But at this time.

Many wolves fell straight from the sky.

Wuchen took a deep breath, his eyes widened, and he punched all those wolves directly and fell off the cliff, but there were too many wolves, and even he didn't seize the opportunity for a while. move.

And right now.

He only saw a young man jumping down a mountain on the opposite side, with a cold smile on his face, watching Inuyasha fall down the mountain, he laughed and said, "The woman is mine!"

After he finished speaking, he jumped away.

The boy who jumped over was, of course, Steel Teeth.

At this time, Inuyasha was dragged and fell directly into the water with a snapping sound, but it struggled quickly and quickly, jumped to the top of the mountain, but saw the steel teeth, it was all of a sudden He suddenly captured Kagome!

At this time, Kagome quickly wanted to make a move, but he was held in his arms by Steel Teeth, completely unable to move, his eyes were full of surprise, and Steel Teeth jumped up holding the woman in his arms, Crossed the mountain and ran very fast.

And right now.

Right at this moment.

Wuchen immediately secretly said something bad, now things are in trouble, he thought in his heart, he bit his teeth and took a deep breath, seized the opportunity to kick, and flew dozens of wolves at the same time shouting loudly: "Maitreya coral Hurry up and chase it!"

The words had just been spoken, and then at this very moment, the two of them immediately understood and wanted to chase after them, but more hungry wolves on the mountain rushed directly towards them, rushing towards the two of them. .

Many hungry wolves that rushed over intercepted both of them.

And the two sat together.

How is it possible to react there, even if mica is very powerful, but so what?

Because it doesn't work at all.

There are just too many wolves.

Wuchen secretly said that bad trouble took a deep breath, and there was a bit of helplessness in his eyes, and he smiled bitterly.

And at this moment Inuyasha jumped up the mountain.

I wanted to chase after him, but there was a bit of speechlessness in his eyes, and he punched the ground with a very angry punch and said with a wry smile: "I didn't expect that guy to be so despicable!"

This has just been said.

Wuchen rolled his eyes helplessly and said, "It's up to you, hurry up and use your nose!" ..

419. Kagome who plans to escape

Inuyasha chased all the way to the front, and everyone followed behind him and watched

And this time.

at this moment

When people are searching all the way.

Steel Teeth kidnapped Kagome, jumped over several mountains, and immediately came to a valley with a snap.

There are waterfalls in that valley.

At the same time, there are many demon wolves and demon wolves in the valley.

At this moment, Steel Teeth threw Kagome directly into the cave inside the waterfall.

Steel Tooth snorted coldly and took a deep breath.

Immediately after this time, many of the Demon Wolf tribe showed greedy and hideous expressions on their faces, and slowly stepped forward, all of them with a little more surprise in their eyes.

A wretched monster wolf clansman next to him said: "Gang Ya, the prey you brought back this time seems to be very good..."

He had just finished speaking, and immediately after hearing this.

Gang Ya immediately snorted coldly, looked at the group of people beside him, and said with a natural aura, "I'm sorry, you can't move this woman, I'm useful!"

This was just finished, and immediately after hearing this.

Immediately, everyone was shocked, and there was a bit of surprise in their eyes, and they couldn't help but be stunned.

At this time, everyone looked at Kagome, all of them looked very surprised, their faces were full of surprise, and they couldn't understand what was going on, but Gang Ya looked at everyone coldly and said: " I said that this woman is useful to me, you must not move!"

The words just came to this point at this very moment.

Kagome immediately stood up, took a deep breath, and a burst of energy surged from her body, her eyes were slightly cold and evil.

Said: "What the hell did you guy bring me here for? What are you here for?"

The words were just spoken, and immediately after hearing this sentence.

Gang Ya said, "Of course I asked you to help me find the Four Soul Jade Fragment!"

This was just finished, and then he looked at his tail, and there was a small dot on his tail that was grabbing.

And this time.

Gang Tooth frowned and immediately grabbed the little guy.

Those wolves all looked at that little guy, that little guy was Qibao.

At this moment, Qibao hurriedly said, "Don't eat me, don't eat me..."

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