Hearing this, Wuchen crossed Erlang's legs, grinning at the corners of his mouth, revealing a row of white teeth and said earnestly: "If one side is in trouble, all sides will support, not to mention everyone is relatives, the government is in trouble, we Tianlong people will naturally do what we can. thing!"

With a white and tender face, Wuchen is extremely serious.

"This one……"

The bald-headed Wu Laoxing with the knife had doubts in his eyes. He didn't believe that Wuchen would be so great. Even so, he still expressed his inner worries.

"Loisnan [Saint] also knows the battle a few days ago, the gap between the navy and the group of lawless pirates is worlds apart, and it is natural to be able to defeat them one by one. All in all, the current navy lacks top-level combat capabilities."

Without wasting words, the bald-headed five old stars said straight to the point: "So, the government hopes that Luo Yinan [Saint] can serve as the general of the navy!"

The bald-headed five old Xingxing holding the knife spoke amazingly, with a clear voice with affirmation, obviously not joking, "Of course, there are also essential differences between the generals. This is an official position specially designed for you - the honorary general!"

The honorary general of the navy headquarters, this is the first honor in history!

"Honorary general?"

With a weird face, he didn't mean to directly reject the Five Old Stars. He asked with great interest, "What is the difference between this honorary general and the Warring States of Buddha in the Navy Headquarters..."

"There's definitely a difference, and there's an essential gap."

Seeing that Wuchen did not refuse outright, the rock on his chest disappeared, and Wu Laoxing with a knife took a few sips of the tea on the stone table to moisten his throat.

"The honorary general is specially set up for Loisnan [Saint]. You do not need to obey any orders from the Navy headquarters, and various busy tasks will not fall on your head. In addition, any base in the Navy will You can enter at any time."

His face was slightly red, and the sword-wielding old man with brows danced and introduced that this is the best condition in history. If you want to perform any task, you can carry out the task. The general is indeed the only one without dust.

It is also tailor-made!

"And what Luosi Nan [Saint] has to do is to lend a helping hand when the Navy headquarters is threatened, provided that the enemy hits the Navy headquarters, you are free time at other times and will not be disturbed. ."

Hearing this, Wuchen nodded thoughtfully. Such rich conditions are really good. You can get the highest position of a general without doing anything. It is really good, and you only need to take action when the navy headquarters is threatened. Tianlong people have a lazy personality.

However, there is the biggest problem. This so-called honorary general seems to have no power at all!

In other words, it's nameless!

"It's okay to be this so-called honorary general, although I don't care about the power of the Navy Headquarters, but..." His eyes fell on the knife-wielding Five Old Stars, and Wuchen said with a smile, revealing a fox-like sly smile.

"This... has something to say, but it's okay to say it!"

The proud look was rigid, and the bald-headed five old star with the knife asked unnaturally, he knew that he had to pay enough chips to impress him when he was looking for Wuchen to do things.

"As you said before, everyone is a family, so naturally we can't say two things. Being an honorary general is my relief for your government and the navy..."

"Now it's your government and navy's turn to rescue me!"


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Chapter 445 An Uneasy World [Chapter Three]

The Five Old Stars have requests from others, and naturally they can only compromise in the face of dust-free asking prices.

The only thing worthy of bald-headed Wu Laoxing Laohuai's comfort is that Wuchen rarely had the idea of ​​hitting his precious knife, and his heart that was up and down was sinking into the sea, and he was unusually calm.

Although Wuchen's asking price was enough to make him and the other four Five Old Stars vomit blood, it was still acceptable!

In the early morning of the next day, the most prominent banner in the newspaper, the latest movement of the Navy, shocked the whole world!

The content of the newspaper is also quite simple and casual, just a few words that are understated, but the fluctuations that come out are unprecedented, and the pirates of the new world are shocked by the sudden news.

The large black font is clearly visible: New Admiral of the Navy Headquarters - Loisnan!

The figure on the banner was thin and thin, looking very thin, even less than two meters tall, which was the opposite of the big man who was three or four meters tall.

The whole person is painted black, apparently on purpose.

This mysterious unknown new general has become the focus of the whole world for a while. Since he can become a general, it is impossible for him to be an ordinary thing.

In particular, this mysterious figure obviously did not climb up step by step. The Navy has never heard of such a person. Obviously, he was directly promoted to the position of general in one step.

The current general Buddha Warring States and the former "black wrist" Zefa are all the existences who have fought against One Piece Roger. Even if this general is not as good as Warring States and Zefa, he can easily change the pattern of the world.

The great route, an unknown island covered in ice and snow.

"Louis's surname... Isn't this the surname of the Tianlong family? Could it be a coincidence?"

The snow-covered snow, with messy footprints, looked forward, and the rows of figures in front were clearly visible. One of them was wearing pink feathers, walking among the crowd, obviously their boss.

It was the Don Quixote Pirates.

"Hey hey...Brother Ming, there is a general in the Navy, and it seems that he is still a mysterious person. Maybe it is a street goods pulled out from the roadside, slapped in the face to make a fat man, this kind of thing, the Navy has done a lot of things before."

The scruffy-faced Torrepol has always had suspicions. The naval headquarters is well versed in conspiracy and tricks, and it is not useless to use such boring tricks.

"It's really fooling the world, there's no need to just make a back."

With a flick of his finger, the newspaper instantly exploded into crumbs, and fell to the ground slowly like a goose feather, and Doflamingo casually stepped on the crumbs of the newspaper into the snow.

What he cares most about is not the general candidate, but the person's surname!

"It should be a coincidence... The people of the Lois family seem to be the only ones left, and they shouldn't make such a sensational joke to please the world. Those guys in the navy will not allow the Tianlong people to make trouble."

Doflamingo secretly guessed that the Lois family also belonged to the Tianlong family, and the Tianlong people felt lazy and ignorant to the world.

Doflamingo also thinks so, he has never thought that there can be a general in the Tianlong people, and even if the Navy headquarters is afraid of the Tianlong people, it is absolutely impossible for an incompetent waste person to become a general.

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