The knife was completely made of bone. At this time, Qibao walked over and suddenly pulled one of them, and immediately pulled it out lightly. At first, he wanted to touch the blade with his hand, but he immediately noticed that Qibao couldn't help being startled by the dreaded edge!

And at this moment, Inuyasha was also very surprised and said: "Is it possible to become like this? It's really amazing, how did this happen?"

Wuchen laughed and said: "If you think you want, I can help you try it, but if it is destroyed, don't blame me for destroying your iron teeth!"

Just as he said this, Inuyasha immediately snorted vigilantly, frowned and said, "You are so cunning, I don't want you, I don't want you to help me transform my weapon, I will develop it myself, and I will discover him more. Strong powers don't need you!"

Wuchen laughed freely, and then said: "Okay, everyone take a rest, and then go forward, maybe Naraku is waiting for us in front!" ..

354、Two strong fight against each other

The night wind blows gently.

on a mountain.

At this time, I saw a noble Lengyan son, standing on this mountain full of monsters, but this mountain full of monsters is now a lot of dead monsters, and the noble Lengyan son naturally It is Inuyasha's older brother: Sesshomaru.

At this moment, Sesshomaru is standing on the top of the mountain, looking at the bright moon above the sky, with a little bit of inexplicable melancholy, his strength is really too weak, that guy is really strong and it makes people feel terrible , It's a bit incredible to be strong. No, I have to find a way to improve it. The next time I see him, I need to have stronger strength to deal with him.

Sesshomaru thought so in his heart, and involuntarily pulled out the demon sword that had been forged for a long time.

The sword was already full of the power of monsters at this time, and the ghosts that kept popping up made people feel terrifying. Turbulent, at this moment, the sword in Sesshomaru's hand is slightly close to transparent, but it has a terrifying texture.

And at this time.

Xie Jian trotted over quickly, bowed his head behind him and said, "Master, I have found where Nailuo is? He should pass here soon, Master, are you sure you really want to do this?"

When Sesshomaru heard this, he snorted coldly, slowly put away the sword, took a deep breath, and replied without looking back: "That damn bastard, last time he played with me, Of course I won't let him go, his guy ran fast last time... How can I let him live this time? I'm going to cut off his head!"

This has just been said.

Xie Jian hurriedly said: "But Young Master Naruo's strength has grown by leaps and bounds recently, can you really handle it? That guy is not..."

For a while, I had some doubts in my heart, and some couldn't believe it. Although I said that my young master's strength is impeccable, Naraku is not joking. His strength is also strong, which makes people feel terrible and powerful. He is not an ordinary person. It can be done. Although it is said that his young master is not an ordinary person, Naraku, the recent rise is strange.

At this time, Sesshomaru didn't speak, but coldly threw the evil view out with a flick of his hand.

Xie Jian was taken aback, and he quickly kowtowed and said, "Master, I was wrong, I was wrong, I know that you will definitely be able to defeat him, this is just my overthinking, please don't mind, Master, I will definitely do it. Immediately arranged..."

Sesshomaru smiled coldly and said: "No need, I know where it is, you can prepare for me, just help him collect the body!"

When Sesshomaru's words fell, he suddenly jumped down from the top of the mountain.

Xie Jian was taken aback and ran to the edge of the cliff in a hurry, only to see the thunder of Sesshomaru falling directly to the foot of the mountain, and when it fell, the trees beside him suddenly snapped. Come on, and at this moment.

There was a huge slump within ten feet of Sesshomaru.

A huge rumbling sounded, and he stood in the huge pit, stood up slowly, with a bit of cold murderous aura on his face, looked up and looked forward.

And what appeared in front of him at this moment was a carriage, and the carriage was not drawn by horses, but pulled by monsters.

Sitting in the carriage was a man with a monstrous aura. At this moment, Sesshomaru snorted coldly, looked at the carriage in front of him, and the people inside, and took a deep breath. He said in a tone: "What a disgusting guy, I didn't expect to meet you so soon, and it just gave me the opportunity to kill you. The last time you played with me, it almost made me devoured by power. Once I will come back for revenge, I will kill you, this guy, and cut off your soul!"

And when I heard these words, a familiar voice came out, it was Naraku's voice.

