He originally wanted to let Doflamingo get out of the way, but after thinking about it, he chose to meet him. The premise of cooperation is a win-win situation.

"Ta Tata..."

After another breath, the sound of leather shoes getting closer and closer, came slowly along the dark corridor on the right.

A gust of gloomy wind came from the dark hall in front, and Doflamingo, who followed Hancock, frowned. The cold wind swept through his body, and his whole body shivered involuntarily. He originally planned to use that Lois. Nan, but a ridiculous idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

He is not under the big tree to enjoy the shade, but the stupid thing of doing sheep into the tiger's mouth!

For a time, it was also the intention to retreat, but the whole body was filled with some kind of indescribable magic power, which tended Doflamingo to move forward.

Until you step into the dark hall.

For dark spaces, Hancock is obviously extremely skilled, and is familiar with and sensitively turning on gorgeous lights.

With a serene and dust-free demeanor, he immediately entered Doflamingo's line of sight, which was completely different from other Tianlong people. The clean and sassy appearance alone was enough to make people look at him with admiration.

More than ninety-nine percent of the rest of Maryjoa's draconians were bloated, fat-as-pig freaks.

Looking around, Wuchen just sat casually and leisurely, which made Doflamingo feel a pressure, and the unfathomable strength made him instinctively take a step back.

"What a deep strength." His pupils shrank suddenly, and Brother Doflaming said solemnly.

The real powerhouse's breath does not need to accidentally leak his own breath, but is like the dust-free one in front of him, which can be integrated into nature and immersed in the surrounding space.

It's not that nature controls dust-free, on the contrary, dust-free controls nature.

"Whoever comes, you can sit down." Seeing that Brother Doflamingo was a little cautious, Wuchen showed a magnanimous smile, pirates and navy were just a word difference in his eyes.

The gentle smile is like a spring breeze, which makes people involuntarily silent, and the tense god level is also relaxed, and a turbulent heart is unprecedentedly calm.

When Doflamingo saw this, not only did he not feel the slightest relief, but his mouth was as heavy as Mount Tai, and the invisible and majestic pressure made it extremely difficult for him to breathe. There are five old stars who can eat people without spitting up bones.

Raising his head and looking at the unique symbol of the Tianlong people in Wuchen's mouth, Doflamingo clenched his fists unwillingly. If it wasn't for his dead father's naive thinking, he would be enjoying the Tianlong people just like Wuchen. privilege.

"Although I am still a Tianlong person today, the gap is vast."

Doflamingo is now only a Tianlong person, because his father insisted on giving up the identity of "God", which is equivalent to losing all "privileges".

Looking at the dust-free, Doflamingo nodded and sat on the sofa opposite the dust-free

After simply pondering the organizational language, Doflamingo was about to speak when he suddenly recalled the light and fluttering voice of Wuchen, causing his organizational tone to collapse for a long time.

"Hundred Beasts Kaido's recent trail is very strange, it seems that there is a suspicion of deliberately approaching the Don Quixote Pirates..."

The short three words was a blow to Doflamingo, and it was for this reason that he had to pull back his old face and return to the source of the sin that he hated so much.

The reason why Whitebeard and Kaido fought, in addition to the long-standing grievances and entanglements between the two, was the strange devil fruit, and it was Doflamingo who spread the news.

It's no wonder that he was so frightened. Now the beasts Kaido is weirdly approaching the former stronghold of the Don Quixote Family Pirates. If a war breaks out, the Don Quixote Pirates will be annihilated in an instant.

According to Wuchen's inference, this is the fundamental reason why Doflamingo came to Mary Joa at risk.

"This... It's true, that bastard Kaido..." Nodding gloomily, Doflamingo's eyes flashed with surprise.

Wuchen is so aware of the cause of the situation, which means that he has sent people to investigate in advance. Doflamingo is also very envious of his "predicting the future" method. Every time he can stand in the most suitable position as a winner. The angle looks down on the development.

"I already know your purpose. It's no problem to protect you and your pirate group, but..."

No nonsense, Wuchen went straight to the point, and said in a meaningful way: "Everything is about pros and cons. For you to offend a behemoth like Kaido... And I got nothing, it is difficult for me to agree."

"You must also understand that those legendary big pirates will not let you go directly because of the name of Tianlong people."

After speaking, Wuchen chose to be silent. The words have been said so thoroughly that Doflamingo, who has been rolling and crawling for several years, must understand what this means.


Ask for flowers, ask for a reward, ask for automatic

Chapter 467 Hades [Second More]

Doflamingo breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words. He was really afraid that Wuchen would do Tai Chi in circles. He had already prepared for this.

No one will take risks without compelling interests.

"This is my bargaining chip." Smiling confidently, Doflamingo reluctantly took out the design drawings that he had preserved for many years.

The worn-out paper has some loopholes, and it appears waxy-yellow. It is obviously an antique from many years ago. Some precise data and words on it are attracting the attention of Wuchen.

Pluto the Pluto!

"How could this guy have a blueprint for Hades... Shouldn't it be the legendary Heavenly King [Ulanos]?!" His eyes were enlarged, and his face was full of weirdness.

The dust-free knowledge that has read through the history of Mary Joa is about the ancient times, when the Seven Waters built the most evil super battleship in the history-Pluto [Pluto]

As for the specific reasons for the construction of Hades, there is no detailed record. Wuchen guessed that it should be applied to some kind of war. It is not difficult to see from the design drawings that the construction of Hades is a large and time-consuming project, which takes several years. It is obvious that such a huge project cannot be used for viewing and showing off.

He was not interested in how urgent things happened in the ancient times to make Pluto clean. The only thing that puzzled him was why the blueprint of Pluto appeared in the hands of Doflamingo.

"I got this from Old Man Tom in the Seven Waters." Dodging his eyes from Wuchen's questioning, Doflamingo replied unnaturally, obviously he deliberately concealed the truth.

"It seems that there is not only one design drawing of 'Pluto'."

I am too lazy to ask, at least I can be sure that the design of Pluto is not just a simple copy at the moment. No one knows whether there are any other designs of Pluto around the world.

"This is the power to destroy the world!" Deadwater's eyes swung wildly, Doflamingo said fascinatedly.

Pluto is a super weapon with the name of "God". It is said that just a random shot can make an island disappear from the sea and level it with unprecedented power. Even Mary Joa and the Navy Headquarters can be easily leveled!

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