404、The merciless instructor

At this time, Master Maitreya clenched his teeth, took a deep breath, sighed, and nodded. Although there was a little anger in his eyes, he immediately suppressed it, knowing in his heart that he must pass this test.

The more he thought about it, the more determined he became, and I saw that he immediately jumped up, stepped on the steps, and jumped up suddenly, and then the waterfall became turbulent.

It became more turbulent than before, and there was more wind blowing, and the biting wind was blowing on the body.

The incomparably cold feeling made Master Maitreya almost want to leave, but his will became stronger.

Wuchen looked at Master Maitreya indifferently and said: "I speed up the water flow, and I attract the wind. No matter how much resentment you have, keep me in your current state, I don't want you to give up, and more I don’t want you to take chances and let me climb up step by step, let’s put it this way, maybe if I’m not satisfied, I will directly shock you with water, no matter what, I won’t let you pass easily!”

Just after saying this, Master Maitreya gritted his teeth, then jumped up and up, desperately trying.

But just as he had just reached the end of the final stage, his hand had just touched the end, but at this moment the waterfall became more turbulent, and it was directly: "Breaking water!"

The sound of clattering sounded, and the whole body was directly knocked down. He almost suffocated when he fell into the water. He coughed out several saliva, which was how he slowly stabilized his body.

Wuchen stood above the waterfall, looked at him coldly and emotionlessly and said, "This is one of your tests, you have to make me feel good, what is this water like? Is it cold or How was it?"

After hearing this, Master Maitreya looked down at the water under his feet, and his eyes revealed a bit of confusion and confusion. For a while, some schools were undecided, his eyes narrowed slightly, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and his heart There is a strong suspicion.

At this time, Wuchen looked at his appearance, shook his head, and said with a light breath: "You have to make sure of one important thing, now you are here to train and feel, just like you used to When you are cultivating, feel the water, wind, fire and soil, feel everything, and what kind of fighting style you use, you have to figure it out for yourself!"

The words just came out, Master Maitreya seemed to understand something, his eyes lit up slightly, he took a deep breath, and then clenched his fist, the magic power on his body surged directly, and instantly made the water three feet away from him. Immediately, he became completely warm and lifted up, but he didn't care, he just knew that he could influence it, and he gradually understood a little bit in his heart, he clenched his teeth and jumped up suddenly, stepping on the interruption of the waterfall. , and at this time he quickly guided the water beside his feet to give himself a thrust!

That's right, the water of the waterfall flows down, but the water of the waterfall is directly under the influence of Maitreya's magic power and will, and a water column is born!

At this time, Master Maitreya's will and magic power affected the flow of water. Although it was only a little bit, it also allowed Master Maitreya to make progress. He jumped up very crazy, very quickly, and he was about to went straight up.

Wuchen immediately kicked him down with one leg, kicked him into the water, and said coldly: "The second goal started to figure out a way for me to survive! At the same time, the most important thing is to get rid of the shark, and there is another important The goal is to climb here!"

After Wuchen finished speaking, he patted the waterfall with one hand, and said coldly, "Water Escape: Thousand Food Sharks!"

The words just came out, and I saw countless sharks appearing in the water, attacking Maitreya in the water.

When Master Maitreya saw so many sharks attacked, he threw the staff in his hand, and many sharks were chopped into pieces. At this time, Wuchen said coldly, "You have to think of a way. Kill all these sharks, but there are 1000 of them, and they will attack you from different directions, with different sizes, you have to find a way yourself, and you have to climb the waterfall from the front, and the waterfall will continue to The gushing of more sharks to attack you is a test for yourself, and one more important point! If this is successful, there will be more powers waiting for you to explore, if not you will be killed , will be swallowed, I will not save you!"

After hearing this, Master Maitreya was shocked, but soon, he beat up the shark quickly, but at this time.

Wuchen jumped down and walked towards the crowd. Everyone couldn't bear to watch. The two people who were cultivating hard showed a bit of worry in their eyes.

Wuchen looked at the three of them and shook their heads, sighed and said: "You can't just show me here all of a sudden at this time, I still have a training task for you, a one-week training task, each of you To complete it, Inuyasha has to develop his own moves, Master Maitreya has to learn to deal with monsters by himself, and so do you!"

After hearing these words, Qibao immediately jumped up and said, "Are you going to start teaching me!"

These words just came out, a smile appeared on Wuchen's face, half squatted body, rubbed the back of Qibao's head and said, "Yes! I just don't know if you can bear it!"

At this time, he looked up and said to the two girls, "Do you want to become stronger? If you want to become stronger, you have to listen to me!"

Coral took a deep breath after hearing these words. In order to avenge his younger brother and kill more monsters, he bit his teeth and said, "I do!"

Kagome revealed a few worries in her eyes. Who knows what this master will do, but when she thought about it, it was very hard to see the two of Inuyasha cultivating, and she wanted to help the team.

He gritted his teeth and said, "I would too!"

All three said what they were willing to say.

A faint smile appeared on Wuchen's face and said: "That's right, since you are willing to deal with this matter, it is very easy to solve, because this matter requires your consent, no matter what I do for a while, you yourself Be prepared, be prepared to adapt, and I will teach you something that you must learn!"

Qibao immediately shouted excitedly: "It's really good, I will definitely work harder! Master!"

Wuchen shook his head with a helpless smile and sighed, "I hope so!" ..

405. Coral doubts

Wuchen led the three of them into the forest and walked to another small river on the other side of the forest.

With a smile on his face, he looked at the three and said, "The foundation of the three of you is fragile, the two of you have a little foundation, and the three of you have no foundation, and you are all on your own..."

As soon as the coral heard this, she immediately snorted very displeased, frowned and said, "No matter what I am, I am a demon slayer, what is it, we must not eat the old, we are also serious. The demon slayer actually said that I was taking my money!"

At this time, Wuchen rolled his eyes, nodded and said, "Okay, even if you're not on your own, but, even if you're not, then it's more difficult to improve your abilities directly in a short period of time. , so I will ask you to do very difficult things in a while, so you have to hold on to me!"

These words were just said, and then the faces of the three people showed a bit of surprise but nodded.

At this time, Coral's eyes revealed a bit of strangeness, and he frowned slightly and said, "Difficult things? What difficult things? What is the training content?"

Wuchen didn't explain it at all, but his eyes turned into a kaleidoscope, and Sharinyan stepped forward and stared directly at the eyes of the coral in front of him.

The kaleidoscope writing wheel immediately took effect in an instant, and the illusion was activated!

The illusion started, and in that instant, Coral didn't have time to react at all. There was only confusion in his eyes, and he knelt down all of a sudden, his eyes were full of confusion, and he directly entered the world of Yuedu. middle.

And this time.

Watching from the side, the two of them were stunned, and there was a little bit of doubt in their eyes, and they didn't quite understand why Coral became like this.

At this time, Kagome blinked very strangely and said, "Teacher, why does Coral suddenly..."

This was just said, and a faint smile appeared on Wuchen's face and said: "Of course, it is because I specially let the coral fall into the illusion, only those who have experienced the tempering of the illusion can have a real firm will, and the coral has a heart disease. In the body, it must be tempered!"

These words were just said, and then, after listening to these words, the two felt a little convincing, so they nodded.

At this time, he entered the coral in the world of Yuedu.

Looking at the dark forest all around, there was a little doubt in his eyes, but he quickly became vigilant again.

She looked at 4 weeks vigilantly, her eyes were full of strange expressions, she frowned slightly, and snorted coldly.

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