Naruo laughed and said coldly: "Do you have this strength? Master Sesshomaru, although your strength is indeed not much worse than mine, can you do it with your current state? Come and see how it goes, why don't you just do it? Now!"

The words came out, and Naruo gently waved his hand at this time, and then the carriage went back four or five meters, just as Sesshomaru was about to shoot.

I saw the food and lodging and the black-purple giant snake immediately flew out of the car, and the food and lodging and the black-purple giant snake immediately flew out of the carriage, and directly bit towards Sesshomaru!

Sesshomaru's eyes were slightly surprised, and immediately he was entangled by the black-purple giant snake, his right hand that wanted to shoot.

But he didn't mind, and he didn't care, and there was a bit of cold murderousness on his face.

With a cold snort, the right hand slammed abruptly, and then the sturdy black snake lost its life at once. Shi Na Luo's body immediately fell out of the expensive carriage, his eyes showed an expression of interest and said: "Interesting Sesshomaru, I will play with you reluctantly, I thought you were still the same. The weak, I didn't expect to become so much stronger, but in just a few days, or even in just four or five days, can you get to this point?"

After Sesshomaru heard this sentence, he immediately said: "It seems that you really like to provoke others and let others' emotions get out of control. You are using other means to make others unable to fight with your heart. Find out the weak points to attack, really is a despicable guy, but unfortunately I like to kill despicable guys like you, I think I have mastered the opponent's heart, but I didn't expect it, but some people are not as simple as you seem , For example, it is easy for me to beat you easily now!"

The moment the words were finished, Sesshomaru at this moment immediately showed cold murderous intent, his eyes widened, blood-red eyes filled with cold murderous intent, and then the energy slowly surged. When the energy surged out.

Seeing the surging energy in his body, Nai Luo couldn't help being taken aback. This guy's strength has become so much, it seems a little tricky, Nai Luo thought so in his heart, but it became more and more interesting. , said with a cold smile: "It seems that Master Sesshomaru is indeed very confident, but unfortunately he just doesn't know how strong he is!" ..

355 , Sesshomaru and Naraku

Sesshomaru snorted coldly, and immediately pulled out the transparent demon sword!

rushed straight up.

At this moment, Naraku was not polite, but suddenly drew a huge sword from his body, which was made of bones.

The two swords touched each other, and suddenly only heard the sound of rumbling, and the two quickly separated!

Nai Luo snorted coldly, his sword made of a huge bone about 120 centimeters in length also trembled slightly. There was an inexplicable fear in his heart, and he couldn't help but squinted slightly. eyes.

Said: "As expected, he is the son of General Canine, and he is indeed a real monster. He is much stronger than your younger brother. Although your younger brother is strong, he has no staying power. I don't know if you are?"

After hearing these words, how could he endure the killing, his eyes widened immediately, the transparent demon sword was full of all kinds of resentment power, he said with a cold smile: "Then you can try For a moment, you can try to see if you can survive under my sword!"

The moment he finished speaking, he immediately caused the sword in his hand to spurt out amazing energy. When the energy surged, Sesshomaru snorted coldly, and suddenly slashed with a sword, the energy surged, and A special storm formed and rolled over directly, and at this time, Sesshomaru shouted angrily: "Come and taste this blood evil whirlwind!"

The moment the sound fell, the blood-red whirlwind formed a special high-speed rotating murder weapon and rolled over directly.

The special blood-red whirlwind rolled towards Nai Luo. At this time, Nai Luo was slightly surprised, but she soon showed a look of disdain, snorted coldly, and the corner of her mouth slightly outlined a faint expression. With a smile, he took a deep breath, and the huge bone sword in his hand swept away directly, and rolled away at the same time. The whirlwind was rolled onto the sword.

The energy suddenly surged, and the sound of rumbling sounded, and the sound that kept appearing suddenly made the surroundings vibrate. The huge light made both of them regret again. Although Sesshomaru was powerful, he couldn't help squinting at this moment. Opening his eyes, he felt a little more vigilant in his heart, this guy is really not easy, Sesshomaru thought in his heart.

At this time, Naruo saw his appearance, and when he saw him, he showed a cold smile and said, "It's really interesting, right, doesn't it feel good? I think it's good, but Master Sesshomaru, you warm up Already? I just warmed up!"

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