The staff in Master Maitreya's hand waved directly, and all around were hit by his staff and flew out, but those people didn't seem to care at all. Teeth, eyes wide open, all of them seem to be facing the enemy who killed their father.

See this look and this scene.

At this moment, Qibao was shivering with fright, and there was a bit of fear in his eyes. He ducked to the side and said, "This is bad, what should I do!"

These words were just said, and then Inuyasha, who was on the side, rolled his eyes, snorted, and after knocking out a strong man, he said: "Why are you so timid and afraid, and we are here, can they still Eat us, these guys are just being manipulated by demon energy, they are normal human beings, they are just being manipulated, that's all, that's all, don't we still need to be afraid?"

After saying this, Qibao immediately shivered with fear and said, "But, but I feel so strong, so strong, don't you feel it..."

These words have just been said, and immediately everyone's hearts are shaken, and there is a bit of surprise in their eyes!

At this time, Qibao's eyes couldn't help but have a strange look. Yes, you can feel such a strong demonic energy. Why is it important? It seems to be completely indifferent, which makes Qibao's heart very Surprisingly, there seemed to be a little clue soon, and he said very surprised: "Can't you feel the extremely strong demonic energy, why is it like this? I clearly felt the extremely strong demonic energy, Why don't you feel it?"

Kagome was also stunned, but soon the demonic energy entered the perception. ..


At this time, Inuyasha also immediately sensed something wrong, and with a slight frown, he immediately retreated and held the knife in front of him. At this time, the demonic aura was extremely strong, so at this moment Inuyasha's iron shattered teeth. The child becomes the form of a sword.

After Tie Broya turned into a big knife, everyone suddenly understood, and at this moment, Coral felt a lot of demon energy instantly, Coral's eyes narrowed slightly, and said coldly: "Look at it. There is indeed a problem, why did we just..."

These words have just been said, and at this moment, Di Nian'er, who is beside him, frowned slightly, and then said cautiously: "It seems that for some reason, I didn't feel the demonic energy, but it seems that we should all It's right to know, but it seems that someone made us forget..."

This sentence was just said, and everyone was immediately stunned, and soon came to understand.

Inuyasha took a deep breath. After walking around the rivers and lakes for many years, he naturally understood what was going on. He snorted coldly, although there was a bit of disdain on his face at the moment, but You know, it is a very strong monster, because the monster is so strong, it uses a special illusion, which disturbs everyone's perception.

It disturbed everyone's perception, so that everyone didn't immediately notice such a strong demonic aura, and made everyone concentrate on dealing with the group of ordinary people in front of them, and that group of ordinary people must also be the result of being deceived!

And this time.

Naturally, Kagome wanted to understand, came over and said quickly: "Someone must have used a special method to prevent us from perceiving, disturbing our perception, it must be like this!"

This has just been said.

Inuyasha hummed, nodded and said, "That's true, but the most important issue now is to find them, otherwise we'll have nothing to do!"

The old village chief exuded a stronger demonic energy, and it made everyone present suddenly become more frantic, and the energy also increased.

There was no demonic energy or energy in the crowd, but at this time.

Countless energies are constantly appearing in everyone.

The sound of rumbling appeared, one after another holding various weapons in their hands, and their eyes were red and they made a roaring sound, which is a roaring sound that only monsters can make.

The roaring voice made Inuyasha feel very familiar, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes and took a deep breath, holding it in his hand, he gritted his huge iron teeth and said, "Are you trying to force me to kill? The guy is so difficult to deal with, it seems that he is really going to kill!"

These words had just been said, and at this moment, Kagome hurriedly stopped: "No, no, Inuyasha and the others are all deceived, and they are all bewitched by monsters to do such a thing, how can it be? Kill them, and this is not their will, so we can't kill..."

After Inuyasha heard this, he sighed helplessly, feeling a little speechless.

Said: "Really, hurry up and put away your poor sympathy for me, these guys are going to kill us, what else do you want?"

At this time, Master Maitreya also shook his head and said, "We can't kill them in full inspection. If we kill them, then how much worse are we and the monsters who secretly manipulate them? We can't do that, we have to find a way to solve it. The ones that come to us are the ones that control their power!"

After Inuyasha heard these words, there was a little helplessness in his eyes, he sighed bitterly, took a deep breath, and said, clenching the knife in his hand and saying, "You guys are really troublesome, okay? , then you first... give it a shot?"

This was just said, and then the Master Maitreya immediately said: "Inuyasha, you are here to protect everyone, I will find someone, I know that guy must be nearby, but he is hiding well, I will definitely put They found it!"

When the words are finished.

Immediately, I saw that Master Maitreya didn't care about so much, and quickly jumped up and looked to the side.

Di Nian'er saw everyone's appearance, and saw everyone's efforts, and her mood was inexplicably complicated. Although she was afraid in her heart, at this moment, she couldn't say a word for a while, and her eyes were inexplicable. He was more grateful, but he couldn't make a decision right away at this time.

And right now is this time.

I saw a huge strong man holding a big axe at his old lady, and he raised the axe and was about to smash it down.

Just at this time.

Everyone didn't respond.

Kagome shouted: "Damn it! Mother-in-law, get out of the way!"

At this time, where did the old woman start, she didn't have the power of the young man, and she was not a monster, and she was not a cultivator. No matter what, she was about to be smashed into meat sauce, but at this time, she was very far away from the old woman. Think far away

It appeared.

Although Di Nian'er is a kind person, but at this moment, she stood up for the old lady, jumped out, and quickly came to the old lady.

At the same time, the fists were clenched with both hands, and the fist was directly punched out. The fist was very fast, and a sudden blow hit the handle of the axe.

The wooden handle of the axe was immediately interrupted, and with a click, the main body of the axe was hit and flew out, directly falling more than ten meters away.

At this time, although the strong man was bewitched, although he had completely lost his consciousness, he was suddenly stunned at this time. He should not have been stunned, but at this time he was stunned. Can't say a word.

There is no action.

Di Nian’er was originally a bucket with a monster, but at this time, no one could stop the future. He suddenly punched out, and immediately flew out of the state in front of him. How could it be against the monster’s strength when he hit it? , was beaten immediately, and suddenly remembered that blood spurted out of his mouth, his eyes were red, and he was beaten. After flying out, he immediately hit a big tree behind him, knocking the big tree into scrap.

After hitting the big tree and scrapping it, that state immediately stood up in a daze, but at this moment, he couldn't say a word after standing up.

Then at this moment, the strong man stared blankly at the wooden handle in his hand, touched his chest, felt extreme pain, another mouthful of blood spurted out, and took a deep breath, this time He seemed to wake up just now, Azi with a stunned face. ..


And at this time.

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