These words sounded rebellious, but it was an undeniable fact, because there were very few people in the whole world who dared to beat or even crush the red-haired Shanks.

Beckman has always remained calm. As the most intelligent person in the Red-haired Pirates, he often has unique insights. After careful thinking, he found that it is not impossible to win against Wuchen.

"There's no need to worry, that guy doesn't look like a bad guy who does all kinds of evil." A heroic smile grinned at the corner of his mouth, and his naturally optimistic red hair indicated that he didn't need to worry.

Wuchen gave him the impression that he was not the kind of person who would do anything to achieve his goals.

Beckman just shook his head when he heard the words. As the strongest brain of the Red Hair Pirates, he is good at using his brain and thinking about danger in times of peace. It is because of taking into account various unstable factors that the Red Hair Pirates can plan ahead, turn danger into danger, and break through countless difficulties and obstacles. to reach this height.

"Maybe attacking with others can take him down." Beckman said earnestly with light in his eyes.

One red-haired Shanks may not be enough to deal with the dust-free, two or three siege the dust-free together is enough to change the disadvantage, the quantity will lead to the improvement of the quality.

"That's fine."

The red-haired Shanks nodded in agreement. Although Wuchen is powerful, I believe that he can't do everything to the same extent. There is a saying that two fists are invincible to four hands, which is what he means.

For example, gather other "Four Emperors" to besiege Wuchen together!

"It's not realistic." Immediately, he remembered that water and fire were incompatible, a pirate with scattered sand, and the red-haired warlike heart extinguished.

If the pirates can really get rid of the old grudges and hatreds, and jointly deal with the enemy, this world may no longer have a naval headquarters.

"Unrealistic? Not necessarily." Beckman smiled slightly. Compared with the slightly decadent red hair, he was full of confidence.

Compared with the navy who hugged into a ball, the pirates are indeed a mess of loose sand, and the mud can't support the wall.

"Businessmen seek profit, and so do pirates."

It is not difficult to unite with the other "Four Emperors" to attack Wuchen. People like Kaido, the beast, have always regarded Wuchen as a thorn in their eyes. Resolutely participated in the siege and suppression of the dust-free army.

"There is no need to do this for the time being. Only when there is oppression will there be motivation. It is always unreliable to unite with others."

Taking the straw hat off his head and putting it on his face to block the scorching sun, Shanks said optimistically, he would never do this unless it was a last resort.

Beckman's idea also came from the sudden rise of the "King Xia Qiwuhai" organization. It is precisely because the navy is afraid of the power of the pirates that it will use the power of the pirates to suppress the pirates.

In his opinion, the reason for the establishment of the abusive organization "King Xia Qiwuhai" is also a manifestation of the Navy's fear of the pirates. The power of thieves.

"The navy is not an idiot. Offending the pirates all over the world is bound to cause a fierce backlash, and then prompt the pirates in the entire sea to gather together. This combined force is enough to destroy the entire world." Red-haired Shanks waved his hand and pondered. Dao, there is no need to join forces with other people for the time being.

What's more, he can't join forces with others regardless of anything. The basis of the alliance between pirates is not relying on so-called trust, but explicit absolute interests. On the surface, he dismisses all alliances, but secretly it is mutual. There are countless instances of stabbing.

In the final analysis, pirates are always a group of people who chase their dreams and actually rob houses. At least more than [-]% of pirates are like this. If such a group of people rule the world, what consequences will there be? It goes without saying.

The navy's crusade against pirates is a famous teacher, but pirates are synonymous with all evils. This is also the biggest reason why the navy has failed countless times and can be forgiven.


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Chapter 504 It is the Tianlong people who are robbed [third more]

It is no wonder that the red hair is so hesitant. Pirates are synonymous with shamelessness. When cooperation is a last resort, they have not yet reached such a dangerous and embarrassing situation.

It is not the right time to talk about cooperation.

What's more, after the establishment of "King Xia Qiwuhai", the navy and the government did not make extreme moves. Several big pirates are currently returning to their own territory, which is more like a cutscene.

All in all, the hasty establishment of "The King's Under the Seven Martial Seas" was a storm for the whole world, and the already bizarre and unpredictable world situation became more complicated for a while.

The Four Sovereigns rule the world, the Seven Martial Seas were born, and all the signs indicate that an unprecedented chaotic world is about to come, and the survivors who can stand out in this storm are the last heroes!


In the azure blue sea, the luxurious ship moved forward slowly. The hull of the ship was quite similar to the warship of the navy headquarters, the only difference was that it hung the flag of the World Government.

The crew on the ship are not seamen either, all men in suits are very similar to the exclusive bodyguards of the Tianlong people.

The mountains of gold and silver treasures piled up on the deck can be seen, exposed to the sun at will, and all kinds of dazzling jewelry exude a scorching light.

Even so, although the pirate ships passing by along the way are eager to see through, they are also detouring with interest, and even fleeing in a panic, the treasure is very precious, but it is still far worse than the small life. .

Why let these pirates who regard money as their fate escape?There is no other reason. The property on this ship is all the delivery ships that all countries in the world pay tribute to the Tianlong people.

If you don't know how to loot, there will be an admiral from the Navy Headquarters to chase and kill immediately!

However, there are exceptions to everything. Today, someone came to snatch the "Gold in the Sky" delivery ship that paid tribute to the Tianlong people, and they followed the ship carelessly!

"Young Master, is it possible that you want to rob the Heavenly Dragon people's [Heavenly Gold]? This is a moth to the flames to kill itself!"

A large ship following him was clearly visible, and Doflamingo standing on the deck looked at the large ship in front of him with a hideous smile on the corner of his mouth.

The greed ~ greed in the bones is undisguised.

Regardless of Torrepol's persuasion, he waved his arms and said frantically: "I robbed the Tianlong people! Robbing the [Heavenly Gold] of the Tianlong people, the five old stars can't ignore me!"

Hearing this, Torrepol was so angry that he twitched, robbing Tianlong people of "heavenly gold" was equivalent to hitting Tianlong people in the face, and the angry Tianlong people would definitely blame the five old stars.

This is tantamount to indirectly hitting the five old stars in the face!

"This is making the Five Old Stars ugly!"

One hundred thousand grass and mud horses galloped past in Torrepol's heart. He thought Wuchen was giving him a great strategy, but he didn't expect such a foolish and adventurous act.

It's like letting their Don Quixote Pirates jump into the fire pit!

"So what, don't make them ugly, how could you invite me to do [Seven Wuhai]." Staring at the "Golden in the Sky" delivery ship that was getting closer, Brother Doflaming said disapprovingly.

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