In particular, the black knife in his hand was also rarely restless.


Staring at the sea area full of hull debris ahead, Hawkeye questioned, that aura of disgust was definitely from that big ship.

Let him and the black knife in his hand feel an unprecedented threat.

"Of course it's not an illusion."

The photons in the sky condensed, and the young figure walked out of the light, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, there was no doubt that it was dust-free.

Hawkeye responded with an emerald green light.

"Don't put on such a face that no one is allowed to enter. I have a feeling of sympathy for you."

Staring at the oncoming cold light without fear, Wuchen chuckled lightly. At the same time, evil golden energy emerged from his body and turned into a substantial armor, wrapping Wuchen heavily.

The golden skeleton giant was reflected in the clear water, and the slender sword in his hand could be clearly seen.

"Although I am half-assed in kendo, I always believe in one thing..."

The dust-free eyes of the miniature Susanohuri froze, staring calmly at the oncoming slash, with a calm expression. Facing the slash that was enough to shatter the sea, he was extremely calm.

"In the face of absolute power, no matter how strong an attack is, it is futile!"

After saying that, the golden sword swept down, and a wisp of golden sword wind shot out. The power was unmatched, and the whole sea was torn apart with pure strength. It was rough and direct, and there was no elegance at all. Arguably.

Even so, the oncoming slash was simply swallowed up, like a stone falling into the sea, just splashing ripples, it was simply annihilated, without any skill or gorgeousness at all, straight ~ smashed yellow ~ long, just The pure destructive power is raised to the limit, and then the dimensional change occurs.

"It feels so evil..."

Seeing this, Hawkeye's eyes, which were as quiet as stagnant water, splashed ripples and appeared moving. His eyes fell on Susanoo's huge body, a strange color flashed, and then he frowned at the dust-free inside, his eyes were as sharp as Falcon.

The hand raised the knife and fell, and an emerald-colored slash roared out again, which was several times more powerful than the previous slash. The slash had not yet touched the dust-free, and the miniature pocket Susanoo was almost on the verge of collapse and annihilation.

"It's pretty capable."

Susanohuo's abnormality was clean in his eyes, and he smiled, his pupils twisted suddenly, violent pupil power filled his eyes, and the chakras all over his body erupted without cover, and Susanohuo's head grew bigger again.

"Interesting trick, it can even get bigger..."

The turbulent amber pupils flickered with surprise, and Hawkeye's voice faltered, staring at Wuchen with interest, or simply looking at the physique of Susanoo, who suddenly felt eager to try. feeling.

Wuchen's unchanging face that Taishan collapsed in front of him has disappeared from his bones for many years, and the feeling of blood boiling has been hooked up again.

Susanoo, who came into view, was obviously defective. Obviously, this was not its limit. Hawkeye could guess that this ferocious giant is only the tip of the iceberg exposed now.


The straight golden sword swept out, and a powerful platinum light roared out, just as straightforward and direct as before, interpreting the destruction to the limit.

At the moment when the two slashes touched, Hawkeye's slashes stepped into the same footsteps as before and were swallowed up by the dazzling light.

"This guy... is definitely stronger than the redhead."

The corners of his eyes shot domineering and awe-inspiring light, the eagle eyes lowered the brim of the hat, and the whole person was like a sword drawn out of its sheath, not to mention fighting him, as long as you look at him like that, your eyes will have a burning pain.

Being stared at by the eagle's eyes, the soul has a trembling feeling.


With a deep shout, the sharp black knife was raised again. Under the refraction of the sun, the sharp cold light that wrapped around it was clearly visible, and a cold light that could annihilate the sea was clearly visible.

Obviously, Hawkeye is real this time!

"It's not good to fight and kill, why don't we sit down and have a cup of afternoon tea~~"

Seeing Hawkeye's cold face, Wuchen said with a smile, and at the same time he removed the golden Susanoo, revealing a kind and natural smile.

"Besides, I don't know where your confidence came from, and you actually think that you are my hands..."

Hearing this, Hawkeye's stalemate action became awe-inspiring again, extremely domineering, and an emerald-colored sword roared out, easily dividing the sea into two unrelated worlds.

Straight towards the dust-free rolling past.

"Did I say something wrong..."

Wuchen reluctantly touched his nose, saying he was speechless, he was just telling the truth, but he didn't expect this to anger the old man's arrogant eagle.

"Really careful!"


Ask for flowers, ask for rewards, ask for automatic subscription... Yesterday there was a power outage, I will try to make up for it today, full of integrity, everyone can rest assured! ! ! !

Chapter 418 Overwhelming Power [First Update]

Staring thoughtfully at the black blade in Hawkeye's hand, Wuchen nodded slowly. To a certain extent, these supremely fast knives have spirituality or evil in the blade. The reason why Hawkeye is That disgusting smell, according to Wuchen's personal guess, should be the evil of the first generation of ghosts that attracted the black knife "Ye".

"Challenging him at your current level is no different from sending him to death."

Shaking his head, Wuchen said with an unusual determination. He was naturally a bald five old star with the first generation of ghosts. Although the current Hawkeye is powerful and unmatched, if he wants to reach the realm of the five old stars, with his current status. The level is obviously insufficient, and there is a gap. The current Hawkeye is less than thirty years old. Although his strength is strong, it is impossible to shake one of the five old stars.

The pupils twisted sharply, the scarlet five-pointed star was clearly visible, staring at the oncoming emerald slash, the corners of his mouth opened slightly.


The overwhelming awe-inspiring slash cut off the sea and slipped out of an incomparably long and narrow abyss. In this dark gully, it seemed that time had stopped flowing, and it was dead silent, and all living beings disappeared.

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