360、Special Attack

Just after saying this, Kagura cut off with a look of disdain and said: "Really? Come and taste this, this is the power that Naraku gave me, and it is also a special gift he asked me to bring to you. !"

After Kagura's words were finished, he quickly flew back in the air, and then stood on the broken rock wall.

There was a cruel smile on his face, a little more smile in his eyes, and he said with a faint smile: "It's really interesting, I don't know if you can stop it, and I don't know how long you can hold it back. Come and taste this, Corpse Frenzy!"

In the moment when the words fell, the dilapidated mountain wall exploded with a bang, and the whole mountain was directly collapsed. The purple breath, the black-purple mist, slowly stagnant, and people came out of the mist.

In other words, it was not a human, but a humanoid creature with black and purple mist all over its body. It looked like a human, but in fact, there was no human breath in its body. Instead, it was all the Rashomon spirit of ghosts. .

The energy of Rashomon continued to permeate from his body, and the frightening power immediately shocked everyone.

At this moment, Inuyasha involuntarily narrowed his eyes slightly, with a slightly different expression on his face. What is this!"

These words were just said, and then the coral next to him frowned slightly, a little more surprised in his heart.

Involuntarily, there was a bit of cold murderousness in his eyes, and he said lightly: "This is bad, it seems that this thing is very difficult to deal with, and the number is very large, it is dangerous!"

The words just fell, and then Kagura gently covered his mouth with the fan, laughed and said, "So you all know it's dangerous, right? That's really great, then let Let me see how strong your coping ability is, I want to see how you can deal with this kind of power! Come on!"

The words were just spoken, and then they laughed loudly, and the humanoid creatures made a roaring sound at this time, and their bodies were hidden in the power of the black and purple Rashomon. In the middle, people seem to feel shivering, there is only panic in their eyes, and their eyes widen involuntarily.

Kagome swallowed a mouthful of nervous saliva, and was unable to say a word for a while, and took a deep breath, feeling a deep fear in her heart.

The feeling of fear seeped from the bottom of my heart, even if I had dealt with many monsters before, and I had seen many bad people.

But I have never been so afraid this time. It feels strange to feel so afraid, because the feeling of fear that comes from the bottom of my heart really makes people feel... It's like facing death!

And at this time.

Kagome just thought about it at this moment.

Master Maitreya immediately hit the crowd in front of everyone, and there was a bit of worry in his eyes.

Wuchen snorted coldly, then jumped and laughed, stood on the water, took a deep breath, his hands snapped together, and then his eyes opened slightly and shouted loudly: " You guys, get me all ready, if anyone dies in this attack, then I can't save you!"

Bing Dun immediately froze the entire small river in an instant, and at this time, the frozen power immediately gave everyone a place to move, and of course gave those creatures a huge space for movement. A monster came suddenly.

Inuyasha took the lead in rushing out, and the broken iron teeth in his hand directly flowed out, and the flame knife gas was stimulated from the concentration, and the astonishing power swept across the eight directions. The staff on top swept out like a big sword.

At this moment, Master Maitreya also has the power of resolutely using the Vajra body to protect his body directly, and takes the lead in rushing out of power to sweep all directions.

Although it is said that the strength of Master Maitreya has made such progress, he can't help but gasp for breath at this time, and his eyes are a little helpless. Immediately after seeing Coral, he pulled out a small dagger and rushed over, and immediately chopped a humanoid monster not far from Master Maitreya into pieces, snorted coldly and said, "You bastard. Be careful with me, if even you are taken over by these monsters, then we are in danger too!"

This has just been said.

Master Maitreya immediately stood up straight, holding the big knife-like staff in his hand, took a deep breath, nodded and gritted his teeth and said, "I know, these damned guys, I will definitely kill them. of!"

And after hearing this at this moment.

Inuyasha immediately jumped back to the side of the crowd, took a deep breath, and then there was a little helplessness in his eyes, looking at more and more humanoid creatures, a little more in his heart Worried, he gritted his teeth and said, "It's troublesome now, what should I do?"

This has just been said.

Wuchen immediately came to the side of everyone, snorted coldly, a bit of disgust in his eyes, sighed, rolled his eyes, and said a little helplessly: "You guys Why are these guys so stupid, cooperate with me now, don't panic, don't be afraid, give me a firm heart, if you can't even firm your heart, then why do you fight these damn dangers Things, you remembered it for me, you know!"

These words have just been said, and everyone immediately swallowed a mouthful of nervous saliva, and there was a bit of determination in their eyes.

Qibao's body trembled, but he quickly stabilized his heart, took a deep breath, and at the same time a faint blue flame appeared in his hand, shouting loudly, "Get out of the way, you guys. La!"

These words had just been spoken, and immediately after that, blue flames spewed out of his hands, and the past was swept away in an instant, but Qibao's flames were so useless, they were swallowed up in an instant. , and immediately a humanoid creature rushed forward!

That humanoid creature was as tall as a spider, with limbs like a spider, its mouth was as terrifying as a tiger's, and its eyes were red. ..

361、The First Round of Offensive Ends

At this time, the spider-like humanoid monster rushed over quickly, and at this moment Inuyasha wanted to rush out, but Wuchen was the first to see that there was a problem, and snorted coldly, With a sudden movement of his hands, he took a deep breath and shouted loudly: "It seems that it will be infected, right?"

The words just came out, and immediately it was a direct light.

Eyes suddenly widened.

Wuchen shouted loudly: "Woodun: Storm Tree Gun!"

In the moment when the words fell, the moment when the hands were clapped, green energy immediately followed in front of him, rushing out quickly and directly.

The green energy forms a special huge tree, and the huge tree directly forms a sharp gun in an instant.

The sharp spear directly pierced the humanoid monster in an instant, and there were countless life energies forming a special power, which decomposed the power of the huge monster's body.

At this moment, Wuchen turned his head to look at the people behind him, took a deep breath, snorted coldly and said, "You have to be careful with me, if those things fight you, they will catch you. If you are injured, you will directly infect their special breath, this is a very dangerous and terrifying thing, if you make me infected, then I will spend a lot of effort to expel you!"

These words have just been said, and it is right at this moment.

At this moment, Inuyasha immediately looked at his right hand. Although his right hand was wrapped in a red coat, there should be something.


On the wrist of his right hand, he was caught just now, but he didn't expect that something really happened. Inuyasha couldn't help but widen his eyes and watched the dark purple aura slowly appear!

Inuyasha involuntarily took a deep breath, his eyes were full of surprise, and he said very surprised: "This... how is this possible, I obviously have fire rat fur! How could it be like this..."

Just after saying this, Master Maitreya immediately narrowed his eyes slightly, took a deep breath and said, "It must have been because you were touched just now, as long as you are touched by these special breaths, it will be directly in your body. Infection, that's why you have become like this, you have a special dangerous aura on your hands, you must get rid of it immediately!"

These words have just been said, and then Wuchen nodded, hummed, turned his head and clasped Inuyasha's wrist with one hand and said: "I'll help you expel it first!"

The words were just spoken, and then followed.

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