He glanced at Princess Yiji with deep meaning, then lowered his head to ignore her, and focused on reading the morning paper sent, his eyes were ten lines, capturing the news he needed.

Princess Yiji sat back on the sofa in a daze, her eyes were empty, as if her soul had been extracted and turned into a walking corpse, her mind was full of despair and bitterness.

It doesn't matter whether Princess Yiji lives or dies, in the final analysis, she is also a useless slave. It was just a whim last night, and it was also the ethereal temperament of Princess Yiji's dignity and indifference to the world that attracted Wuchen.

All in all, if Princess Yiji can know fun and everything is good, and if the sky is high to touch his bottom line, Wuchen will not hesitate to choose to destroy flowers!

"Is it a coincidence that Kaido, the old guy, has saved his life time and time again..."

The long and narrow banner of the newspaper is very clear. It is the Kaido pirates who fled in embarrassment. Although they were beaten by the naval fleet led by Lieutenant General Garp and lost a large number of crew members, they finally managed to escape the naval ambush circle.

"Maybe it's the man."

After thinking about it, Wuchen doesn't think Kaido has the confidence to retreat, because the previous battle has consumed [-]% of his physical strength, and the remaining strength is not enough to fight Garp.

Garp, who once forced "One Piece" into a desperate situation several times, has reached the peak of his strength. Even if the general faces Garp in the peak period, there is only one way to die.

"It should be related to that man. On the eve of the incident, his pirate group mysteriously disappeared."

When his mind became active, the man with three scars in his eyes stepped into the dust-free pupil. It was the captain of the Red-haired Pirates, Red-haired Shanks.

Red-haired Shanks has a very deep vision and shrewdness. He is usually kind and approachable. He can open his heart to him, but he can't raise a hostile attitude.

"Master Wuchen." The voice of Bai Jue suddenly sounded in his mind.

Wuchen closed his eyes peacefully after hearing the words, took a deep breath of cool air to stabilize his emotions, and his heart that was splattered with ripples calmed down, returning to the ancient well of the past.

When Bai Jue contacted him so urgently, it was usually an omen that something big would happen.

"The red-haired Shanks retreated to cover the Beast Kai team and fought with the Navy [hero] Garp. Many of the red-haired crew members were captured alive by Garp."

Bai Jue's explosive news coincides with what Wuchen had guessed before.

"I really don't understand why the man with red hair Shanks always likes to meddle in his own business. Without him to disrupt the situation, Kaido might be captured again."

Bai Jue said quite annoyed, obviously he didn't care about Kaido the beasts very much.

The reason why he hates Kaido the beasts so much is also for a reason. Most of Bai Jue's clones have been killed by his crew because of spying on the Kaido pirates, and Bai Jue is also worried about this.

"It's not surprising, the red-haired Shanks is the kind of person who likes to meddle in his own business." Shaking his head, Wuchen said that he could see clearly and calmly.

The actions of red-haired Shanks are strange and unpredictable. Every time he makes a seemingly unreasonable shot, there is a big involvement behind it. For example, take this sudden appearance to rescue Kaido, not saving Kaido from the clutches of Garp. , the short-lived balance around the world will also collapse, and it will fall into a chaotic era of divided heroes.

In addition, the world government may suddenly attack again, and without warning, the remaining three emperors will be attacked, and the red-haired Shanks understands the truth.

"Speaking of which, a lot of red-haired crew members were caught by Garp?" Wuchen asked Bai Jue with his thoughts, and the corners of his mouth swept into an indiscernible arc.

The red-haired Shanks' successive spoilers, without giving him a deep-rooted lesson, would seem to be too broad-minded!

"Yes, a few were caught." Bai Jue nodded, admiring Garp's strength.

It is not difficult to see that Lieutenant General Garp himself, and the navy side he led, formed an unprecedented team who were able to capture the red-haired Shanks alive.

"Master Wuchen intends to personally get to know the red-haired Shanks?" Bai Jue asked tentatively, his deep voice raised his tone with excitement.

One thing is certain, Wuchen chose to do it himself, even if the red-haired Shanks went against the sky, he would not be able to escape the five-fingered mountain designed for him.

"It's not necessary. You can use the power of others to give him a look."

Shaking his head, a cold light appeared in Wuchen's pupils, killing people was no more than nodding his head. It was actually very simple to deal with a righteous character like the red-haired Shanks.

Being good at making friends is his biggest advantage and his biggest disadvantage. Once a person has complex feelings, it means that he will be full of flaws in the future!


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Chapter 541 Deliberately Caught [First Update] (Part [-])

Wuchen still vaguely remembers that the days when Hawkeye and the red-haired Shanksby sword became legends are just around the corner.

All in all, this is the best chance to plot against the red-haired Shanks. It is impossible to know whether he can be successfully killed. At the very least, it can give him an unforgettable lesson who has been doing nothing all day!

The arrogant red-haired Shanks has a weakness that is well known to the whole world-heavy love and righteousness!

"Are the crew members of the red-haired Shanks detained in the deep-sea prison?" Wuchen asked in a low and hoarse voice, his tone full of murderous intent.

"Yes, all of them will be imprisoned on the sixth floor of the Advance City." Although Bai Jue didn't know why, he answered truthfully.

Nodding silently, he suddenly felt that the old man Karp was much more kind and lovely, and he would not do such despicable and dirty things by relying on the crew to threaten each other.


The deep sea prison is always dark, bottomless, and filled with suffocating depression.

Since the last time Hawkeye and Doflamingo robbed Caesar from the prison, the defense of the deep sea prison has been reinforced and transformed, using materials that are several times harder than the original.

The cold and damp sixth layer of hell - the infinite hell!

This is the bottom layer of the deep-sea prison, filled with a disgusting stench, and the flowing air is full of depression. Every time it is inhaled into the lungs, the whole body will become heavier, like an invisible mountain on the back.

Figures in the darkness are blurred.

"It really is a place where the strong gather..."

The majestic perception spread out, and the prisoners of the entire "Infinite Hell" were brought into the eyes. Wuchen's tone improved a lot, with a moving expression.

"No wonder Blackbeard chooses his companions here..."

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