Even though the chakra contained in the body has been swallowed up by the bred life, the chakra that burst out is as vast as the ocean.

Over the sky, a boundless tide of energy was formed, purple light filled the entire void, and the blue sky was covered with purple light.

The light that hits the ground also changed from blue to purple... Everyone's chakra color is different. For example, Uchiha Madara's is dark blue, while dust-free chakra is golden. Kaguya's is golden.

"Sure enough, every time we meet, there is inevitably a fight between dragons and tigers." Wuchen's face was full of helplessness. He originally thought that he would survive this time, but he did not expect it to be as usual.

The cold eyes revolved around Wuchen, and Kaguya's cold voice appeared a little gentle before, so Wuchen could see the warm dawn of dawn.

Looking at Wuchen for a moment, Kaguya's eyes flashed a different color, and she had to admit that if she was the only one to choose a mate, the Wuchen in front of her was the most suitable.

The only thing that made her unbearable was that Wuchen's solitary, unquestionable character and unequivocal tone often gave Kaguya such an illusion.

In front of Wuchen, even if it is a god, he must bow down and obey his orders obediently.

"It's okay for me to submit to you." There was determination in the white eyes, and Kaguya made up her mind to make a break with Wuchen.

Hearing this, Wuchen's body was stunned, then his eyes widened, and he looked at Kaguya in disbelief. He instinctively planned this remark into a conspiracy, and it was impossible for the pie to fall in vain.

When will the ferocious Goddess of Mao take the initiative to send her to the door? !

"Don't get me wrong, concubine is also conditional."

Seeing Wuchen thinking crooked, Kaguya immediately spoke out to pull Wuchen's thoughts back, and wanted her to come directly to the door?Stop being delusional....

Wuchen frowned slightly, his eyes sharpened, and he penetrated the heavy void and landed on Kaguya.

However, Hui Yeji was covered in a mysterious veil, wrapped in thick chakra, separating the dust-free prying eyes.

"But it doesn't matter." After thinking about it, Wuchen was no longer tangled, and motioned Kaguya to make a condition directly.

This sassy tone, as well as the strong self-confidence, and the self-confidence of being able to remain calm in the face of everything, made Kaguya Ji Daimei squeeze together.

Staring at Wuchen with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he snorted heavily.

"As long as you can catch [-]% of my current state of strength, and stand still and endure my three moves, I will marry a chicken, a chicken, a dog, and a dog!" Looking at Wuchen, Hui Yeji Yinya bite hard.

After the words fell, Kaguya stared at Wuchen with her eyes fixed. As long as he retreated in the slightest, and his eyes dodged, it meant Wuchen didn't have the courage, and the previous rhetoric was just empty words.

However, she was destined to be disappointed, Wuchen kept her face unchanged, not only did not flinch, but the corner of her mouth raised a long-awaited smile.

"what's so funny?!"

Glancing at Wuchen, Kaguya asked unkindly, she was serious, and Wuchen's smile seemed to be perfunctory to her.

"Of course it's funny. You took the initiative to send it to my door for me to enjoy. How can I be unhappy."

Looking at Kaguya, the corners of Wuchen's mouth raised a conspiracy-successful smile. It seems that the previous excessive words worked well, and Kaguya's angry look was within his prediction.

To crash it, make it crazy!

Since Kaguya made a move, Wuchen definitely couldn't back down, the smile on his face quickly faded, his thumb pointed to the ground under his feet, and a powerful and favorable roar resounded throughout the sky.

"You don't have to save your strength, just use all your strength and let it go! As long as I can move my feet a little bit, even if I lose Uchiha Wuchen, from now on I will let you fly!"

The unruly voice was like rolling thunder, reaching her ears, making people dizzy and deaf. Kaguya couldn't help but stared at Wuchen in shock when she heard the words. Her unprecedented confidence was also affected by her.


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Chapter 512 The first generation of ghosts and gods [first more]

Kaguya stared at Wuchen with eyes like torches, and the desire to penetrate Wuchen emerged in her white eyes. She really wondered where this confident confidence came from.

After a brief stunned look, he was replaced by a murderous look on his face.

"Heaven has a way, you don't go, hell has no door, you surrender yourself, you deserve to be killed!" Seeing Wuchen despising her so much, Kaguya sneered and looked coldly in return.

Maybe she is really not Wuchen's opponent, but to force Wuchen to move her feet, Kaguya thinks it is still very easy.

"Killed? This is still too far away from me. If you have the ability to kill me, you can try it." Shaking his head slightly, Wuchen motioned for Kaguya to let the horse come over.

Looking directly at Kaguya Ji with a calm mind, Wuchen's feet penetrated deep into the ground, as if roots and sprouts were closely connected to the entire earth, and her hands were relaxed in front of her, very calm.

With his bright eyes locked on Kaguya, now is the best time to tame this arrogant wild horse, and Wuchen will naturally not miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Could this guy be able to—"

Wuchen's self-confidence in the eyes immediately aroused a woman's suspicious nature, Kaguya's heart, and inevitably reverie continued.

Suddenly remembering Wuchen's elementalization that ignores any physical attack, her delicate face solidified.

"Don't worry, I naturally won't use elementalization, it's all based on my true ability." Seeing Kaguya's sorrow at a glance, Wuchen chuckled and gave her a look that didn't need to be worried.

Seeing this, Kaguya was silent, but she was speechless when she wanted to speak, because "elementalization" was also one of Wuchen's many abilities, and it was a real skill, enough to easily escape all attacks.

The shock that Qing Yan gave up to use this ability that was enough to evade everything was indescribable to Kaguya.

"This is your own choice, not forced by your concubine." After taking a deep look at Wuchen, Kaguya said solemnly, her heart finally changed for Wuchen.

However, Wuchen's next sentence made Kaguya's only good feelings vanish.

"You didn't force it? You must force it. If it wasn't for you, how could I stand here as a living target for you?!" Dark eyes stared at Kaguya Ji's face, Wuchen said seriously.

With an expression of deep helplessness and a headache, it was obvious that all the faults were placed on Kaguya's head.

"To kill the ashes!"

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