Turning his head to the side, the sea in the distance suddenly had tiny black spots, his pupils enlarged, and the flag of the Don Quixote Pirates came into view of Wuchen.

Including a man jumping up and down, dressed in spiral stripes.

"Is he Caesar? It's exactly the same as I guessed." Wuchen is extremely calm. In the original book, Caesar is an extremely lively and active person.

At the same time, large groups of baboons, armed with various types of knives and guns, also rushed over. They were close at hand, and the sharp knives were about to shred the dust-free body.

"I wanted to use the time to pass the boredom... It seems that it can only go so far."

The line of sight was withdrawn again, and the dark pupils swayed with ripples, and the calm sky suddenly swept out a powerful wave of air, and an invisible power wave was like an ocean wave.

The invisible air wave turned into a substantial attack, crushing the dust-free ground into powder.

The big baboons who jumped up, their scarlet eyes suddenly turned pale, their mouths full of fangs spewing crimson blood strangely, and fell to the ground.


Looking blankly at the stunned baboons, Wuchen's whole body glowed with golden photons, and with a sound of breaking through the sky, he also disappeared like a breeze.

In the blink of an eye, Wuchen landed on the ship of the Don Quixote Pirates.


The ghostly appearance of Wuchen made everyone stunned. Seeing the mysterious enemy invaded, when the members of the Don Quixote Pirates were about to join forces to capture Wuchen, Doflamingo waved his hand to stop their actions.

"Don't act rashly, this is your own!" Doflamingo said tiredly, letting out a cold murderous aura.

Wuchen frowned slightly, his eyes spread quietly, and he caught everyone's expression changes into his eyes. Whether it was Hawkeye or Doflamingo, they showed a deep loss of fatigue.

"It's just robbing people, why are you making trouble like this?"

With a little curiosity, Wuchen asked, whether Hawkeye or Doflamingo, as well as these crew members, obviously experienced a big battle and were extremely tired.

"Bastard, those damn bastards want to avenge their revenge, let them out and even want to snatch the boat, how unreasonable!" Caesar gritted his teeth, and the murderous intent in his words wanted to smash the prisoners who pushed into the city into pieces.

After about half a column of incense work, Hawkeye described the original story in detail, and Wuchen finally woke up like a dream and understood the cause.

Pirates are always greedy and cruel. Doflamingo, who wanted to take advantage of the chaos, released all the prisoners in the advancing city. It happened that the Admiral Sengoku arrived in time and bombarded the entire advancing city.

The surrounding battleships were smashed to pieces, and the pirates fled to Doflamingo's pirate ship one after another, and physical contact was inevitable.

"That group of guys is really a wolf-hearted thing." Looking around the broken pirate ship, Doflamingo said with murderous intent.

Wuchen glanced at him without a trace, and the pirates are indeed those who stab in the back, and Doflamingo, who is a pirate, is no exception.


The whole ship burst with a bang and became shaky, and it was about to sink to the bottom of the sea. Most of the members of the Don Quixote Pirates were capable people, and they were shocked when they watched.

Those with the power of Devil Fruit fall into the sea, and they will die without a doubt.

"I am the world's number one top scientist, is it possible that I want to fall into such an obscure little place?" Caesar roared in a low voice with a face full of unwillingness.

Just when everyone was in despair, a majestic gravitational force suddenly fell, and the slowly sinking ship floated strangely and flew towards the island quickly.

It was Wuchen whose right eye became Tensei Eye, and the gravitational force of Tenseiyan even reached the level of controlling the moon. Today, this small ship is naturally not worth mentioning to Wuchen.

Recalling Hawkeye and Doflamingo who had a conversation with Wuchen before, everyone realized that this young man in front of him was the big BOSS behind the scenes!


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Chapter 478 Warring States Promotion [Second]

The shattered battleship slowly landed, making everyone's tightly held hearts relaxed. The sea rejected the devil fruit ability and sank into the sea without life.

The line of sight spreads out, and the appearance of the entire island is almost in sight.

"A devastated country..."

The building is completely destroyed, and there is no one around. It is really embarrassing to want to use this as a stronghold.

His eyes narrowed slightly, his hands were imprinted, and the ground, which was stable before, suddenly trembled.

"Woodun Tree World is coming!"

The green wood with majestic vitality rose from the ground, and in the blink of an eye, the entire earth was densely covered, and the twisting green wood looked like tens of thousands of pythons.

Not only that, Lin Hai also followed the change of Wuchen's will, and huge buildings were built in an instant, majestic and magnificent like a magical work.

No more than a few breaths of time wasted before and after.

"This is……"

Even though Doflamingo and Hawkeye witnessed countless old-fashioned pirates with stormy seas, they were stunned when they saw such a scene, and their pupils were slightly dull and messy.

Every shot is a shocking ability.

Then the body suddenly ignored the existence of gravity, and floated in front of Caesar like a cloud. Under the stunned gaze of the latter, Wuchen handed him the design of Hades in his arms.

Caesar was stunned when he saw this. Wuchen, who was stuck in the void, looked down at him with an unusually unpleasant gaze, which made Caesar especially unhappy. After thinking of the former's strength, he still took the design drawing and watched it carefully.

"This is... the design of ancient weapons, Ming, Hades?!" After a while, Caesar's pupils dilated, full of unbelievable mistakes and exclaimed, his tone trembled.

In less than a second, under the silent gaze of everyone, Caesar simply danced and began to speak madly.

"I should be the world's number one scientist to create the ultimate murder weapon like ancient weapons, and that unsightly guy from Vega Punk will also become a thing of the past!"

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