Those who can devour other abilities and use the opponent's abilities for their own use, only the dark fruit is known so far.

"The ability to devour the enemy is also a rule that varies from person to person. Even if Bigu Mum really eats the dark fruit, she can't occupy the ability of other people." With all the light in her eyes, Wuchen whispered with interest: "Blackbeard's ability to devour others, the biggest factor is that his body structure is alien."

It is precisely because the body of Blackbeard is very different from that of ordinary people that it can accommodate other abilities. If it is a different person, it may not be able to achieve such a level. Perhaps Blackbeard is just because he understands the special structure of his body that he is happy to use it all his life. Time to pursue the dark fruit.

"All in all, as long as the news is spread, we can stand on the sidelines. Even if Blackbeard is reluctant, he must have a bad relationship with Bigu Mum. This is a conspiracy, and he can't choose!"

Even if Blackbeard, who is almost obsessed with the dark fruit, knows that it is dust-free behind the scenes, he has to step into this trap. What if he knows that this is a conspiracy?He still has to obediently dig in, he has no right to choose! !

This is the highest state of conspiracy!


In the new world five days later, on a certain island, Bai Jue followed the steps in the dust-free plan and implemented it step by step, allowing the crew of the Bigummam Pirates to "accidentally" encounter the "world's most evil" devil fruit - Dark Fruit.

I have to say that although the navy is degenerate, compared to the ugly pirates, the plot is much nobler, at least it will not do the crazy thing like killing a companion.

After the "accidental" discovery of the Devil Fruit, the first thing that Bigu Mam's "loyal" subordinates thought of was not to tell Bigu Mam this BOSS, but instead, several malicious crew members silenced their companions!

Intention to swallow this devil fruit.

It is understandable to be malicious. The Devil Fruit Illustration records that this dark fruit is the "most evil fruit in history". How can such an introduction be a thing in the pool.

This sudden change was also beyond Wuchen’s expectations. Even so, it was also in his favor. Because of this, it was further confirmed that it was a secret fruit. Some people with ulterior motives in the province thought it was hearsay. All caused fighting among the crew members, and this kind of thing abounds.

The episode of the battle between the crew members added a lot of suspense. The Devil Fruit that can cause the "Four Emperors" crew members to kill each other must not be ordinary things, which also confirms the identity of the Dark Fruit.

Secretly, Wuchen took advantage of the huge privileges of the Tianlong people to help fuel the flames with bad intentions. It was only less than a day away. This piece of news that should have been limited to the inside of the Biguma Pirates swept like a hurricane. new world.

Enough to destroy the new world, the strongest dark fruit in the world is the Bigu Mum pirate group, and there are several undeniable photos attached.

Such shocking news appeared in newspapers all over the world the next day, and became known to the world at an incredible speed.

One of the most shocking is Bigu Mum himself, one of the "Four Emperors".

To be honest, it's just a Devil Fruit. Although it is more powerful than expected, Bigu Mum didn't care much, because she is already a power user, and it is useless in the Devil Fruit.

The most difficult thing for her to accept is that the people who killed the crew, the people she trusted the most, secretly did such a dirty thing behind her back, which is unforgivable!

Those who tried to swallow the dark fruits were melted by her inhumane use of gastric juice!

Bigumam also knows the temptation of the dark fruit. It will never be worse than Whitebeard's shocking fruit, but the name of the Bigumam Pirates is enough to make those eager pirates stop. .

Although there are some who do not know who come to ask for the dark fruit, it is best to be mercilessly dismembered.

"Bastard, it's not good to fall into someone's hands, you have to run into the hands of that old witch!"

The sky at night was extraordinarily quiet, the tall black beard roared in anger, and the Devil Fruit on the screen was locked tightly in his eyes. He could be [-]% certain that it was the legendary dark fruit.

Thinking of Bigumam's terrifying strength, Blackbeard was in a cold sweat and fearful. Unlike those arrogant pirates, Blackbeard had a great disadvantage, or a character flaw.

Whether it's Kaido the Beast, or the red-haired Shanks, or the Whitebeard, they all turn their lives on deaf ears during the battle, holding the mentality of fighting for their lives, only Blackbeard is greedy for life and fear of death.

Of course, this is also human nature, which shows that compared to other pirates, Blackbeard is more cunning and realistic. Everything takes his life into consideration. If his life is gone, what is the use of getting the Dark Fruit?

The careful Blackbeard would naturally not be an idiot to single out Bigumam.


Ask for flowers, ask for rewards, and automatically subscribe to all kinds of requests! ! !

Chapter 576 Blackbeard with IQ

Inside Mary Joa's villa.

Bai Jue performed his daily fixed duty, and informed Wuchen of all the important information collected, while Wuchen used the unparalleled power of the Tianlong people to spread the news of the dark fruit, and the whole world was shrouded in a giant whirlpool.

The bottomless invisible vortex is spreading, attracting the attention of the major forces.

Although it is said that the ability of the fruit varies from person to person, but finding good seedlings and training them a little, and giving the dark fruit to them for use, the future will be a rare and powerful combat power, which can even reach the level of a general, and one pirate group has one more It is self-evident that it is comparable to the super-strong combat power of the generals.

Bigumam is also a smart person. He is looking for a suitable candidate these days, but he suddenly realizes that there seems to be no such person in his huge pirate group... People who used to trust them can hide it She swallowed the dark fruit, how many people can be trusted?

Maybe a lot of people have already planned how to take her as the captain's head!

There are as many talented people as the crucian carp crossing the river. Whether they are completely loyal or not is a big question mark. Such serious questions must be handled with care.

"Blackbeard has always been at ease in the Whitebeard Pirates, and there has been no major movement."

Bai Jue said in a low voice, he couldn't help but admire Blackbeard. Blackbeard is much calmer than he imagined, and he can maintain a clear sense of reason even in the face of fatal temptation.

Blackbeard knows that the more urgent the situation is, the more important it is to have a calm heart, so he is currently calm like a rock, but silently chooses to observe the movement.

Bigu Mum is not a docile sheep, anyone who dares to touch a tiger's butt will end up being torn to shreds.

"Don't underestimate Blackbeard, when the beast always shows its fangs, his ambition is not calm, but he is just waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike a fatal blow and give a fatal blow."

The value of the dark fruit is equivalent to Blackbeard's second life, how can he give up his second life if he is greedy for life and fear of death.

"The most cunning creatures in this world are only human beings, and the most treacherous among human beings are those who abandon their self-dignity." Wuchen calmly said, eloquent and full of absolute wisdom, "For them, the glory of victory and defeat is the dignity of the individual. , you can laugh it off...and Blackbeard is exactly that kind of person."

Undoubtedly, Blackbeard doesn't care about personal glory, fame and fortune are nothing but clouds to him, he is powerful, he once severely wounded the redhead, and the three scars on the redhead's eyes are given by Blackbeard.

Even so, he still felt at ease as a small soldier under Whitebeard, abandoned his dignity and honor to become an ordinary crew member, abandoned the fame and fortune that pirates valued most, and lived a low-key life in obscurity for decades.

In addition, Blackbeard is extremely greedy for life and fear of death. Every time he plays tricks and tricks, he bears the brunt of the brunt, and the most important thing is his own life. Compared with those who fight for their lives and regard their lives as feathers, Blackbeard is inferior too far.

This is not only his bad habit, but also the biggest advantage of Blackbeard. It is precisely because he is greedy for life and fear of death that he can show what he has learned and plan all the plans to the realm of no last resort, so this can ensure the safety of the little life!

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