felt a little smug, but he knew the words in his heart. It would be much easier if it could be solved just like this, but in fact, he just finished solving it, and the second wave rushed over again!

The coral immediately became rough at this time, and the flying bones in the hand flew out directly!

Immediately, the strong energy from the flying came out, and even the mica began to move!

Wuchen still stood very calmly in the same place, and did not plan to shoot, because in his heart, it would not be beneficial to shoot by himself from the beginning to the end, everyone's moves have not been used up, and his purpose is to train everyone to the end, Otherwise, it would be too boring. If he just let himself take action, it would be better to let him kill Naruto by himself!

Coral moves very quickly at this time.

At this moment, everyone also cooperated well for 10 points. Inuyasha stepped on Mica's head and jumped, and suddenly slashed at the huge monster, but the monster was only slashed back two or three steps, and then again from Countless tentacles spit out from his mouth, as well as all kinds of soul energy!

The energy of the unjust soul spit out made everyone startled, with a look of surprise on their faces. They narrowed their eyes and quickly stepped back, and all of them swallowed nervous saliva involuntarily.

At this time, Qibao whispered beside Wuchen, "That..."

When Wuchen heard this voice and these words, he shook his head a little helplessly and said, "Okay, okay, I'll teach you more skills next time, and I won't let you watch it here!"

The dust-free words said so.

Qibao, although he is only a child, he naturally understands that this is only a temporary consolation. He hurriedly said, "No, no, I really want to learn now, I want to help everyone, and I don't want to be everyone. the drag..."

Wuchen gave a wry smile, shook his head and said, "Okay, I understand what you mean, don't worry, I will teach you more skills, but now is not the time, you can see that we don't have a break from time to time, Wait until everyone has defeated this monster!"

Qibao felt a little disappointed, but he nodded, and then quickly said: "You have to remember, you have said that you must teach me more skills, but I will remember your words. Yo!"

Wuchen shook his head helplessly, smiled, and nodded!

At this time, when everyone faced so many evil ghost energies and various tentacles, they all felt that their bodies were exhausted!

Seeing everyone's appearance, Wuchen felt a little helpless! ..

335、To cooperate

Wuchen walked out slowly, shook his head and sighed, and said helplessly: "You guys, you really don't pay attention to cooperation at all, let me try it!"

When everyone heard this, there was a look of astonishment on their faces. Just when he just walked in front of everyone, everyone's eyes were a little bit more and they were about to shoot, but they were hit by a huge incomparable. The ghost head was so frightened that he quickly stepped back.

Inuyasha immediately hugged Kagome

But he forgot his master, and there was a little more surprise in his eyes, and he turned his head to look quickly, but at this moment, just when everyone thought that something would happen to him.

That huge ghost head was going to bite Wuchen

Wuchen had already completed the shot at this time, and I saw countless pieces of wood appearing from the body immediately, and directly propped up the mouth of the huge ghost!

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