"This is natural. Warring States and Kong just came out of the office of the Five Old Stars, and I am afraid that they will become Marshals of the Warring States and Commanders of Kong soon." He raised his head high, and Bai Jue said confidently.

Since the last time he was spying on information, he was caught by the Five Old Stars, and even his body was scorched in half, he retreated and began to spy on information cautiously.

Still, I overheard Sengoku and Sora's conversation by chance.

"However, the strange thing is that the Warring States is obviously an upgraded marshal, and his face is indeed unexpectedly ugly and scary." Thinking of the blue and gloomy face of the Warring States day, Bai Jue said in surprise.

It is reasonable to say that the promotion is a good thing, and the general Xianshi [Warring States] showed a look like a mourning concubine, which really made Bai Jue puzzled and at a loss.

"This is something new." Hearing this, Hawkeye also interjected, with curiosity.

The promotion to the admiral of the navy was rather sad, but the secret behind it was worth exploring.

"How is Marshal Kong's performance? If I guess correctly, he should have the same ugly expression as the Warring States period." Looking at Bai Jue with a smile, Wuchen asked jokingly and mysteriously.

In his heart, he had already vaguely guessed the content of the conversation between Wu Laoxing and Xianshi [Warring States] General Warring States already empty.

"Yes, both Warring States and Kong's faces are extremely ugly." Bai Jue nodded when he heard the words, and the facts coincided with Wuchen's guess.

There was a strange smile on the corner of his mouth, Wuchen picked up the straight teacup on the table, took a sip with a comfortable expression, and his deep eyes were wise and full of reason.

As a navy, it is a righteous force that defends the world with "absolute justice", and naturally it will not be easily defeated. Sora and Sengoku are the best among them, and the strange face now is indeed strange.

"If you guessed correctly, the deformed product of 'The King's Seven Martial Seas' is about to be born." With his eyes shining, Wuchen said in a deep voice, although his guess was very positive.

As an "absolute justice" navy, it naturally hates evil pirates, and "King Xia Shichibukai" is a special organization, an extreme big pirate under the name of justice.

Sengoku Kazukura, who spent most of his life on dealing with pirates, and faced the embarrassment of suddenly teaming up with pirates, must be unacceptable in his heart.

Both public and private, there is a feeling of being betrayed. The former comrades in arms have fallen under the blade of the pirates, but the navy carrying the flag of justice has to fight with the pirates, which is no different from hitting oneself in the face.

"It's okay to struggle. In the end, your navy is only the government's [surface] face, and it's optional." Strolling out of the window, staring at the slowly disintegrating naval warships in the distance, he sighed with mixed feelings.

Power is power, and even if the navy is reluctant, it can only bow its head.

Chapter 461 The Strange Don Quixote Pirates [First Update]

The only thing that interests Wuchen is that both Boyahan Cook and Hawkeye have been tamed by him, so the future King Qiwuhai lacks two suitable candidates.

The location of Qiwuhai is not a matter of doing it, at least it is suitable for a famous pirate, and its strength must be recognized by the world.

"Let's go with the situation, these trivial matters, leave it to Wu Laoxing to deal with headaches, it has nothing to do with me." With a silent sigh, the confusion disappeared, and Wuchen didn't bother to tangle.

The world government and the Tianlong people are inextricably linked, but they are not very involved. The Tianlong people are the behind-the-scenes bosses of the government.

What's more, the five old stars will not ask for help from the Celestial Dragons. Of course, they are more directly disdainful. More than [-]% of the Celestial Dragons are synonymous with incompetence in their eyes.

"there's one more thing..."

Seemingly remembering something, Bai Jue said abruptly, a strange look flashed in his eyes. It was originally a trivial matter. After thinking about the cause and effect, he felt that it was necessary to inform Wuchen.

"The recent voyage route of the Don Quixote Pirates is a bit strange..." After a moment of silence, Bai Jue spoke.

A day ago, the Don Quixote Pirates were still in the New World, and now the route is completely opposite, and the destination is even more strange.

"Don Quixote Pirates?" Hearing this, Wuchen frowned slightly, and a trace of dissatisfaction flashed across his eyes.

Don Quixote Doflamingo is now just a small character who is not in the mainstream, not in the eyes of the dust, and it is still an insignificant issue of the route.

Seeing Wuchen's signs of going mad, Bai Jue quickly said: "The voyage of the Don Quixote Pirates is completely opposite to the original. The destination seems to be sailing in the direction of Mary Joa!"

With a sigh of relief, Bai Jue told the truth, such a strange sailing route was indeed too abnormal.

"Mary Joa... Could it be that Doflamingo is going to reform himself, intending to turn himself in and be reborn?" Hawkeye was obviously surprised, and then joked boringly.

Doflamingo is a very evil pirate. He has done countless bad things. He is young, and the reward amount is much higher than that of some old pirates.

"Surrender and repent? Unless the sun comes out of the west."

Rolling his eyes, Wuchen shook his head with a dazed face, and then analyzed: "Brother Doflaming is an outlier among pirates, and the purpose is not as simple as that of other big pirates, so take a careful look at the three, in order to achieve the purpose, you can use everything Someone who can use it."

Doflamingo sent Vergo to sneak into the navy at a young age. Starting from the lowest level of soldiers, Doflamingo can also be seen from the side as a patient person.

"How dare you take the initiative to come to Mary Joa..." Gu Jing Wubo's dull eyes fluttered faintly, and the corners of his mouth outlined an arc of interest.

After careful contemplation for a moment, his eyes returned to tranquility again, and he vaguely guessed the purpose of Doflamingo.

"Looks like he's going to showdown, his courage and daring are not small."

In the past, the reason why the navy chased and killed Brother Doflamingo, according to Wuchen's guess, was that he didn't know the identity of his Tianlongren, and the second was that Bufan was instructing some Tianlongren.

Doflamingo knows the so-called "Maryjoya National Treasure". Although the specific content is unknown, it must be related to the life and death of the Tianlong people, so it is not impossible to instruct the navy to hunt down Doflamingo.

"However, the five old stars are all cunning and cunning. Even if he is a Tianlong person, if he is so daring, the five old stars may kill him."

It is good that the status of Tianlong people is higher than that of Wu Laoxing, but in the final analysis, the world is still the strong one, and only Tianlong people like Wuchen will show their peace of mind when facing Wu Laoxing.

As for those Tianlong people who eat lazily all day long, they may not have the confidence of Wuchen.


"Young Master, what we do is no different from courting death. It's completely self-inflicted."

On the calm sea, a large ship sailed at high speed. The bow of the ship was a fiery red bird. A sturdy man with pink feathers stood on it, looking blankly at the sea ahead.

A heart, as calm as stagnant water.

Behind him are the family officials of the Don Quixote Pirates, as well as the crew.

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