Whether it is the navy or the Kaido Pirates, including the World Government, they all wish that this unsightly rogue would disappear as soon as possible and restore peace to the entire world.

"Is this your choice, since I say what I want to hear, I really want to hear it." The dust-free hoarse voice came over through the phone bug.

Doflamingo nodded heavily, and told Wuchen all the development of the matter: "It starts from a few months ago, when the white-bearded and red-haired Shanks fought..."

In about half an hour, Doflamingo told Wuchen the original truth of the matter, [-], and did not dare to hide it at all.

After all, this is the only life-saving straw. If he is abandoned, he will never have the possibility of turning over in his life.

At the same time, Doflamingo's hatred of Dokaido is deeper into the bone marrow. If it weren't for his variable, everything would have played out as he planned.

Sit on the throne of "Shibukai", then become the king of Dressrosa, and then secretly create the "Pluto", a peerless killer, and finally, based on this, overlooking the world.

The legendary "One Piece" is also in his hands!

However, all of this was due to the sudden appearance of Kaido, the bastard, which disrupted his overall plan. The hatred for Kaido soared wildly. If it weren't for the gap between the two sides, Doflamingo would definitely die.

He was originally an ambitious and heroic figure, and he temporarily committed himself to Wuchen, but he was only wise to protect himself. Now that he has been mixed up with Kaido by the beasts, he will suffer a devastating blow when he leaves Wuchen in the future.

You don't need to do it yourself, but you just need to make the news you hear so far public, so that Doflamingo can be saved forever. The "Four Emperors" behind the scenes are known to the world. This world will be without Doflamingo. Brother's foothold.

One "Four Emperors" can destroy Doflamingo, let alone four!


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Chapter 523 The plan is calculated [fifth more]

A large amount of information poured into Wuchen's mind through the phone bug. At first, he listened to Wuchen with relish, until finally, his brows were tightly folded and squeezed together.

After a long time, Wuchen clarified the whole story. It turned out that the devil fruit of his own house was escaped by this kid Doflamingo!

"It's a farce..." Shaking his head, unable to laugh or cry, Wuchen was quite speechless, but he didn't expect this to come back again.

As if remembering something, a flash of light suddenly flashed across Wuchen's mind, keenly realizing that it was not as simple as he imagined, that Mary Joa had a lot of things, and even if Flamenco had the means to reach the sky, he couldn't easily steal them, and more Not to mention retreating completely, this is extremely unreasonable.

After carefully searching for the cause and effect, after a long silence, Wuchen vaguely guessed the truth hidden behind the scenes.

"Based on the current situation, it should have been the five old guys who did this on purpose."

Although it's just a personal assumption, it is quite certain that the Five Old Stars deliberately released water.

According to Wuchen's estimation, the strength of each of the five old stars is at least the level of the four emperors. Mary Joa is the back garden ~ garden that they have been operating for many years, and the chance of stealing things silently is zero.

"Intentionally?" Hearing this, Doflamingo was stunned suddenly, his face turned in disbelief, and his face turned ashen.

His eyes flickered constantly, and he had been rolling and crawling on the sea for decades, and Doflamingo had also cultivated a keen wisdom. Willing to remember, because most of them are painful memories.

Looking back now, I suddenly realized that it was really incredible, and everything went smoothly beyond imagination.

In a heavily guarded place like Mary Joa, it was incredible to be able to steal something, and it also caused a war between the "Four Emperors".

It was better not to imagine this aspect before, but now after Wuchen's sudden suggestion, Doflamingo found that this smooth operation was indeed a bit extraordinary.

It's like a script that was deliberately crafted for his Doflamingo!

"Those five damn old guys are vicious and poisonous enough!" After a while, Doflamingo roared through gritted teeth.

The low roar that popped out of his throat was like a dying beast, hoarse and full of madness, and Doflamingo had clearly guessed the intention of the Five Old Stars.

Using his hand to provoke the "Four Emperors" war, causing the pirates to fight, causing each pirate group to suffer heavy losses, to the extent of breaking the bones. exposed to the Kaido Pirates.

In terms of Kaido's nature, what will happen next is self-evident.

"Little people are always small people, and their vision is not long-term enough. Stealing things from the five old stars will make you complacent and carried away."

Hearing the roar from the phone bug, Wuchen shook his head and sighed inwardly.

The current Doflamingo, in the final analysis, is only a young man in his thirties [this age is very young for pirates]. Compared with the monsters like Wu Laoxing who have lived for an unknown number of years, they are still too bad. Far.

However, this is not a good thing, and it makes Doflamingo realize how vulnerable he is.

"For the time being, don't act rashly. Hide to avoid the wind. This time the suffering is over. In the future, there will definitely be another man named Doflamingo in the position of [Wangxia Qiwuhai]." A flash of light flashed in his eyes, Dust-free for sure.

Wu Laoxing can't wait to get rid of Doflamingo because of the constant pressure from the Tianlong people. They can't stand the pressure of the Tianlong people. Brother Lang Ming will become Shichibukai.

"I hope so." Ugly nodded, then hung up the phone bug.

Wisdom may be able to play with any character in the world. If it is comparable to the five old stars, Doflamingo can only sigh, just like this variable in front of him, he was foolishly sold by the five old stars, maybe he will return Thanks for their great kindness!

Wuchen is too lazy to waste his words, Doflamingo is always a small character who is not in the mainstream.

"Even me, too... Want to use Doflamingo to lure me out?"

Looking down at the buildings in the distance, Wuchen swallowed all the red liquid in the goblet into his lungs, and his face outlined a chilling murderous intent.

Almost substantive killing intent broke out.


The delicate transparent cup in his hand couldn't bear the savage killing intent, and it was covered with a layer of frost, followed by countless cracks, which turned into messy fragments in the next second.

The place where Wuchen’s sight is locked is the residential area of ​​the Five Old Stars.

"The mere beasts are just Kaido. Where is it worth my hands? You five old guys can use him, and I can also use Kaido as a man." The corners of his mouth swept a strange arc, and Wuchen sneered.

At the same time, he is determined to teach the five old stars a lesson they will never forget, and use his own way to give him back. If these restless old men don't teach them a lesson, they will never know what suffering is!

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