There was an explicit chill in the low tone, and the dust-free "Beckman" smiled grimly.

"The energy of chakra is unusual. It is not something that belongs to your world... The reason why the few remaining chakras are actually kept has another meaning..."

Wuchen and Kaguya are the only ones who enjoy chakra exclusively in the world. Almost all the chakras from others have been deprived. It is naturally impossible for people in these different worlds to understand the characteristics of the mysterious power of chakra.

"Get out of here!"

The red-haired Shanks, who suddenly realized that something was wrong, shouted aloud, and then he was on guard with his sword in both hands, staring at the creepy smile on his face, and the lingering uncertainty in his mind became more real.

For a while, even the open wound on his chest was forgotten, and crystal beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.


The surviving crew members looked at the red hair with puzzled faces. The principle of not abandoning their companions was deeply rooted. Red-haired Shanks clearly meant to leave them alone and face the dust-free.

"Don't be wordy, you can drag me down now, get out of my way!"

Seeing that the group of crew members were still stranded, the red-haired Shanks lost his calm and shouted: "My own words, there should be no problem escaping."

Seeing the red-haired Shanks insisting so much, the crew hesitated for a while, then stopped insisting, and dragged their exhausted bodies towards the big ship on the coast.

Each of them has burn marks of varying depths, all thanks to the dust-free "Amaterasu", no combat power, and only dragging down the red-haired Shanks when they stay.

"Really, why don't you just leave early..."

Zun Ran sighed, wiped the sweat from his temples, and the red-haired Shanks showed a knowing smile at the corner of his mouth, with a sassy, ​​and then began to calmly deal with Wuchen.

Looking directly at the red-haired Shanks, Wuchen saw regret from the corner of his eyes, but this world does not sell regret medicine.

"Escape is useless. Under the lock of that technique, no one can escape."

As far as the eye can see, the crew of the Red-haired Pirates quickly boarded the ship, erected the big sails away from the center of the island, and the fast sailing ship soon turned into tiny black ink dots.

"The actual function of the chakra left in this body is only positioning. To put it bluntly, it is the coordinates. It is used to capture your geographic location. The attack... is my body!"

Eyes narrowed, Wuchen told the truth.

The red hair was relieved to hear the words, and sneered: "Coordinates? They have already fled, useless!"

Shaking his fingers, Wuchen said indifferently: "[Tian Obstruction Zhenxing]'s attack has no boundaries, you should calculate how much coverage he has, not where your crew can escape... In short, seek more from yourself. Blessed."


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Chapter 559 Heavenly Obstruction Star [Fifth More]

The red-haired Shanks' brows froze tightly. He didn't know what Wuchen was thinking, but an inexplicable voice suddenly in his heart told him to run away immediately.

It's really abrupt, but it's unusually real.

However, the red-haired Shanks still chose to act with respect for rationality, completely ignoring his inner instincts for no other reason, just because after he slipped away, his co-captain would definitely become a turtle in a urn.

It is impossible for him to give up Beckman, and the principle of valuing his companions will never change.

"Don't worry, not only your red-haired pirates, but also other pirates around the island will also be buried with you, and you will be accompanied by Huangquan Road."

Seeing that the sweat on the red-haired Shanks' temples became more and more obvious, Wuchen softly persuaded him with "kindness".

Hearing this, the optimistic red-haired Shanks just showed a smile at the corner of his mouth. Although it looked far-fetched, it also highlighted his cheerful attitude, showing that he was not afraid of life and death.

"Really... I didn't expect that someone like you who regards life as a must-have would be so kind."

Holding the Western sword in his hand, the red-haired Shanks said bluntly that in such an urgent state of mind, he was still calm, and he had already put his life and death aside.

"I hope you can be so calm and calm when you go to heaven." With murderous intent in his eyes, "Beckman" said indifferently.

This cold tone is indeed as red-haired Shanks said before, full of contempt for all living beings, and the words and sentences reveal the meaning of superiority.

Different from the thinking of red-haired Shanks, Wuchen believes that it should be the case. The weak are born to be dominated by the strong. The law of the jungle is the law of the jungle. Every world is like this. If you have no strength, you will be trampled by the enemy~ The only way to survive unharmed is to become the top predator in the food chain.

It is precisely because of this idea of ​​being prepared for danger in times of peace that Wuchen can set foot on this step today.

Closing his eyes, "Beckman" didn't bother to talk nonsense with the red-haired Shanks. This kind of pirate thought was deeply ingrained, and it would be nonsense to say more.

Dead wood cannot be carved!

"Are you coming..."

Seeing "Beckman" closing his eyes indifferently, the red-haired Shanks' cold hair rose, and his eyes were on guard like a torch. The machine recaptured Beckman, and the outcome was no longer important to him.

Squinting eyes peeping at the red-haired, vicissitudes of life hoarse and full of a little magnetic voice with playfulness, it is obvious that Wuchen is very much looking forward to the scene when the red-haired Shanks sees "Heavenly Disaster".

After half a sound, the tightly closed eyes suddenly opened, and the remaining "Beckman" and the chakra in the body were positioned. The eyes opened awe-inspiringly, shooting out bursts of dim light, Mary Joa's dust-free, and the dust-free Becker. Man spoke at the same time, and the cold voice lingered in the world for a long time and never dissipated.

"Heavenly Shocks the Stars!"

The quaint and vicissitudes of the tone filled the entire island, containing magic power, causing the unstoppable time to leak, and the pride was delayed in an instant, everything stopped, and the chakra left in Beckman's body was also exhausted in an instant, and fell to the ground unbearably. .

"Is this guy a grandstanding?!"

The moment Beckman fell to the ground, the red-haired Shanks galloped as an afterimage, and then looked around at the unchanged environment, frowning.

"Cough cough cough..."

At this moment, the silent Beckman suddenly woke up, as if his consciousness was still in a faint state, unable to speak sensitively, he just tried his best to raise his finger to point to the sky.

The red-haired Shanks was stunned for a moment, and looked at the sky subconsciously.

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