The sage still speaks of the nature of food and color, and the dust-free nature of the mortal body is no exception.

The viciousness of the Tianlong people is known to the whole world. It is not too much to say that they are stallions.

"Loisnan [Saint] I can help you with my hands—"

Before the words of eager panic could fall, they were blocked by the dust-free thumb, staring at the smiling dust-free in fear, Hancock wanted to struggle, but there was some mysterious force in his mouth to block him. Throat, hard to speak.

"Although the touch of the little hand is good, it is too hasty and impatient. This kind of thing should not be rushed. In my opinion, it is better to use it..."

The teasing voice at the corner of his mouth suddenly stopped, Wuchen said something, and at the same time gently rubbed Hancock's lips in his hand, the meaning is self-evident.

The mere hands are too simple and rough!

Hancock, who is nearly eighteen years old, naturally understands this truth. If he wants to refute, he has no way to speak. He is just a slave. Wuchen did not simply forcibly ask for her face, and it is already an inch to gain in weak resistance.

The supreme thought of the Tianlong people has been deeply ingrained.

After thinking about it, Hancock nodded helplessly. She has no right to refuse this kind of thing. I don't know that the so-called consequence is to pay for the most important thing.

Gently touching the bald chin, Hancock's thin lips turned over under the anticipation of dust-free gaze.


Rogge Town is located near the entrance of the Great Route. The previous generation One Piece Gol D Roger was born in Rogge Town and was executed here. There is also a unique name here - the town of the beginning and the end!

Lightning, thunder, dark clouds rolled, and torrential rain raged. Even so, thousands of citizens and a large number of reporters gathered here.

On the execution platform that was deliberately built several meters high, the strong and powerful body was clearly visible. Kaido was tied with Hailou stone handcuffs, and his abilities were imprisoned and his body was weak.

Even though his body was imprisoned and thousands of powers were banned, Kaido was still domineering, looking up at the sky, a pair of Tongling-sized eyes looking down at the common people below, and a sense of heroism was born in his heart.

It seems that the place where One Piece was executed is not bad.

However, Kaido has no plans to stop here in his life.

"I will never die!"

The full-bodied tiger roar shocked the sky, spread all over the world, resounded through Rogge Town, and fell into everyone's ears. It was filled with some kind of special mysterious power, and even the drifting heavy rain was instantly stopped.

"This momentum... Fortunately, he was caught by mentioning, otherwise, he would be the most difficult opponent in the future."

So far, there is no middle- and lower-level powerhouse in the Navy who has reached this level, and the future is worrying!

"Your navy actually thinks you can kill me... It's not that you haven't been caught before. If you remember correctly, I sunk a lot of prisons instead."

Turning his head over, Kaido looked at the Warring States General with disdain, full of contempt and mockery.

Hearing this, Sengoku just smiled and a gloomy smile hung on the corner of his mouth.

"Yes, you are right, this time is indeed an exception, because your tortoise shell is too hard, the executioner... will be the old man himself!"


Ask for flowers, ask for a reward, ask for automatic! ! !

Chapter 452 The Fruit of the Operation [Fifth More]

Kaido is an extremely dangerous character, and his abilities are extremely powerful. He has been arrested by the Navy several times, but he finally escaped with his powerful ability and strength. Not only that, but he retaliated and directly sank the prison where he was once imprisoned. .

How vicious is self-evident.

"If you can feel that you can escape from me, you can try."

Buddha's Warring States' eyes fell on Kaido, and he said indifferently.

The quiet and domineering spread spread out, and the general of Xianshi [Warring States] sneered quietly and secretly: "Pirates are always pirates, and they are all mice."

In the dense crowd of people below, the warring States' arrogance and domineering brushed gently and silently, and even the slightest flaw in the crowd could not escape his eyes.

"Heaven has a way, you don't go, hell has no door, you surrender yourself. As a pirate, you can't change your ugly and vicious body. You can never change your mind to take advantage of the fun... Hmph, dogs can't change eating shit!"

A few years ago, when Roger, the pirate king, was executed, there were also many pirates in ambush in the crowd, secretly watching the end of the pirate king Roger.

For example, the original red-haired Shanks, Hawkeye, Doflamingo and other pirates have witnessed the scene of the pirate king Roger being separated forever. If they could be killed in advance, they would not have today. Such a rampant, uncontrollable scene.

"This kid's weight is a lot worse than Roger's, but he also attracted a wave of pirates, which is considered waste."

Out of the corner of the eye, he looked at Kaido without a trace, and the Warring States period nodded slightly. Kaido was a big pirate after all, and was only slightly inferior to Whitebeard.


Kaido's tiger eyes are full of disdain. His life ebbs and flows. He is also an older generation of people who traverse the sea. Without even thinking about it, he knows that the entire town of Rogge is gathered by thousands of navies.

"This is your honor. To be able to pull a group of burials in death, at least you should thank the navy for doing evil all your life and still have such a luxurious funeral. Even Roger, the pirate king, is very envious of you..."

Sengoku chuckled, his voice was as thin as a mosquito, only he and Kaido could hear it.

"But you don't have to feel lonely. There are people bigger than you who will be tortured with you. On Huangquan Road, you are not alone."

As soon as the conversation changed, the Warring States period said mysteriously, and then with a big wave, the two admirals pressed a big man with golden hair all over his body.

Kaido was slightly stunned, turned his head, and the figure in front of his eyes made him speechless for a while, and even the hostility all over his body disappeared.

"Golden Lion Shiki?"

After being stunned for a while, Kaido took a deep breath.

Hearing this, the golden lion just pouted, and did it casually, with the shackles made of Hailou stone on both hands, without even looking at Kaido the beasts.

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