"There are people outside people, there are days outside the sky, next time you are so careless, maybe you will lose your life."

The boundless void only left a cold warning, full of strong magic power, wandering the sky for a long time and never dissipated, resounding in the ears of everyone in Mary Joa.


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Chapter 538 How about bullying you? 【Third Update】

Commander Kong's old face was purple, and he stared at the zombie army indignantly, with a particularly gloomy expression. No matter what, the fact that he failed could not be concealed.

A needle was also stabbed in his heart indirectly, very annoyed, possessing the strength to destroy the world and crush the opponent hundreds of times at will, but he could not stop the opponent. Unexpectedly stealing and flying, no one's old face can't hang.

After all, he is also the most well-documented navy veteran, and he really feels that his face is dull.


The ground burst with a bang, and the army of reincarnated soil seemed to have never appeared before. It went deep into the ground strangely and disappeared, leaving only the stunned World Government staff around.

It can appear suddenly like a ghost, or disappear in an instant, and has an undead body. This kind of invincible enemy is definitely a nightmare.


Inside the spacious villa with bright lights.

The graceful and splendid beautiful woman stands in style, the pearlescent gems around her neck set off her graceful grace, she has long wavy golden hair, wears orange hair accessories, and wears a long robe with fish scale patterns. Shining eyes are not angry, and there is nobility between the eyebrows.

It is not difficult to see that the comers are either rich or expensive.

"Yo, what a rare visitor. I didn't expect you to be so ingenious that you know how to sneak into Mary Joa while you are in a mess."

The frivolous and slightly unexpected voice resounded, and the dust-free figure appeared immediately. She originally thought that the person in front of her would never set foot in such a dirty and sinful place as Mary Joa, but she did not expect to take the initiative to send it to her door today.

Looking closely, it was Princess Otohime from Fishman Island.

I haven't seen her for about a few months. Princess Yiji is more attractive than ever. Because of her high status, she is full of extravagance. Her eyes are full of majesty, and there is dignity in the phoenix eyes. She does have the noble temperament that a princess should have.

"If I remember correctly, you should be my slave, have you forgotten even the most basic etiquette... Or do you think you can get rid of my control after returning to the fish-man island for a few months? …”

Carefully looking at Princess Eiji, who was not angry and self-possessed, there was oppression in Wuchen's tone, forcing her to kneel in front of her with a pale face.

"Remember clearly, in front of others, you are the princess that everyone admires, but don't forget, in front of me, you are always a slave." He glanced at Princess Yiji lightly, and said indifferently.

The cold eyes looked down at Princess Ottoji indifferently, full of indifference to life, and seemed to tell silently that the stunning beauty in front of her was a puppet who was trampled at will, and she could ignore her dignity at will.


Princess Yiji's face was pale, she didn't expect Wuchen to be so indifferent, she looked up at the cold face, her eyes were full of unyielding, she tried to stand up with all her strength, but she was still crushed by even more majestic strength, and she could only be powerless. kneel on the ground.

"Do you think that your daughter is for my use, so you can rely on this mother and son to be more expensive?"

Sitting leisurely on the sofa, she looked at the pale princess Otoji, who was kneeling on the ground, and said with contempt, "You princess of Fishman Island, including your daughter Bai Xing, are all playthings in my hands. Slaves, that's all."

The dust-free and sharp pupils fell on Princess Otoji's body, waiting for her reply.

In fact, for Wuchen, if there is an ancient weapon like the Sea King, it will naturally be more powerful, even if it is not, it is harmless.

"You...know, I understand, Master." Tears of humiliation danced in the corners of his eyes, trembling and despairing, and the Princess Otoji at this moment was pitiful.

Wuchen treated her with cold eyes from beginning to end, like a machine without emotion, not moved by those ridiculous tears, just a mere slave, and it was still a money-losing product that spent billions of Baileys!

Hearing that Princess Yiji gave in, Wuchen took back the majestic pressure.

"come over."

She hooked her fingers towards Princess Otohime, and the corner of her mouth raised a wicked smile.

Princess Yiji clenched her fists when she heard the words, and instinctively wanted to refuse. She had a unique opinion on what kind of person Wuchen was. Then she remembered the mission on her shoulders, and she walked over with her silver teeth calmly.

Standing obediently in front of Wuchen, not daring to put on the air of a princess, in front of Tianlong people, her ridiculous identity will only add to the sense of laughter.

"Your master is already quite old, and he wants to start a family in the future. Now it is up to you to teach me the enlightenment education before marriage. Otherwise, it would be hard for me to listen to you go on."

Staring at Princess Yiji jokingly, Wuchen said indifferently, his tone full of threats.

Hearing this, Princess Yiji's face was pale. She was over twenty years old and naturally understood what it meant. Tianlong people are world-famous for their greed, greed, and lust. The idea is too naive.

"I already have a daughter, are you sure you want to occupy me? If you don't mind, I don't care." Gritting her silver teeth, Princess Yiji chose to retreat instead of advancing.

Wuchen sneered in response, looked at Princess Yiji, and cursed stupidly.When she was pregnant with Bai Xing, Wuchen had already seen that she was still a virgin. Although she didn't know the reason, it was certain that she was still perfect to this day.

"I definitely don't care, it's just a mere slave, and it's okay to play."

With a secret laugh, Wuchen's random words sent Princess Otoji into hell, the blood flowing all over her body was drawn away, and her beautiful eyes were full of despair.

Regardless of what happened to Princess Otoji, Wuchen threw her onto the sofa arrogantly.

"Are you Tiantaki people so savage and don't understand fun?!"

The panicked Princess Otoji didn't expect the change to happen so quickly, like a frightened little ~white ~ rabbit curled up in a ball, guarding Wuchen like a wolf like a tiger.

"Are you stupid woman an idiot? Or have you seen Tiantaki people who like to fall in love?"

Wuchen, who is determined to completely trample on the dignity of Princess Eiji, is merciless. For this kind of ignorant woman, who always thinks that she can change everything, only by completely throwing her into hell can she recognize herself.


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