Chapter 501 The choice of Doflamingo [fourth more]

If possible, Doflamingo definitely doesn't want to beg for help. People are all dignified, and he is even more so when he used to be a Tianlong person.

However, the urgent reality at the moment forced him to kick things like dignity aside to cool off. Compared with the future rise of the Don Quixote Pirates, the so-called dignity is just worthless scrap.

The hesitant hesitation in his eyes turned into a firm determination.

Grinning his teeth tightly, Doflamingo still chooses to hug his big legs!Now only Wuchen, who lives in heaven, can save them. With his weak strength, he wants to attract the attention of the "Five Old Stars".

Of course, it is more likely to attract the killer of the world government...

"Don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for everything, Brother Doflaming." On the other side of the phone bug, came the indifferent voice of Wuchen, with a hint of banter and playfulness.

Hearing this tone, Brother Doflamingo frowned slightly, and when he reached his mouth, he took it back and choked into his throat again. Wuchen gave him a feeling of waiting for a rabbit.

This frivolous accent made Brother Doflamingo uncomfortable. He knew it was a trap, but he still had to go in without hesitation. It was even more uncomfortable than killing him!

After thinking about the future of the Don Quixote Pirates, Doflamingo chose to abandon his dignity.

"Damn [Five Old Stars] and the Warring States period didn't think of me, [Wangxia Qiwuhai] has been established, but there is no place for me, what's the point!" Brother Doflaming said bitterly with his bronzed face as gloomy as water.

There are worthless roadside goods like Crocodile and Jinping, but without him, how can Doflamingo remain calm? Only the halo of "The King's Seven Wuhai" can make him feel at ease and calm. of living in the sun.

"Don't worry." A quiet and calm voice came from the other side of the phone.

Hearing this, the angry Doflamingo deliberately refuted, and only then did he realize the gap in their identities, so he chose to keep his mouth shut. Now he is already a dust-free younger brother.

An iceberg of cold water poured down his fiery heart, and Doflamingo calmed down.

"It seems that Goddess of Luck always passes you by... The time is not waiting for you."

The dust-free sigh on the other side of the phone bug said, naturally, he knew why the Five Old Stars rejected Doflamingo. He had too many halos, and his ambition was enough to devour the sky.

"Could it be that the fate of the Don Quixote Pirates is to survive on this desolate island? Such a narrow path cannot build an unprecedented super battleship like [Pluto]." Brother Doflaming said resentfully, How could he be calm in living in such a simple and small island that is not worth mentioning.

The legendary sea king - One Piece, he is also fascinated!

Wuchen shook his head. Brother Doflamingo was almost thirty years old. He didn't expect the unrealistic and ridiculous dream of being "One Piece".

Pursuing a dream does not have to be a pirate. No one stipulates that only a pirate can be a "Pirate King". In Wuchen's view, this is just a bad excuse made by Doflamingo for himself, and it is unconvincing.

"Are you threatening me, Dover..." Wuchen asked in a low tone of calm.

Hearing this, Doflamingo's expression became rigid, he could even feel the icy cold air in the phone bug, and his body got goosebumps uncontrollably, so he quickly changed his words, now that the dust is his only hope, abandon him. , Doflamingo is equivalent to a complete step into hell.

"It's definitely not a threat, we are grasshoppers on a boat now, I won't do such a stupid thing!" Hearing the sullenness in Wuchen's tone, Doflamingo assured.

Whether it is sincere or not, he and Wuchen are both grasshoppers on the same boat.

"There is no opportunity to create opportunities, you can completely use your identity as a [Dragonian]." Seeing Doflamingo lower his posture, Wuchen no longer exerts pressure.

Doflamingo's idea of ​​joining the "King's Qiwuhai" is revealed in [-].

Or to put it simply, the "bad idea" that Wuchen can come up with, as for the effect, can only be known by Doflamingo's personal experience...

Hearing the contents of the phone bug, Doflamingo's old face suddenly darkened. This is a clever trick. In his opinion, it is to use a knife to kill people, and it is completely pushing him into the fire!

"This is the most practical strategy." For fear of Doflamingo's doubts, Wuchen said with certainty.

Doflamingo's cheeks showed embarrassment. This is walking a tightrope at a high altitude. If you are not careful, you may fall into the ground and shatter your bones.

"Is there no other feasible way?" Doflamingo asked reluctantly.

Although Wu Chen on the other side of the phone bug had a basis for what he said, and even speculated what kind of berserk the "Five Old Stars" were when they received the news, Doflamingo still felt unreliable.

"This is the only feasible solution. You are sensitive to your identity. If you don't make a big move that makes [Five Old Stars] feel helpless and have a headache, how can it touch their hearts..."

"All in all, I have already said the method, and the final decision rests with you."

When the words fell, Wuchen didn't care about Doflamingo's reaction.

The trivial matters of the Don Quixote Pirates still need Doflamingo, the captain, to solve it. It is not Wuchen's turn to guide Jianshan, but according to Wuchen's final guess, Doflamingo should finally choose to listen to his own opinions.

There is no other reason. The last time I came to Mary Joa, I had completely offended the "Five Old Stars", and refusing the conditions offered by Wuchen was equivalent to stepping into hell.

The world's highest power - the five old stars, what kind of people they are, no need to say more, Doflamingo is also like a mirror, five wolves and tigers that eat people and don't spit bones, do not want to be torn to pieces, only Can do it according to the dust-free idea.


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Chapter 502 Ben Beckman [First]

Torrepol peeked at Doflamingo cautiously, and he was relieved when he saw the sullenness all over his body subside.

Although Doflamingo loves his family [crew] very much and regards them all as brothers, but perhaps due to the reason that extremes turn against each other, every time he thinks of his ruthless treatment of the enemy, Torrepol does not Controlled fear.

"Young master, what does that mean..." Torepol asked in a low voice, leaning to the left of Doflamingo.

To this day, Torrepol and other members of the Don Quixote Pirates still don't know Wuchen's name, and they don't dare to ask more. If it is suitable for them to know, Doflamingo will clearly inform them.

To this day, Doflamingo has not told the members of the Don Quixote Pirates the origin and surname of Wuchen, indicating that their identities are not sufficient to know.

Can only use "that" to call Wuchen.

"He? His plan is just gambling." With a snort, Brother Doflaming said disapprovingly.

He didn't care what he said, but he had actually decided to implement a dust-free strategy in his heart. Although it was absurd, he would even step into a place of doom if he was not careful, which would be like a moth to a fire and self-destruction.

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