Use Crocodile, the clown jumping beams, to find Pluto, until the day when Pluto was unearthed, he robbed his Pluto, and by the way, he smashed Crocodile into tens of thousands of pieces. Wuchen felt that this method of death was quite suitable for him.


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Chapter 517 The Approaching Shadow [Second More]

A new world, a calm sea somewhere.

Due to the domination of the "Four Emperors", few ships dare to go on the sea near here. The sea area here is the forbidden area of ​​Kaido, the "Four Emperors".

The other pirate groups slipped away from here, and there was only one end, and that was to be savagely sunk.

Kaido is so arrogant now, and he himself belongs to the martial arts faction. He yearns for war and likes war.

Kaido's sturdy figure is particularly conspicuous on the huge and gigantic battleship.

Different from the past, Kaido is now as gloomy as water, with an outrageous chill all over his body, and the strong murderous aura is almost suffocating.

In front of them are a few trembling crew members. These people are the elites of the Kaido pirates, and they are all top-level powerhouses selected from the crowd. Even so, facing the almost deified beast Kaido, there is still a wave from fear of the soul.


The crackling sound suddenly sounded, the hull was impacted by some mysterious energy, the wood chips were peeled off like snow, and the battleship kept roaring.

Looking up, an invisible wave enveloped the entire ship. It didn't move, but it gave people the illusion of moving. Most of the people were lying on the ground, foaming at the mouth, and their eyes were empty and dark. , loses the color that normal human beings should have.

Stunned by some mysterious force.

In the center of the deck, Kaido's tall body is obvious. At this moment, he feels extremely terrifying and depressing, like an active volcano that has been lurking for a long time. I don't know when, he will suddenly erupt and cause disaster.

"Is the news reliable, you should know what the price of lying to me is!" Kaido asked suspiciously, with eyes that were more ferocious than beasts falling on the men below.

Kaido, who has witnessed the ebb and flow of the tide for countless years, is also like a mirror to the fleet of his subordinates, which must be involved in the existence of spies from other forces.

Not only him, every large pirate group has other people or secret spies from the government.

"It's definitely not false information, even if we borrow ten courage from us, we don't dare to fake it!" The group of subordinates replied uncontrollably, trembling and sweating.

There was clearly visible fear in everyone's eyes, and they didn't even have the courage to look directly into Kaido's eyes.

"It doesn't seem like he's lying..." Upon seeing this, Kaido nodded with satisfaction. As a captain, he must maintain a strong deterrent force at all times.

Although Kaido looks like a brainless type with well-developed limbs, in fact, as long as you think about it carefully, you can know who will be a pirate who has spent most of his life in the ocean, facing the layers of the navy. Pool items.

In the final analysis, Kaido is just an existence that looks clumsy but is actually very thoughtful.

"Dare to plot against me... No, it is the [Four Emperors] who are plotting to rule the world at the same time. That Doflamingo's courage is not small." The dark brows were raised, and Kaido thought to himself.

Dare to calculate the consequences of the "Four Emperors" at the same time, Doflamingo should understand.

Carefully read the information in his hand, Kaido's face was full of contemplation, the content of which was exactly when the "Four Emperors" were elected last time, that strange devil fruit was actually Doflamingo deliberately provoked them "Four Emperors" The trap set by the war.

"Have you heard of this Doflamingo?" Kaido asked calmly after the conversation changed.

The group of pirates in front of Kaido looked at each other and shook their heads one after another. They really didn't pay much attention to this Doflamingo.

Or that Doflamingo's bounty was so insignificant that it could not attract their attention.

"Recently, the limelight is booming, and the focus of the [Tian Shang Jin] who robbed the Tianlong people seems to be him, but the strange thing is that the people in the navy and the government don't seem to dare to touch him."

A pirate who heard about Doflamingo explained.

"The navy doesn't dare to touch him? What kind of backing is behind that kid to dare to attack the Tianlong people." Hearing this, Kaido asked with a look of surprise on his face, slightly suspicious.

Robbing the "Heavenly Gold" of the Celestial Dragons is nothing but the navy and government officials who dare not capture him. Kaido of the beasts is also very famous for the Celestial Dragons, and looting the Celestial Dragons will attract the generals of the Navy headquarters. And Doflamingo's strength can only be regarded as average. The personnel of the navy and the government dare not touch him. It must not be because of strength, but other factors.

If so, the question is worth looking into.

"The navy and the world government seem to be estimating him." Kaido said incredulously with a puzzled frown.

A character who is now a general who is so strong can cause the scruples of the Navy Headquarters is indeed abnormal. After all, the overall combat power of the Navy Headquarters can face and fight against any of the four emperors.

It is really unreasonable to have scruples about a little-known little person.

"Where is the source of the intelligence?" Kaido asked after reading the words on the intelligence again.

Hearing this, the expressions of the crew members below suddenly became rigid, and they lowered their heads, not daring to look directly into Kaido's murderous eyes, and their bodies twitched uncontrollably.

Seeing this scene, Kaido smacked his lips in disdain, and secretly said that it was boring, and at the same time he knew the source of the information in an instant.

"There are enough lackeys to eat inside and out, it seems that the internal undercover agent is going to clear up some action..."

A gloomy cold light flashed across his eyes, Kaido said coldly, looking at Doflamingo, who was rampant in the intelligence, and had already sentenced him to death.

Doflamingo is not afraid of Tianlong people, and Kaido is not afraid either. Tianlong people are in front of him, looking unhappy whether to kill or kill, but there is one thing Kaido can be sure of.

Doflamingo must be afraid of him!

"Whether you have plotted against me or not, hum... you must die!"

For Kaido, there is no need for a reason to clean up other pirates. There are only two paths to choose from: submission or death. Unfortunately, Doflamingo is the one who is about to die!


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Chapter 518 Want to be a slave?You do not deserve! 【Third Update】

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