After the sound of "tap-ta-ta" from the twisting of the shoes completely disappeared, Wuchen opened his eyes, no longer clear and bright, full of confusion and confusion.

After carefully looking at the design of Hades in his hand, and confirming it from head to toe, Wuchen's expression became even more gloomy, with a bit of awe-inspiring killing intent.

"This is undoubtedly the design of Hades, but..."

The design drawing in front of him is very different from what he expected, and even runs counter to his original conjecture. The content of the design is even more subversive of Wuchen's cognition.

But the most important factor is missing!


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Chapter 471 The Blocking Of The Five Old Stars [First More]

Carefully looking through the design of Hades, Wuchen was keenly aware of what was wrong. There was no shortage of various data, but there was one thing he cared about the most.

The activation of Pluto does not require the so-called fruit of surgery, and it also indirectly shows that Pluto has nothing to do with the so-called "Mary Joa National Treasure".

"It's really disappointing."

After being silent for a while, he sighed. Wuchen only smiled bitterly. He was busy for a long time. Except for the ancient weapon design drawings, everything else remained the same.

"What is Doflamingo trying to hide?" asked Bai Jue, who stuck his head out, with a bit of disgust in his tone.

Doflamingo gives the impression that he is a very evil existence. Others still pay attention to the bottom line and principles, but he has no bottom line for dealing with others.

It's like wearing the cloak of sprites, the interior is completely dark, and as long as the interests are sufficient, you can betray at any time.

"Impossible, I can see that this design has not been touched, and he doesn't have the courage to lie to me." He shook his head resolutely, Wuchen can be [-]% sure of the authenticity of the map.

Since Doflamingo dared to come to the door generously, that is to say, his subordinates have investigated Wuchen, at least they know what Wuchen's temperament is, and what will happen to him with fake goods? Brother Ming also understands.

To a certain extent, Wuchen is more ferocious than Wu Laoxing. Maybe Wu Laoxing dare not touch Pluto due to the design of Pluto, and this move will not be effective in Wuchen.

"Still quietly waiting for Caesar's news..."

Standing up, the lack spread all over the body, and when he was about to go to chaugn to rest, a supernatural energy wave suddenly spread out.


There was a violent vibration in the entire Mary Joa. Even if it was hundreds of meters away from the center, Wuchen could feel a heavy blow of the ground being torn apart.

Several waves of energy fluctuations enough to overwhelm the sky suddenly descended.

The sleepy eyes were replaced by gloom in an instant, and the dust-free eyes shot out a soul-sucking light. These dangerous auras were all domineering and domineering.

After tidying up the messy clothes, I walked towards the balcony without dust.

"The restless domineering has Doflamingo and Hawkeye. Could it be that the one who is confronting them is..."

Staring at the void that was torn to pieces in the distance, Wuchen looked at ease, Hawkeye and Doflamingo were obviously at a disadvantage, and it was self-evident that the strength of the entire Mary Joa reached this level.

Looking up, the void hundreds of miles ahead had been torn apart, and in the middle of the sky, there was only a dark abyss, and the incomparably long and narrow cracks almost covered the entire Mary Joa.

The huge dark crack is enough to swallow everything, and the palpitating power fluctuates around it, as if an invisible big hand is constantly pulling the area of ​​the abyss.

"What do those five old fellows mean..." There was a trace of killing intent in his eyes, and his eyes were like torches.

The whole body turned into dazzling light particles, the original body disappeared, turned into a straight ray of light whistling out, and the fleeting speed was difficult to catch with the naked eye.


"Jie Jie... what do you five old guys mean?"

On the sinking ground, Doflamingo was on guard for the five figures facing him, with a little regret in his eyes, scolding himself for being too reckless.

"Brother Doflaming, I should have made three chapters with you before, you are gambling your own life!"

Guang Lao Wu Lao Xing, who was holding a knife, said with murderous intent, followed his line of sight, and the stump and the broken arm were clearly visible, and there was almost no human appearance.

However, it is not difficult to see from the fragments of these people's clothes and the air hood that has not burst yet, they are Tianlong people!

"Tianlongren is who he used to be, and now he is just a pirate who does all kinds of evil. Pirates are always pirates, and their temperament is always difficult to change. This time, he was killed on the spot, and the Tianlongren were looking for trouble for us." The blond five old star said with awe-inspiring murderous intent, the oppression overflowing from his strong body was despairing.


The clothes all over his body burst, revealing his strong body, and the neat abdominal muscles of his abdomen are clearly visible. Obviously, he and Karp are also strong in taijutsu reaching the limit.

"Oops." Hawkeye's heart fell to an underestimate. These five people are not something he and Doflamingo can handle. If the five of them go together, the battle might end in just a few minutes.

The scene gradually heated up and became hot, and the two sides just kept their momentum in silence. When the scene was about to go wild, a cold voice stopped the ending that was about to get out of control.

There is no doubt that the comer is Wuchen.

"Five, please give me an explanation."

The golden photons gathered from all directions, slowly condensed and compressed, and finally turned into a cold figure, staring at the five old stars with a bad face, and the blame in his tone was undisguised.

The five old stars clearly knew that Hawkeye was his subordinate, but they still blocked him and slapped him in the face.

"Explain? You came just in time, we also need an explanation from you, Loisnan [Saint]!"

Pointing to the dismembered corpse of the Heavenly Dragon on the ground, he asked the sword-wielding bald-headed Wu Laoxing, who was most familiar with Wuchen, coldly: "This fellow Doflamingo is so daring, I had made a contract with him for three chapters before entering the Holy Land. He dares to go so far as to raze the entire family of one of the Tianlong people, who gave him the right to do this?!"

The stern words made Wuchen's mouth twitch, his face was extremely gloomy, and he looked at Hawkeye, who nodded slightly, acquiescing to the fact that Wu Laoxing said, and Wu Chen, who wanted to blame Wu Laoxing, was particularly depressed.

"Jie Jie... When Lao Tzu was in trouble, their family sent people to hunt me down. Now that the times are running, I can take the opportunity to teach them a small lesson."

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