The small white jade-like hands condensed a large number of photons, like a bottomless black hole, frantically swallowing and absorbing the photons around them, condensing them into dazzling flashes.

"Bachi Qionggou Yu!"

Thousands of golden flashes flashed out, and the gorgeous light played cruel scenes. The dozens of pirates who attacked had hundreds of burn holes in their bodies out of thin air, and fell to the ground with unwilling faces. It is already a matter of life and death, and the dark pupils are full of fear.

Unlike Karp, there are only two policies that Wuchen pursues when dealing with the enemy, either to completely control it, and the second is to completely destroy and annihilate!


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Chapter 582 Sad Person [Fifth More]

Seeing that Wuchen's methods are so bloody and cruel, the people who were slaughtered and slaughtered by him seem to have just trampled to death a group of insignificant bugs.

The whole body was filled with the atmosphere of isolation, Saatchi couldn't help but be at a loss. He didn't see the shadow of human beings from Wuchen, and he didn't take things as sad or happy. There was only eternal indifference in his clear eyes.

Seeing that his former companions were smashed into a sieve inhumanely, Saatchi's hatred for Wuchen rose.

In just the blink of an eye, the whole person blushed and had a thick neck, turned his head and glared at Wuchen, his eyes were scarlet, like a dying beast, and there was only hatred in his soul.

"Blackbeard? You're talking about Diqi, right? I'm sorry, I've let you down. I've already asked him to reconcile with Dad in advance!"

Staring at Wuchen with a wicked smile, Saatchi smiled complacently, and the irony revealed in his words was undisguised. It seemed that only in this way would his devastated heart feel more comfortable.

Looking at Wuchen without a trace, Saatchi hopes to see his disappointment, but unfortunately his wish is doomed to fail.

He is always expressionless, maintaining indifferent eyes, and the frozen expression is indifference, neither happy nor angry, and his calm appearance carries an invisible contempt for Sen Luo Wanxiang.

"The stupidest person in the world is just like this. He was sold by his own people, and he was idiot counting money for him, and he gave up his life to defend him. Your mentality of thinking about others is my loss..." Wuchen lowered his head and sighed. road.

Saatchi's face was pale when he heard the words, and his breathing became heavy. He wanted to see Wuchen's painful expression, not this pair of eyes full of pity and sympathy to speak to him.

For a moment, he felt like a clown who was abandoned by the whole world.

Quietly looked at Saatchi under his feet, Wuchen's tone did not mean any ridicule, some were just pure sympathy, who was fooled by Blackbeard, and protected him until his death... Wuchen had to admire Blackbeard's means.

In the later generations, he was able to stabilize one of the "Four Emperors", and was able to obtain the dark fruit and the ability to take away the white beard's shaking fruit. Whether it was accidental or inevitable, it all proved that the black beard was extraordinary.

The real wise man does not rely on his absolute strength to conquer the world and control the world behind the scenes. Instead, he uses his weak strength to play around with the whole world. Countless strong men turn at his fingertips and interpret his own script according to his pre-arranged script. The role, this can be called Dazhi.

Blackbeard is such a person. Although his strength is temporarily inferior to Bigu Mum and Whitebeard, he can use his wisdom to provoke a war between two pirate groups.

The same is true during the war on the top of the world. The real winner is not the Navy Headquarters who suffered heavy losses, nor the Whitebeard Pirates who died in battle, but the Blackbeards who made both fame and fortune!

"You still don't understand... You are just a clown played by Blackbeard. All this is a drama he directed and made up. His goal is to provoke a battle between Whitebeard and Bigu Mum, and take the opportunity to seize the dark fruit. ." The magnetic voice is full of wisdom, and the words are dust-free and light.

The authorities are fascinated, and bystanders are clear, it is because he is out of the matter that he can spy on the sidelines from a more rational angle and spy on the secrets behind the scenes.

"You bullshit, Di Qi is easy-going, he can't be the kind of person you said! Staying in the Whitebeard Pirates for more than ten years, don't tell me his purpose is for the so-called dark fruit!!"

Saatchi roared hysterically, denying everything Wuchen said.

"Why deceive yourself, if it wasn't for Blackbeard to encourage you to steal the dark fruits secretly, none of this would have happened..."

Wuchen explained softly, there was only pure pity and sympathy in his tone, sympathy for Saatchi's ignorance and ridiculous ideas, pity for his narrow vision, and ignorance of people's understanding.

The most ridiculous thing is that he was pitted by Blackbeard, and Saatchi swore to defend him. This tragic character also loosened Wuchen's dusty heart. He wanted to ridicule Saatchi, but he couldn't... All in all, it was Wuchen who lost to such a wonderful character.

The person who deserves to be ridiculed and ridiculed by Wuchen is at least the kind of person with Whitebeard, and Saatchi is not qualified.

"You go."

Glancing at him lightly, there was a flash of strangeness in Wuchen's eyes, and the golden calf that stepped on Saatchi's body was retracted, leaving Saatchi with a stunned expression on the spot.

"Bastard, I don't even have the qualifications to let you kill me?"

Standing up, glaring at Wuchen, Saatchi roared furiously, the flaming flames burned his sanity, if he didn't realize the huge gap between them, he would definitely kill Wuchen at all costs.

However, even if he fought for his life, he couldn't shake Wuchen. He was so close at hand, but it was like the ends of the earth. His hand couldn't reach Wuchen at all, and it was impossible to contaminate his shadow.

"Do you think you are qualified?" Turning his head, showing half of his face, Wuchen asked back.

Breathing cold air from his mouth, he glanced at him expressionlessly. His cold eyes were as quiet as stagnant water in the depths of the beach.

About half an hour later, Wuchen came to the naval battleship.

"You're still cruel enough. He's almost driven mad by you. You can get to know him with your own hands. You did it on purpose to let him go back."

Leaning against the naval battleship on the coast, Karp said helplessly, staring at the indifferent face of Wuchen, the corners of his mouth moved, but he still closed his mouth wisely.

Wuchen's strength is not weaker than him, his military rank is also higher than him, and his identity is still the supreme Tianlong person. His forces are all over the world, and it is not Karp's turn to make irresponsible remarks.

"Is it cruel? I think it's a different kind of relief, and it's also a waste of use. It squeezes his last value out, makes Saqi realize the reality, and walks to heaven without regrets. I feel that I'm very kind, Ka Lieutenant General Pu."


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Chapter 593 No Poison, No Husband [Sixth More]

Garp looked at Wuchen quietly, and instantly understood what kind of person he was.

"You... To tell the truth, when a person like you is violent, you often show a kind side, and when you show evil, you have a unique righteousness... He is really a contradictory man." With a wry smile, Karp shook his head with emotion. road.

It's just his own understanding.It can only be viewed from the perspective of the observer. He has no right to judge Wuchen's right or wrong. Everyone's thinking ability is very different, which leads to all kinds of strange ideas when looking at things.

To put it bluntly, no one's thinking is right or wrong, some are just strong and weak.

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