Di Nian'er said this, lowered her head, and there was an inexplicable gratitude in her eyes, maybe it was because she had been misunderstood for too long, or maybe she finally got rid of the misunderstanding.

At this time, the old village chief stood up crying, wiped his tears and said, "Thank you for your understanding..."

At this moment, only one voice could be heard: "You burnt my house down and say that, thank you for your understanding, it's too ridiculous, right?"

After saying this, I saw a stalwart figure slowly walking out of the forest!

That is Wuchen Wuchen looking at the burnt house, and everyone looks stunned, with helpless shaking their heads in their eyes, sighing, watching everyone with a wry smile and saying: "You guys, I'm not here. Immediately do something, I just wanted to go to the monster just now, I didn't expect you guys to do something all of a sudden, you foolish guys, you dare to burn down the house I borrowed, do you really want to dead?"

After saying this, his eyes changed slightly, and at this moment, the old village chief quickly stepped forward and said, "No, no, no, we really don't want to die, it's just that we were bewitched... this We are also very sorry for this incident, and we will definitely build a more beautiful house for them in the future..."

This has just been said.

Wuchen nodded and said: "You have to remember this, you have to remember your own words, otherwise you will be very uncomfortable, I tell you, although you guys are not big villains, but Always commit a crime unintentionally, remember it for me in the future, no matter what it is, please investigate it first and calm down first, don’t let fear occupy your heart, it’s not you!”

His words came out like this.

Then he turned to look at Inuyasha.

Inuyasha is now fighting against that woman.

That woman is naturally very strong, the original pressure is already very strong, and even more with the help of Rashomon and Naraku!

so become stronger

At this time, the woman was about to give up her body completely, and her lower body turned into a huge centipede body.

Apart from the fact that his upper body is still in a human state, the rest are not much different from monsters. At the same time, under his huge tail, countless eggs appeared.

Wuchen snorted coldly, looked at the woman and said, "You bastard, you could have become something with good practice, but I didn't expect to accept the power of my nemesis, it's just... just don't know whether to live or die. !"

When the words came to this point, a cold murderous aura appeared in his eyes, and then he began to command: "Inuyasha, you have to learn to use your strength on the blade, your knife has special moves, and If you can't develop it, it will never appear, you have to find a way!"

After Inuyasha heard this, he froze for a moment and looked at it, took a deep breath in Tie Shuya clenched in his right hand, a little determination in his eyes, and then said: "Okay! "

He knew that his teacher had high expectations for him, so at this moment, he was determined to hold the knife with one hand, and at this moment, he saw countless energy savings.

At this time, Wuchen continued: "You kid, remember it for me, remember it well, start to slowly feel the environment for 4 weeks, put your energy, your knife, the enemy's breath, and the environment. The breath of , 4 in one, let your power be linked with the surrounding energy, this can make the enemy afraid!"

After Inuyasha heard these words, he seemed to understand something, and there was a little doubt on his face.

At this moment, Inuyasha took a deep breath, held the handle of the knife in both hands, and said lightly, "I see!"

After speaking.

At this moment, I saw him raise the knife high, but the woman laughed and laughed. The huge body suddenly rushed towards Inuyasha, and there was a huge burst of energy on her body.

The energy erupted, and the woman's body was directly deformed, turning into its original form.

The woman who turned into a primitive form is simply a huge sixteen-eyed centipede

Those eyes were 10 points scary, and at the same time, they opened their bloody mouth and bit down suddenly.

But at this moment, Inuyasha has no fear, steadfastly holding the knife in both hands, feeling the energy, feeling the enemy, feeling the 4-week environment, feeling the power in his body.

Just at the moment when the huge mouth was about to bite him, Inuyasha immediately slashed.

I only heard the sound of Pu Chi, and the woman hadn't reacted yet, but at this moment, the knife tore everything directly.

The mouth was torn and the body was torn apart, only to hear the sound of Puchi Puchi, and the knife cut the entire monster directly.

The blood-red light shot straight into the sky, and the smell of blood made everyone around him hurriedly retreat. At this moment, Inuyasha slowly put away the knife, took a deep breath, and said lightly: "The name of this trick I named it...Wind Wings Flash!"

When he finished speaking, he turned around slowly, with a deep look.

At this time, Wu Chen immediately came to Inuyasha's side, slapped him on the back of the head and said, "Have you finally developed your own moves? If you keep fighting like before, I can I'm very angry, I haven't developed my own power for so long, and I've only developed it now, so proud, right?"

After saying this, Inuyasha immediately drew a wry smile on the corner of his mouth, and quickly said: "Okay, okay, okay..."

Facing his teacher, although he wanted to scold people very much, he didn't dare to scold him, which meant that he hurriedly said a few ok.

Wuchen shook his head helplessly, sighed, and said, "You are the real guy, so don't be proud..."

These words were just said, and then Inuyasha immediately said with a loud voice: "My move was so strong just now..."

Wuchen immediately smiled bitterly with a speechless face, shook his head, a little helplessness in his eyes, but he was quite relieved! ..

390、The strange situation

After the matter was settled, everyone naturally left the crowd and rushed forward, because they were all anxious to find that damn Naruo to take revenge.

Walk all the way forward.

At this moment, when everyone walked all the way forward, they saw the smoke rising from the front, but there was a bit of evil in the smoke.

At this time, everyone continued to walk forward, and when they went, they saw a lot of cultivated land in front of them.

Inuyasha noticed something was wrong, frowned slightly and said, "It seems something is wrong, there seems to be something in front of it, it's strange!"

These words had just been said, and at this time, Maitreya also felt that something was wrong, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said curiously: "Why is there a trace of demonic energy in front of it? The strange evil spirit of the stock is really strange, we have to go and see it?"

This sentence was just said, and then everyone nodded, then walked forward, and soon came to a village.

When they came to the entrance of the village, when a few people just arrived at the entrance of the village, Inuyasha attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone put down the farm tools in their hands, and they all ran away quickly. Originally, everyone wanted to stop someone to ask about the situation, and they wanted to explain clearly, but because Inuyasha is a monster and what happened locally, how dare everyone dare stop!Run fast!

At this time, Inuyasha had a somewhat helpless look on his face, and everyone was looking like they wanted to laugh but didn't laugh, which made him very uncomfortable, Quanyasha snorted, rolled his eyes and said: " But they're just a bunch of superficial guys, so I don't care!"

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