Followed by.

Wuchen narrowed his eyes slightly and took a deep breath, looking a little strange and puzzled.

Said, "What the hell is this place?"

After saying these words, Inuyasha's nose moved slightly: "I don't know where it is, but there doesn't seem to be a demon here, it's really strange, what the hell is this place?"

The words were just spoken, and then immediately.

Right at this moment, right at this moment.

Seeing a large group of people, at this moment holding various weapons in their hands, they are ambushing next to a thatched hut.

At the same time, there is a small piece of cultivated land next to the thatched hut.

Everyone in Inuyasha felt puzzled, so they walked over and walked to the side of the group of villagers with weapons.

At this moment, Inuyasha's eyes were filled with some strange doubts, and he frowned and said, "By the way, what are you doing? Why are you preparing weapons?"

The words just came out, and I saw a leading white-haired old man who said: "Of course we are dealing with monsters. There is a monster that eats people! So we are now preparing to deal with monsters!"

And after hearing this at this moment.

There was a little more doubt in Inuyasha's eyes.

Because I didn't notice there was a monster, but it was strange that there were monsters there!

Why is this happening?

I just thought about it in my heart, right now.

Right now.

I only saw a state with a huge figure, slowly walking out of the grass and trees, with a hoe on his back, and Wuchen at this moment suddenly recalled.

There was a bit more of an expression in Wuchen's eyes.

Said: "I think you will regret it later!"

This has just been said.

Immediately afterwards, Inuyasha frowned and said, "That guy has a faint demonic energy on his body, a little strange..."

I just said this, and at this moment, I only heard the white-haired old man say: "I tell you, this guy killed a lot of people, and a woman in our village was killed, so we think To avenge that woman, and after killing this guy, the village will become peaceful!"

This has just been said.

Immediately after, Inuyasha twitched at the corner of his mouth, such a weak demonic energy, what is it!

But soon he sighed helplessly, and said with a speechless expression on his face: "Really, since that's the case, let me deal with that monster, you guys step back first!"

Wuchen originally wanted to persuade him, but suddenly he wanted to see a joke again, and a smile appeared on his face and said, "Go and try it!"

These words were just said, and then the Inuyasha at this moment slowly walked towards the strong man who was farming.

The strong man's eyes widened at this moment, and there was only a pure expression in those eyes.

And at this time, I was working hard, and there was no other idea at all.

But at this moment, Inuyasha appeared in front of him.

There was a strange look in the eyes of the strong man.

At this moment, the old man immediately stood up and said, "You damn monster, eat people! We want to avenge people!"

The words just came out, and then I saw that the huge strong man suddenly picked up a hoe.

But at this moment

The brawny man immediately shouted wow, turned his head and ran quickly.

Right now

Seeing Inuyasha looking like this, there was a look of surprise in his eyes, and he was stunned.

Although this guy is a monster, he doesn't look like a monster that eats people at all.

Just thinking about it, I saw an old lady who immediately picked up a huge log and rushed over. It was a direct blow, and it hit Inuyasha's head with a quick and inexhaustible blow.

Inuyasha's head snapped, but it was completely fine.

Inuyasha blinked his eyes blankly, only to see the strong man hiding behind the old man completely shivering.

Inuyasha said very strangely: "Who are you..."

These words have just been said, at this time.

At this moment.

When the old man saw this situation, he immediately shouted loudly: "He has been dealt with, let's run first, let's go back and think of countermeasures!"

The words were just spoken.

Followed by.

When the villagers saw something was wrong, they ran away quickly, amazingly fast!

At this time, everyone else was stunned. What did this group of guys do? It was really strange.

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