"Then what about your darkened side?" Blinking her eyes, Princess Yiji asked curiously.

The dark side of a redhead can give up everything and kill Hawkeye. Once Wuchen erupts, she is very curious about what unexpected things will happen.

"Ghost knows..."

Wuchen shrugged, casually prevaricates, and at the same time, he couldn't help thinking about the intention and purpose of Whitebeard's sheltering Fishman Island. It is certain that his thoughts are not simple.

There must be other plans.


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Chapter 554 Actors Gather [Fifth More]

The bounty is high, and the pirates who dominate one side mean that they have more blood on their hands, and the strongest butchers like Whitebeard shelter Fishman Island for no reason. There is no reason to say it.

"Impossible, he must be—"

"Your statement is simply self-deception, I'm afraid you can't even fool yourself." He waved his hand, interrupting Princess Yiji's speech, and said indifferently.

It is a truth that will never change.

Princess Yiji's face was ashen when she heard the words, but she was speechless when she deliberately refuted it. After thinking about it, it was indeed unreasonable and extraordinary for a big pirate like Whitebeard to shelter Fishman Island for no reason.

It is extremely difficult to even find an excuse to convince and deceive yourself.

"You want to get the protection of the government, but you and Whitebeard, the mortal enemy, and sworn to save..."

Shaking his head, Wuchen sighed inwardly that Princess Oiji's idea was ridiculous and naive. She wanted to join the World Government and get asylum, but she secretly swore to Whitebeard.

"Whitebeard, although I don't know what you're trying to do, you'd better not play that kind of thinking, otherwise... hum!" There was a piercing cold light in his eyes, and he groaned without a trace.

Dragons will die if they touch the scales!

The relationship between Roger and Whitebeard is extraordinary. It is not excluded that he told Whitebeard what he got in the historical text, and after witnessing the power of the world government, Whitebeard also moved other thoughts.

Want to defeat the world government and navy in an alternative way, or simply say Whitebeard protects his "sons".

"Are you saying that her intention is to..."

Princess Yiji's pretty face is ugly, and the reason why Wuchen attaches importance to her has long been understood.

Hearing this, Wuchen nodded silently this time. Although it is only a guess at the moment, Fishman Island is currently the only thing that can attract a legendary character like Whitebeard.

"I told you before that everyone has two sides, don't think of the white beard as a sheep, the old man is actually a wolf beast that can devour everything." Wuchen asserted earnestly.

Whitebeard does not know some historical texts, but his close friend "One Piece" Goal D Roger does know many unknown secrets.

It is not impossible to tell Whitebeard something important.

"Eighty percent of it is for [Sea King], but well... I hope that old boy can get to know each other."

His eyes fell on Princess Yiji's body, Wuchen patted her fragrant shoulder lightly, and said with a pleasant smile: "Don't worry, when I let you go, I left my strength on your mother and son, and I will follow along with you. With the birth of Bai Xing, my power has also been transferred to her, if Baibeard dares to act rashly, he will be bound by himself."

"I hope so." Princess Yiji nodded worriedly.

Although it is only a dust-free guess, the only thing that can attract Whitebeard to Fishman Island is the ancient weapon - Sea King. The source of Whitebeard's news is naturally the Pirate King Roger.

"Although Whitebeard is a pirate, he is not a mindless man. He knows which is more important, and he will not touch the key to open Pandora's ink cartridges unless he has to. He cannot afford such a price and consequence. live."

Taking advantage of the trend, he took Princess Otoji into his arms, and Wuchen explained it while eating tofu, so unhappy.

Unlike the past, Princess Yiji did not resist this time, her eyes were dotted with pitiful hesitation and helplessness. Instead of rejecting Wuchen, she grabbed the corner of his clothes, as if only an empty and panicked heart would be at peace.

Whitebeard really wants to snatch Baixing, no one can stop him on Fishman Island, and the only life-saving straw is Wuchen.

"Don't worry, that old boy with white beard is not a god. He may just know that [Sea King] exists on Fishman Island, and he has no way of knowing who it is." Wuchen comforted softly.

The historical text only records the placement of ancient weapons, and it has not been detailed on anyone. Looking at the world today, there are absolutely no more than five people who know that Bai Xing is Neptune.

The reason why Princess Yiji knew about it was because Wuchen told her impatiently.

"That man seems to have landed on the island, young master." Hancock said with a smile, his voice was like the sound of nature, which made people addicted for a while.

Wuchen swept her lightly, then nodded slightly, looked away from Princess Otoji's body, and stared at the picture reflected by the video phone bug.

It was the embarrassed Beckman who came into view.

"This savior is finally here. Otherwise, Hawkeye might have been besieged to death by the red-haired pirates. Beckman came to relieve Hawkeye. This carefully arranged script is quite good." The corner of his mouth outlined a gloomy expression. With a penetrating smile, Wuchen's tone was unusually gloomy and hoarse.

Sitting next to Wuchen, Princess Otoji and Hancock looked at each other, and both could see the looming fear in each other's eyes. The only thing fortunate was that this sinister smell was not aimed at the two of them.

"Could it be that you are counting on Beckman to help Hawkeye with a rake?" Qianqianyu patted her chest, and Princess Yiji tried her best to keep calm and curious.

Hancock also tilted his head, looking at Wuchen with smart eyes, obviously looking forward to Wuchen's answer.

"It's true. When I saw him a few months ago, I left something special in his body, but because my abilities were too strange, Beckman couldn't detect it."

Wuchen said lightly, as if he had done something trivial, quietly savoring the hot tea in his hands, but the evil and evil smile on the corner of his mouth was enough to make people shy away.

He looked at Beckman, who had landed on the island in embarrassment, with contemptuous eyes. The joy reflected in his eyes was clearly visible, and the contempt and contempt on his face was full of dust. Heaven has completely stepped into hell!


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Chapter 555 Prelude to Cannibalism [First Update]

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