After thinking of Zefa's personality, a biting cold light appeared in Wuchen's eyes, and he sneered: "I gave him the opportunity, if the old guy really goes and comes back...then I will take his life!"

The sonorous and powerful shout contained confidence, Zefa was very powerful, and Wuchen had a [-]% certainty to win it. No one would pose a big threat to him in a heads-up match.

"But then again... that kid Doflamingo's next goal is to be the king of Dressrosa."

Crowding his foreheads together, Wuchen remembered that Doflamingo had become the "King's Qiwuhai". I'm afraid his next plan is to take the position of King Dressrosa, and Caesar can also secretly create it under his protection. With Hades.

Perfecting and consolidating the ambition to unify the world without dust.


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Chapter 573 Pleasant scourge of the world [Second more]

Old Zefa, who returned to the battleship, twitched, and the students who came into view were snoring and sleeping with saliva still on the corners of their mouths. Their expressions were rich and comfortable, and they were clearly dreaming.

"Who is that guy..."

Looking complicatedly in the direction of Wuchen Villa, Zefa had mixed feelings in his heart. He knew that this was Wuchen's intention to let him go, and Zefa was also prepared to die in battle, but he did not expect Wuchen to use this method.

From every angle, this time is an unsolvable dead end.

After thinking about it for a while, Ze Fa, who didn't think through it, was no longer entangled. It was better to die than to live. Since he knew that Wuchen intended to let him go, it was impossible to go back to die again stupidly.

After about half a day of rest, Zefa chose to leave Mary Joa. These remaining students are indeed tired enough and need to give them time to relax.

Looking around, many of Zefa's current students have become the mainstays of the future. For example, there are people with extraordinary strength such as Smog.


Above the tall building, looking down at the distant battleship, even though it has turned into a tiny black dot, the dust-free is unobstructed, and it is clearly exposed under his eyelids. For him, the distance is just a concept.

The distance to the ends of the earth is also a trivial thought.

"It seems that you are not a fool."

Withdrawing his sight, Wuchen walked towards the side of the room with light steps, and a huge and narrow map came into view, which was densely covered with red and white flags.

White represents navy, while red represents pirates.

The entire map is almost occupied by the pirate flags that belong to the red. This is true everywhere in the four seas and in the new world. The forces are far larger than the navy, and it is a behemoth that can crush the navy.

The navy with such a big disadvantage should have been stifled, and it can survive until now. The actual reason is that the pirates are in a state of scattered sand. If not, all the forces will be concentrated, and the navy will have been erased forever.

One of the "Four Emperors" Whitebeard Pirates of the later generations almost destroyed the naval headquarters. The power of the pirates all over the world will be condensed, and what a terrible scene will happen.

How to lead his own forces to survive for a long time is indeed a question worthy of consideration. Although Wuchen's current strength is invincible in the world, there is no absolute in everything, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with taking a long-term view.

"The next thing to do is to get Dressrosa... to help that old boy from Doflamingo come to the top." His eyes fell on Dressrosa's narrow island, Wuchen's usually turbulent eyes, beating the famous name The flame of ambition, "The strong eat the weak, since you can't keep pace with the times, you can only bid farewell to this world - the Riku royal family."

A comfortable life will only stop the evolution of creatures and lose their enterprising spirit. This is what Dressrosa is like now. crush.

People do not kill the world for their own sake, and the heart of benevolence, righteousness and charity will only be revealed to their own people.


The blue phone bug on the left side of the map rang, and Doflamingo's voice rang. Surprisingly, there was no joy as expected, but rather unpleasantness.

"Have you regretted the Warring States period..." Sitting down casually, Wuchen asked calmly.

On the other side, Doflamingo was stunned when he heard the words, then shook his head, and said to the phone bug of Unicom's dust-free: "This is not true, he has already announced in front of the whole world that repenting is shooting himself in the foot."

The navy is just, and naturally it cannot be like a pirate who does not keep its word. Instead, it will be disgusted by the whole world.

"I sent someone to inform Dressrosa that the old man would hand over the throne of the Don Quixote family, but that old boy refused my offer!"

Doflamingo said in a rage, that a mere ant dared to refuse the condition, which was tantamount to hitting him in the face, and the throne of the Riku royal family originally belonged to the Don Quixote family.

Taking back the former throne is the most normal thing for Doflamingo.

"This is normal. If it were me, it would definitely be impossible to hand over the throne. The Riku royal family Dressrosa still has a high public opinion. Even if you forcefully remove his throne, the local people will not recognize your existence."

Wuchen explained lightly, the interest in his heart was swept away, he thought Doflamingo was talking about an interesting topic, but he didn't expect the content to be so boring.


When Doflamingo heard the words, he nodded in agreement and said, "It's easy to kill the ants, but the key is to get the people to accept him as the new king, but it's as difficult as the sky.

Although he wanted to eradicate the ants, Doflamingo still needs these people to create the illusion of "peace and prosperity" to confuse the whole world. Only in this way can he cover up some shady activities in the dark.

"A wise man will always make a mistake."

Wuchen sighed inwardly, I didn't expect that Doflamingo's trivial things like sesame and mung bean would be difficult. This is obviously this kid's best strength!

"No conditions can create conditions..."

His eyes shone with ruthless light, Wuchen is not a soft-hearted person, and said coldly: "Use your fruit ability to temporarily control King Riku to slaughter the islanders, and of course the soldiers he led... Then you will use the savior's Identity to save them, just clean up the image of the butcher."

"It's just my opinion, it's up to you to use it or not."

After saying that, without waiting for Doflamingo to answer, Wuchen simply hung up the phone bug, his eyes fell on the huge narrow map again, and his eyes sometimes showed strange precision.

On the other side of the phone bug, Doflamingo was stunned. He didn't expect Wuchen to be so cruel and ruthless, but after thinking about it, he believed that this was indeed a feasible solution, and it was also the most effective and direct.

When a group of ants died, they died. Anyway, the number of towns destroyed by Doflamingo exceeded the number of hands. One more island is not much, and one less is not a lot.


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