The reason is quite simple. With the addition of Yuexi, Kaguya's boring life is no longer monotonous. It is more colorful and more fun than before. Her ambition is enough to swallow the sky and the earth. also fades slowly.

"just forget it……"

Satisfied looking at the lingering and harmonious mother and daughter, Wuchen also stopped taking Xiaoyuexi out. To do so would be too cruel and unfair to Kaguya, and Wuchen did not have the skills to bring children.

It's enough to live quietly and peacefully.

"You're too easy to satisfy. Besides, my aunt's dream is still in vain."

Taking Wuchen's expression of being content with the status quo in her eyes, Yu Luo said with dissatisfaction, and the blame in her tone was undisguised. The plan that she should have a nest in her mind has not yet come true.

"Let's live with the situation, you know that this kind of thing depends on fate, so don't blame me." She shrugged, with a look that had nothing to do with me.

Yu Luo's mouth twitched, staring gloomily at Wuchen, no one was an idiot, Wuchen's words meant that there was something wrong with her body!

Intentionally refuting, but there is no way to refute, Wuchen and Kaguya were hit immediately, and there was no movement with her countless hairs but they were farts, and everything was silently explained.

"This is a disease that needs to be cured."

Gently patted Yu Luo's shoulder, Wuchen said with a smile, the ridicule in his tone was undisguised, and then his body disintegrated like a breeze without warning, disappearing forever between heaven and earth, instantly disappearing without a trace, no breath at all.


The warm sunlight poured down from the nine heavens, and the whole world was bathed in the scorching sun, full of vigor, vigor and vitality, which made people temporarily forget that this was an extremely distorted world.

Coincidentally, some people are extremely uncomfortable with this warm sun.

The red-haired pirates who survived from the dead were lonely and bleak, the momentum that swept the sea in the past also disappeared with the wind, and the warships docked on the coast were almost destroyed.

In the past, the red-haired pirates who were extremely domineering, traversed the four seas, swept the new world, and set foot on the top ~ peaked as the "Four Emperors", only a few members were left with yellow faces and thin skin.

It was in response to the word-prosperity and decline, all because of that man's name and disaster in a single thought. Years of hard work and painstaking efforts turned into nothing at once, and even reduced to a state that was about to be wiped out.

"New world... I will definitely come back!"

The sonorous and powerful oath resounded in the sky, and the red-haired Shanks then went away with the remaining crew, and the shadow of loneliness gradually elongated and disappeared on the sea level.

Wuchen, the initiator of the smashing red-haired pirates, is extremely proud of himself. He is in good spirits at every happy event. With his poker face all day, he will sometimes show a knowing smile.

Make Hancock secretly call the sun out from the bottom of the sea!

The dust-free music on the balcony lay leisurely on the couch, the birth of Xiaoyuexi really made him feel good, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help humming a little song.

He didn't even realize that a sudden figure appeared.

"There's no chance for a play this time."

Squinting his eyes, he peeped at Wuchen's high-spirited expression without a trace, and Doflamingo had a smile on his face, and he is still a wanted pirate.

Although the position of "The King's Seven Martial Seas" is still close to the door, but it is only a short distance away, and Wuchen does not help him to increase the fire.

"In the recent period of time, I will help you get the position of [Shibukai] as soon as possible. We must seize the throne of King Dressrosa as soon as possible, and drag the original [Riku] royal family to the altar."

Before waiting for Doflamingo to speak, Wuchen spoke in advance, and his cold voice had the meaning of killing.

"It's really necessary to speed up the pace. It seems that the old boy Caesar was caught by Sakaski, but in the end, thanks to your rescue, otherwise the old boy will go to the advance city to eat again."

Doflamingo said with a flattering smile, his tone was full of flattery, and he completely gave up his so-called dignity.

It won't be too late to regain his dignity when his wings grow hard in the future. Now he is just a lost dog. The identity of Tianlong people actually has little deterrent effect on the Five Old Stars. power, and without the dust-free protective umbrella, you will surely die.

Not only him, but also Caesar, so Doflamingo is unusually obedient.

Glancing at Doflamingo lightly, Wuchen was not happy or angry, and it was completely opposite to the appearance of meeting Hancock before. In the face of these subordinates who are not subordinates, necessary oppression is still necessary.

The reason why he chose to let Doflamingo sit on the "Qiwuhai" in advance is entirely because Caesar's traces were exposed, and the construction of Pluto would inevitably require a quiet environment. , by the way to seek refuge in Dressrosa's king position to cover Caesar.

"What are the specific steps?" Lowering his posture, Doflamingo asked in a low voice.

"This is very simple, lead your pirate group to destroy as much as possible, the loss is enough for the navy to bear, then they will naturally come to you to compromise, it doesn't matter if the trouble is big, behind me is your foothold!"

The simplest and most effective way is to be rude and direct. This is the truth that will never change.


Ask for flowers, ask for rewards, and automatically subscribe to all kinds of requests! ! !

Chapter 568 Furious Zefa [Chapter Three]

Having received the coveted promise, Doflamingo left Marijoa in a wild laugh, and the unbridled laugh seemed to mock the helpless annoyed look of anger after the Navy was attacked by him.

Somewhere in the world, Brother Doflaming has seen the old face of the Warring States Marshal's blue and purple!

On the balcony, I glanced indifferently at the warship that was sailing away. The sight was so clean that I could even see that Doflamingo was standing on the deck.

"Master, are you too used to him like this?" Hancock, who was wearing a maid's uniform, came quietly and gently massaged the sides of Wuchen's shoulders with extremely accurate techniques.

Doflamingo is very ambitious, like a wolf like a tiger.

Dust-free and comfortable closed his eyes and enjoyed it comfortably. He hadn't seen him for a while, and Hancock's massage was going a long way, and the fatigue on both shoulders was swept away.

"Don't worry, it's just a little pawn who can't get into the elegant hall."

Hearing this, Wuchen replied casually, with a tone of indifference, obviously never caring about Brother Doflamingo, no matter how beautiful Sun Wukong's conspiracy and tricks are, even if it is seamless and under the shroud of the five-fingered mountains, he always does. They are all insignificant, just a tiny particle in the hundreds of millions of floating and sinking.

The delusional delusion of the mere mayfly will shake the sky and the earth, and the consequence is that moths will fly into the fire and kill themselves. If he can understand the interest, Wuchen doesn't mind continuing to keep Doflamingo under his belt, and if he dares to resist, he will let Dover in a breath. Brother Luming splattered three feet of blood and took off the head on his neck.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about it, just use it with contempt.

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