Now that Dorag has directly revealed the identity of General Wuchen, and even the matter of his Tianlong people has been investigated clearly, it is difficult for Wuchen not to be surprised.

"This there an undercover agent in the world government or the navy?"

The fists are condensed, the dust-free face is getting colder and colder, and Drago is thoughtful. He takes a look at the three, works flawlessly, and installs his own spies in the navy or the world government. This is not impossible.

Wuchen hated the traitor and the person who threatened him the most in his life, and being able to get in touch with his identity also indirectly showed that the identity of the undercover agent was not low.

As for Lieutenant General Garp, the "hero" of the Navy, Wuchen ignored it for the first time. He had seen the upright and stubborn old man, and it was impossible to convince him to betray the Navy and put a knife on his neck.

"I didn't expect you to be so far-sighted as a rat who hides its head and shows its tail, and the whole world underestimates you."

His eyes fell on Drago's face, Wuchen sneered again and again, his eyes were awe-inspiring, and then disappeared with a "whoosh" sound, and the original body also turned into an afterimage that slowly disappeared.

"However, your expression of knowing and seeing through everything is really annoying. Have you ever been kicked by the speed of light?"

Looking at the Drago in front of him indifferently, Wuchen just flew out with one foot.

"Small worms, I said before, this fragile attack can't hurt me."

Sensing that a strong force that could destroy a building was coming from behind, Drago's calm and calm voice resounded in the dark space. He could have avoided it in time, but he didn't move his body at all.

Apparently so, taunting Wuchen with actual actions.


The power of destroying kulaxiu was beyond imagination, and Drago was easily blasted away, causing a strong explosion, and all the surrounding buildings were turned into ruins.

The secret room, which was dozens of meters deep on the ground, was buried under the foot of Wuchen.


Beneath the ruins, a majestic repulsive force scattered in all directions, the buried debris was easily lifted off, and the dust-free figure was also directly exposed to the air.

"Hand over Luo, otherwise... Hmph, the consequences are not something you can bear!"

Sen Leng stared at Drago in the deep pit, and said with a stern killing intent, while his heart was gloomy, this guy's ability was beyond his previous imagination.

"This guy doesn't seem to be a natural ability person, but he can achieve elementalization... and his body hardness is unbelievable."

Recalling the tactile sensation of landing on Dorag just now, Wuchen secretly guessed that it was not like a human body, but like a scaly monster with all his strength.

Thinking of a certain legendary creature, Wuchen's pupils dilated.

"Could it be that this guy really lives up to his name and can transform into a dragon soaring in the sky?" Clenching his fists, Wuchen said rather gloomily, and couldn't help but look at Drago in a different way.

It's not that he is afraid of mysterious creatures like dragons, but that in every world, dragons belong to the top predators in mythology, and they are inevitably curious and shocked.

"Your flashy attack, although strong, can't break my defense."

Standing up easily, Drago said towards Wuchen, with absolute rationality in his tone, without being arrogant or impetuous: "The purpose of your obtaining Luo is not simple, Tianlong people are really selfish, really I can't figure out why that old man obeyed the orders of you scumbags."

"Not simple? Funny, that kid stole the fruit of the operation that Lao Tzu bought with five billion Baileys. He didn't kill him directly. He just trained him to die for allegiance to me in the future. It's cheap enough for him."

Hearing this, Wuchen sneered again and again, the real transaction object of the actual operation fruit is himself, as for Doflamingo and the Navy are spoilers.


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Chapter 457 Dorag's Ability [Fourth More]

The majestic hostility spread out, staring at Drago fiercely. He could really transform into a dragon, and he would never try to scare him. No matter how similar the ability of the Devil Fruit is to the essence of the dragon, there is a world of difference.

"Look how thick your turtle shell can be!"

The sky with the rolling dark clouds suddenly shines extremely brightly, far more dazzling than the daytime. Looking up, the void behind Wuchen is dotted with countless vortices, and dazzling weapons of magic swept out from it.

"The King's Treasure!"

With Wuchen's order, thousands of rays of light were shot out in an instant. It was only a brief moment of effort, and it was no less than thousands of weapons of all kinds.

"Dangerous enough..."

Dorag, who quickly smelled a danger, jumped back without hesitation. This was an overwhelming number, and no one could treat him like air.

"Bang bang bang..."

Extremely deftly avoiding the golden weapon stabbed behind him, Drago performed with ease, stepping on the air, stepping on the void in a strange way, crashing at full speed, and rushing towards the seaside of Rogge Town.

The dust-free floating sky chasing from the rear is behind a large piece of all kinds of peerless artifacts that are constantly falling.

"Aren't the weapons in this ability infinite?!"

The right arm condensed into sharp claws full of thorns, and crushed a thorned golden artifact. Drago frowned. There was not even a few breaths before and after, and thousands of artifacts had already flown out of it.

The attack, which was as dense as a torrential rain, was not extinguished at all.

Drago is hot for a while, no matter what he does, he can't do without money.

"Pfft! Pfft!"

There must be a leak in all defenses, and it is difficult to achieve absolute defenses with all kinds of defenses. There are still many swords, lights, swords and shadows passing through Dorag's body, leaving messy blood-colored traces on the skin.

In the face of this dense number, even if there is a dragon's scale armor defense, it will be bruised and bruised for a while.

"Just leaving this dispensable scar..."

If you have to find a perfect creature, the only one who can do it is the arrogant and mysterious existence like the dragon, perfect attack, impeccable defense scales, and even the legendary means of controlling the five elements. That kind of shocking and strange existence.

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