Seeing that Wuchen easily controlled the demonic aura of the first generation Guiche, the bald-headed Wu Laoxing was as calm as water, "In your hands, you won't bury him."

"It's natural that the gold that was buried before will bloom again with its own lustre."

Wuchen's casual words directly caused the bald-headed five old stars to twitch, implying that the previous period when the first generation Guiche was in his hands was always the gold buried in the soil.

This is directly hitting his old face!

"That's true."

After thinking about it for a while, the bald-headed five old stars did not deny that during the period from when he owned the first generation of ghosts to the present, the number of real battles was very few, not even more than the number of one-handed, from some kind of To a certain extent, it is like a decoration that stays with you all day long.

It is no exaggeration to say that it has humiliated the glory of the first generation of ghosts.

"The second condition, after returning to Mary Joa, I will send someone to send it there."

The old face was replaced by the color of flesh pain. It was the information that the government spent hundreds of years scraping, and it was deceived by Wuchen's casual words. Naturally, he couldn't balance in his heart.

The world government has always slaughtered others, and their five old stars ride on others' heads to negotiate conditions. This feeling of being slaughtered by others is really uncomfortable!

"You should know the importance of that kind of stuff and expose it to the world to know what kind of riots it will cause."

Thinking of Wuchen's sensitivity to asking for things, the five old stars of light still repressed and exhorted that the world government has been operating for more than [-] years and has done countless inhuman and dark things in secret. Once exposed, the shock caused is absolutely is unprecedented.

"But as a corresponding condition, you must preserve the integrity of Marin. In addition, you must capture the bastard, Shi Kee, the golden lion, and the old man will kill him with a knife!"

Talking about the golden lion Shiki, the pale face of the old five star suddenly collapsed, gloomy as water, his eyes were cracking, and he gritted his teeth in hatred. The white beard is hateful, but compared to the golden lion who dared to take the initiative to attack the naval headquarters, Whitebeard is a lot more cute and kind!

"as you wish."

The void in front of Wuchen suddenly began to twist, forming a small vortex, overflowing with phagocytosis, and sucking his entire body in.



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Chapter 432 Earth Exploding Star [Fifth More]

The sky above the island is cloudless and clear, and the bright and scorching sun that shoots down from the nine heavens shrouds this pure land on earth.

The only difference is that there are countless black spots reflected on the ground of Marin.

Looking up, there are countless broken walls floating in the void, or small particles like pebbles, or stones larger than a person. Among them, there are many super buildings, and even large naval warships floating. .

The unprecedented scene is very terrifying. The dense blanket covers the entire void. The void that should have been sunny for thousands of miles turned into a dark shadow...

Black shadows shrouded the area, and all the navy had a giant mountain in their hearts, their faces were dead, and their colorless pupils were dead.

"Golden Lion Shiki... a despicable villain who took advantage of the situation."

In the office of the Admiral of the Navy, the old face of the chief staff officer, Lieutenant General He, was full of despair, and the palms of the shriveled and old were sweating. Even if she had wisdom that surpassed that of the entire navy, she could not change anything in the face of such embarrassment.

In the face of absolute power, it is useless to let your tens of thousands of wisdom face all kinds of obstacles flying in the sky. This kind of exaggerated and large-scale super attack can only be sighed and sighed in the future.

With such ability, it is naturally the ultimate existence of one of the legendary three great pirates - the Golden Lion Shiki!

At the beginning, the Golden Lion wanted to join forces with Roger to rule the world, but the latter rejected his proposal. The angered Golden Lion fought a fierce battle with Roger for this purpose. History is known as the "Battle of Atwall". The regiment was rescued by a sudden storm, otherwise one can imagine.

"Jie ha ha... Karp and Warring States, as well as the old guys like Zefa, including the five old stars, all think they are fishermen who take advantage of the fisherman, but in fact they are also prey in the eyes of others, always thinking that they have nothing to do You can't control everything, your navy and world government are ridiculous."

A strong figure, standing calmly in the void, looking down at the numerous Marin below, holding a cigar in his big mouth, his bronze-colored skin shows his strong body, and he is not angry and arrogant.

This man, he has everything of a lion, the hair like a lion, the majesty of a king that is inviolable like a lion.Not only that, he also has the ambition and courage to swallow the world. [

"Golden Lion, do you have to do it so absolutely? Retreat with peace of mind, regardless of world affairs, I can guarantee that you will not be affected by the navy for the rest of your life. If you destroy the many Marin today, you will understand what it means. "

A strong and favorable voice came, with a warning meaning, the person who spoke was Lieutenant General Crane above the attic of the Navy Headquarters.

Looking up at the golden lion in the sky and the floating objects in the sky that fueled his power, General Crane clearly lacked confidence, but he still insisted with gritted teeth.

She is also a person from Roger's era, and naturally she is not afraid of the golden lion.

"This proposal... is really stupid!"

Hearing this, the fierce face of the golden lion swept out a sarcastic look: "You are also a character from the previous era, and you have fought more than dozens of times during this period, and you still don't know my character?!"

"That kind of obscure lingering, what kind of person is my Golden Lion Shiki?"

The merciless cynicism made Lieutenant General Crane speechless, the golden lion Shi Ke's ambition to swallow the world will not be annihilated by the discomfort brought by the aging body with age, and the severed legs.

"Disappear, Navy!"

With the violent shout of the golden lion Shiji, all kinds of floating objects wandering in the sky surged violently, and immediately, under everyone's horrified and astonished gazes, they slid down like a heavy rain!

"Boom boom boom..."

Dozens of bright white lights rose from the ground and swept straight towards the floating objects that fell from the sky, setting off a sky-high explosion. Many large floating objects were dismembered and turned into tiny fragments.

Most of the navy elites followed Marshal Kong to encircle and suppress Whitebeard and others. There are still many strong men in the navy headquarters, and they all show their prowess and destroy the falling floating objects.

The mentality of daring to challenge fate is good, but the reality is cruel.

Even if they tried their best to face the boundless super-large floating object, they had no choice but to stare at the slowly falling floating object in horror, and all the navy felt desperate.

Just when everyone's confidence was lost, a cold low shout resounded through the entire Marin, like a breeze, dispelling all the fears in the navy's heart.

"Earth Blast!"

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