In the blink of an eye, the desert storm seemed to devour the dust-free body. Under the high-speed flow of the storm, the awe-inspiring wind speed turned into thousands of blades that attacked the dust-free.

"Clang clang..."

Inside the desert storm, the roar of steel continued, sparkling sparks, spinning around the dust-free, [-]-degree attack was almost impossible to defend.

"I don't know how to have a limit... You crocodile attacked me again and again, do you really think I have the heart of a saint who can't kill?"

The dust-free expression in the desert storm was gloomy and cold, surrounded by golden energy fluctuations, extremely hard, and the evil golden light came from a distant other world, and the power of this world could not be shaken at all.

"Is it that weird trick again?"

Jinping was silent, his huge iron fists were drawn together, sweat stains fell to the ground along the gaps between his five fingers, and a faint red blood pattern spread out from his eyes.

"What weird thing?!"

Crocodile's proud face froze, and the smile at the corner of his mouth froze, and then turned into a gloomy face.

Looking along his line of sight, he could clearly see a golden evil head covering Wuchen. This substantive evil wave captured the soul, revealing a heart-pounding power.

Just a simple head, the height reaches a terrifying level of six or seven meters.

"This monster doesn't seem to be in a complete state..."

Looking at the dustless Tengu head, Crocodile muttered gloomily to himself.

A small head is six or seven meters high, and it is almost ten meters high. You can imagine how unprecedented it is when it has all four limbs.

"Crocodahl, it seems you haven't figured out one thing."

With awe-inspiring eyes, the majestic repulsive force spurted out, and the desert storm nearly ten meters high burst with a bang, looking at the stunned Crocodile, the dust-free murderous intent was even stronger.

The left eye turned into a reincarnation writing wheel, the right arm was raised high, and the palm of the hand was aimed at the dazed Crocodile.

The eye socket was locked on the dust-free left eye, the mysterious and strange eye, full of indescribable magic, a throbbing flashed in Krocdahl's heart, which made him instinctively feel that something was not good.

Just as he was about to dodge back, a majestic gravitational force enveloped him, and cold words burst out from the corners of Wuchen's mouth.

"Vientiane Tianyin!"


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Chapter 492 You are so weak [fourth more]

The seemingly pale and powerless hands spurted out an irresistible force, and the flow of air was distorted by this gravitational force and sucked back again.

In an instant, everyone present had the illusion that the unremarkable black hole in the palm of Wuchen’s palm was an absolute field that was enough to shake the world.

Any ability varies from person to person. Although Wuchen rarely uses the "Vientiane Tianyin" technique, it is not difficult to control. For him, it is as simple as eating and drinking, and the power it exerts is far too far. Super Vortex Nagato.

"Idiot, no matter what kind of ability you have, in the face of gravity, you can only do nothing."

Seeing that Crocodile, who was under the influence of gravity, was still struggling, Wuchen sneered again and again, this guy is really hopeless.

Gravity, the meaning of the word is not in vain!

"Bastard, can even the ability of the natural department be swallowed?" Crocodile's complexion was ashen, and he still resisted, but even so, he was getting closer and closer to Wuchen.

Even if he was elementalized and turned into countless sandstorms, he was still attracted by the terrifying gravitational force, and even the surrounding space changed with this force.

To a certain extent, gravity is the natural enemy of all living beings!

The range covered by this gravitational force is not very large, but it is surprisingly terrifying.

Wuchen's thin and small hand is like the hand of God. The helpless Crocodile exhausted all the strength of his body, and he could not avoid the swallowing of gravity, and slowly approached Wuchen.

In the blink of an eye, Wuchen locked his throat again.

The same scene can be said to be an unexpected accident for the first time, but the second time, in full view, was defeated by overwhelming strength, and was still stuck in the throat of the dust in the same way, which was an unprecedented humiliation to Crocodile.

At the moment, she tried her best to get rid of the struggle, blushing and swaying her body.

Rao is so, the neck is still tightly bound, only the half of the body under the head is swaying, and it is extremely difficult to catch a breath.

"This is the gap between us. No matter how hard you try to avoid it, Sun Monkey can't jump out of Tathagata's five-fingered mountain, stupid Crocodile..."

Looking up at Crocodile, the dust-free and clear eyes were finally replaced by contempt. Now Crocodile is just an immature kid, not worthy of his serious treatment.


As soon as his hand was released, Crocodile fell to the ground, with a scarlet fierce light in his eyes. Just as he was about to launch an attack and suddenly attack Wuchen, his ruthless big feet brutally suppressed him and he couldn't move.

"Bastard, I will definitely smash your body into thousands of pieces in the future!" With his rough face pressed against the ground, Crocodile lost his composure and roared hysterically towards the dust-free.

Then he was suppressed three times in a row. Even if he had a heart of steel, Crockdale was burning with rage, and the flames gathered from all directions had burned his old face red.

"Idiot, the reason why you are so arrogant is nothing more than escaping from the 'strongest man in the world'." At a glance, he revealed Crocodile's self-esteem, and Wuchen responded with a sneer and sarcasm.


Hearing this, Crocodile just snorted, remained silent and did not speak. It was clear from his comfortable face that he was indeed very proud of being able to escape from Whitebeard.

After all, Whitebeard is one of the three great pirates in the legend, known as the strongest man in the world. He can fight with him, although he still ends up in defeat, and Crocodile is still honored even though he is defeated.

Especially being able to sneak away from under the hands of Whitebeard at the end, it also made him a little more arrogant when facing pirates of the same level.

"The kid is really a kid, haven't you realized it yet..."

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