In the battle against Wuchen, Kaido of the beasts has long been suffocated, and the dazzling ability is really a headache.


Regardless of Kaido's reverie, Wuchen raised the knife and fell, and the wave of his hand was a bloody slash, and he crushed Kaido over the thorns.

"Don't underestimate Laozi!"

A dazzling light shot out from his eyes, and in the face of such a pressing cold light, Kaido did not retreat but advanced, and pounced on him like a tiger.


The iron fist that condensed the strength of the whole body blasted out, and the incoming blood-colored rays of light immediately dismembered and ruptured, and the scattered hurricane pulled the ground out of messy cracks, as simple as cutting tofu.

"Bang bang bang..."

Kaido swept his teeth and claws at a rapid pace. The reason for his excessive strength was that every time he took a step, the ground would tremble with it.

"This courage to die is worthy of admiration." Carefully looking at Kaido who was approaching, Wuchen nodded slightly, and then his expression was as stern as a knife.

He also rushed out without fear.

"Boom boom boom!"

The fierce collision continued, and the fight between the two had surpassed human cognition. The landslides and the ground cracked at every turn, and the air was roaring and roaring, and it was extremely hot.

Others are scruples about Wuchenduo and Flamenco's identity, Kaido naturally has no scruples, the identity of Tianlong people can't play any role for him, only the person with the big fist is the final winner.


With the sound of flesh cutting, Kaido's skin suddenly had a bloody trace, but the bloody wound healed in the next second.


He suddenly stepped back and pulled a distance from Kaido. Dust-free pupils squinted slightly, and secretly said: "Using some means to catalyze and stimulate the growth process of cells to increase all aspects of the body's data..."

Wuchen guessed that this method reached a certain level, and even had the terrifying effect of rebirth from a severed limb, but the side effects were also extremely large. First of all, the physical strength was unbearable.

"It seems that conventional means are useless."

Staring at Kaido's chest, the reincarnation eye in the left eye turned rapidly, and a majestic pupil power flooded out. The focus of Wuchen's eyes was Kaido, the beast.

"Boom boom boom..."

A strong repulsive force exploded without warning, and the center point was in front of Kaido, the beast.

The exaggerated repulsion covered the entire island, and the slowly sinking island was swallowed by the sea at a faster rate.

"Being focused by [Maharaja], it should be almost the time." Staring at Kaido, who couldn't stand in the distance, Wuchen smiled.

The principle of Maharaya is similar to that of Chaoshen Luo Tianzheng, and the power is similar. The biggest difference is that through the sight of dust-free, you can choose the place of delivery at will.


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Chapter 533 Crazy Beast Kaido [fourth more]

Kaido was lying on the ground half-dead, breathing weakly. Due to the gradual loss of vitality, the feeling of powerlessness spread throughout his body, and it was no longer enough to maintain his armed domineering state.

The depressed Kaido saw the miserable appearance of his future fall in a trance. He was covered in blood, with wounds all over his body, and was carried by a man like an ant in the air.

The initiator is the dust-free!

"I can't die yet."

The turbid old eyes shot out an awe-inspiring luster, and Kaido's face was full of madness.

"Can't die? Do you think anyone can save you?"

The contemptuous voice resounded in Kaido's ears, with sarcasm and naked contempt, unable to even move his body, and even delusionally thinking of drawing wages from the bottom of the pot.

Looking closely, the comer is Wuchen.

Raising his head and staring at the suddenly flashing figure, Kaido's silent murderous aura collapsed again, staring at Wuchen savagely, if his eyes could kill, at this moment he was riddled with holes and cut into a stick.

"Looks like it's over..."

Looking down at the bloody beast Kaido, he said indifferently, his tone was as cold as frost, and the eyes he looked at Kaido showed no human emotion.

In other words, in Wuchen's eyes, Kaido is already a corpse.

"Can it be repaired... But it seems that no matter how it can be repaired, it is already the end of the battle."

The wound that came into view was slowly repaired, and the bloody wound was re-coagulated, leaving ugly scars. Even so, the healing speed was much slower than before, and it was completely turtle-speed. Kaido also wore a rough mouth and a rough old face. White and sweating.

"I still want to turn over at the end of the crossbow, and I think it's not suitable for daydreaming in broad daylight."

Staring at Kaido who continued to stand up, Wuchen frowned and said, this kid can't be as vigorous as this, and he can stand up after being blown up again and again.

The blow just now had already crushed Kaido's bones, causing his internal organs to move in dislocation. I didn't expect this old boy to stand up in a small universe.

Of course, it can also be understood in another way. Driven by the desire to die, Kaido still gritted his teeth and chose to continue to fight.

"I'm really sorry for this, I just like to daydream!" Even though he was seriously injured, Kaido still didn't show weakness and chose to retort sharply.

"Any struggle is futile."

Seeing Kaido continue to stand up, Wuchen softly persuaded him "friendly".Anyway, it's all death, there's no need to bear the guilt and suffer, it's better to wait for death to be happy!

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