He still vaguely remembered that Whitebeard had this kind of expressionless expression back then, and he couldn't help but think of the scars he once had.

The dust-free as a scarred person makes Crocodile feel a pain in his heart!This indifferent expression is like a thorn stabbing his heart and dignity!

"Armed and domineering is a good practice, but life and death are also self-defeating!"

Staring at Wuchen's big black hand that grabbed the golden undercut, Crocodile's ruthless tone gave him a little more admiration.

As Crocodile's voice fell, the tip of the golden barb suddenly spilled a few drops of purple mysterious venom.

This strange venom even ignored the domineering steel skin of the armed color and entered the dust-free meridians and blood vessels.

"So that's the case, is this the bottom of your press box?"

Sensing the change in the blood vessels, Wuchen nodded slightly. This Crocodile is also a peerless hero. He can do everything with both hands and understands the meaning of planning ahead. Perhaps it is because of his careful thought that he challenges Bai San. Beard fiasco, the fundamental reason for surviving.

"However, what do you think mere venom can change?"


The domineering fist wrapped around the armed color slammed into force, and the golden barb that was tightly grasped in the hand exploded in an instant, turning into fine particles like sand.

At the same time, the mysterious purple venom that had penetrated into the dust-free skin before suddenly began to attack, corroding and destroying every inch of his meridians and blood vessels.

"The teeth are sharp and the mouth is sharp, when you beg me, I won't give you the antidote!" Crocodile laughed coldly, seeing Wuchen's unchanging face until he died.

At the beginning, it was Whitebeard who was caught off guard by this trick, so that he could escape from "the strongest man in the world".

Staring at the dust-free arm, you can clearly see that the internal organization has been destroyed, there is no vitality, and it has been completely hollowed out and destroyed.

Even so, Wuchen's relaxed expression remained unchanged from beginning to end, and even the corners of his mouth rose without a trace, with a mocking and indifferent smile.

"Please hand over the antidote? That's just your wishful thinking. This kind of petty raindrops won't do anything for me."


Ask for flowers, ask for a reward, and ask for automatic subscription! ! ! !

Chapter 490 Easily crushed [Second]

Wuchen has the body of ten tails, inheriting everything Kaguya should have, which means that he also has the ability to regenerate unlimitedly, even if the corpse is separated, the limbs are broken, and only half of the body is left, it can also be turned into decay. Miraculously, a severed limb is reborn in a short period of time.

The so-called deadly venom has no effect on Wuchen at all, and even the most basic troubles are difficult to make. It is hoped that the venom can force Wuchen to yield. Crocodile's idea is really ridiculous and ignorant.

In the arm that was hollowed out and transparent and filled with purple venom, a majestic wave of life suddenly came out, like ripples on the water spreading the entire arm in the blink of an eye.

Immediately, it was clearly seen that the dense blood vessels spewed out, and the swimming purple venom inside the arm was quickly squeezed and swallowed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A new body tissue structure is reborn.

"how can that be?!"

Even though he is used to seeing the situation, Crocodile, who is immune to all kinds of strange things in the world, is still wide-eyed and stunned.

Why doesn't the venom that can force Whitebeard into submission work on this guy? !

"One thing is another thing, your venom won't work on me."

Turning his head, he looked at the sand crocodile as still as still water, Wuchen really couldn't show the slightest interest, and the food was tasteless.

He really didn't pay attention to Rockdale, although the latter's performance has always been a strong and courageous existence, with the ferocious attack power of a crocodile, and at the same time, his character is also cunning and treacherous like a fox. Not the slightest interest.

"Crocodahl, you'd better give the old man a reasonable explanation. Otherwise, advance to the sixth floor of the city, and there will be a reward prisoner named 'Sand Crocodile'!"

Staring at Crocodile fiercely, Commander-in-Chief Kong warned in a cold voice.

At the same time, his sturdy body suddenly bulged eerily, with strong and powerful muscles bulging, and sinister tendons oozing from the surface of the skin.

The atmosphere that was quite good before was full of gunpowder. If Crocodile chose to perfunctory, Commander Kong would not hesitate to enter the state of armed domineering and capture Crocodile!

Hearing this, Crocodile was just holding a cigar calmly.

"The navy has been dealing with pirates for many years, and it seems that you haven't figured out the character of pirates."

Faced with the persecution of the commander-in-chief Kong, Crocodile showed no fear, and responded sharply: "This is the nature of a pirate, and this is the way of a pirate! To a pirate, the truth is Ass!"

This arrogant and rude dialogue left everyone speechless.

Wuchen's performance is extraordinarily calm. This is the character and style of a pirate. I can show you my heart and soul in the first second, and share the grand occasion with arrogance and talk about the future.

It is also possible that it may kill you in the next second, and there are many such examples.

All in all, pirates are a very contradictory group. Pirates such as Roger, Whitebeard, and Red-haired Shanks really pursue their so-called dreams, but this category is ultimately a minority.

Most of the pirates are under the banner of chasing their dreams, doing the activities of killing, burning, looting.

From a simpler point of view, there are a hundred different ways of expressing the "Pirate Dream" on a hundred pirates, all because of their different inner concepts.

There is no right or wrong, there are only strong and weak, the simple truth is that the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit.

"You are very confident. Maryjoa, who is surrounded by tigers and wolves, has such a spirit, and it is considered a character." There was a slight change in his opinion of Crockdale, and Wuchen recognized him.

This kind of composure without fear of life and death is not pretended at will, but a person's confidence. In other words, it is Crocodile's confidence that he can slip out of the net of dustless people.


The calm face outlined a chill, the cold killing intent burst out, and the flowing air was frozen, full of the danger of suffocation.

Just a thought will affect the temperature change.

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