"What basis do you have to say that guy is special? Bang!"

Violent anger flashed in his eyes, and the red-haired Shanks grabbed Bai Jue and threw him on the tree, with a dull impact, "A mouse who is just watching for information and can't see the light, how can he still have such a good eloquence? There are monsters around the guy."

His gaze locked on Bai Jue sternly, the red-haired Shanks was indifferent, the Western sword in his hand was strongly unsheathed, the body of the sword was covered with a gloomy cold light, and he pointed at Bai Jue's head.

Unexpectedly, facing a trivial pawn one day, he could also feel speechless.

"Although Lord Wuchen is also a Tianlong person, he is very different from that group of garbage. I advise you to wash your necks and lead your necks to be tortured."

With a strange smile on the corner of his mouth, Bai Jue sneered.

Wuchen is an outsider, a person who does not belong to the world in front of him. In Wuchen's eyes, these people are just a group of ignorant natives. It's that simple.

D's will is the natural enemy of God. As a guest from another world, Wuchen is naturally not in this category. The ridiculous idea of ​​relying on D's will to defeat the Tianlong people is just a strange strategy by the red-haired Shanks out of powerlessness.


The cold light passed through Bai Jue's body and easily divided him into two. The unknown Western sword in his hand was ingenious, cutting iron like mud, and at a glance, he knew that it was not ordinary.

"Do I need to change it to an island?" Beckman suggested looking at Bai Jue who was killed.

Wuchen's subordinates are all weird and unpredictable, both in terms of ability and strength beyond imagination, just like Bai Jue, who is spying on intelligence in front of him, no one would have thought that such a strange existence exists in the world.

"No need, he has already been killed, and the information cannot be passed on."

Looking at Bai Jue's corpse unmoved, the red-haired Shanks turned around and left indifferently. He had made up his mind to lead Luffy to the path of the pirates, and it was impossible to leave Windmill Town in a short time.

"Jie Jie...it seems to be too complacent."

About half an hour later, Bai Jue's head emerged from the ground. The reason why he was locked by Red Hair and Beckman was that he deliberately exposed his breath.


Chapter 607 Survival, not death, not death [Second]

Mary Joa.

Compared with the red-haired Shanks who was running around, the dust-free leisure in the spacious and luxurious villa was like a fairy. Hancock rubbed his calf and handed two crystal clear grapes to the dust-free mouth from time to time, with a comfortable and comfortable face. .

The days were very moisturizing.

After a while, he seemed to sense something special, Wuchen's closed lazy eyes opened, and his dazedly enjoying eyes returned to clarity.

Public affairs and private affairs still need to be clear.

"Master, you..."

Seeing this scene, Hancock was slightly stunned, and the bright jade hand was withdrawn.

"It's okay, continue."

Nodding lightly, Hancock then rubbed his calf for Wuchen obediently.

About a few minutes later, Bai Jue emerged from the ground unknowingly.

Hancock is not surprised by this scene. Bai Jue always shows up in such a mysterious way. She is used to it. The characters gathered around Wuchen are all so mysterious and unpredictable.

About a stick of incense, Bai Jue told Wuchen all the actions of the red-haired Shanks.

"That kid's actions are indeed poisonous enough... The vicious strategy of the grandfather and grandson cannibalism has already driven him to such a mad dog's realm. It's really hard for him, but it's not enough." Wuchen said with an expressionless face and a calm tone, which he expected earlier.

Pirates are pirates, and ruthlessness is their portrayal.

Red-haired Shanks is actually a butcher with bloody hands on his hands. In his career as a pirate, the pirate groups that were defeated by him are like crucian carp crossing the river. It is because of the foreshadowing of those pirate groups that he is now The astronomical price of the reward, and the position of disdain for the heroes.

Don't think that the pirates are so kind. When they are driven to a desperate situation, they often show the darkest, coldest, and unknown side of their hearts.

"Monkey D Luffy... [Hero] Garp's grandson."

Picking up the red liquid in the goblet on the table, a playful smile appeared on his face, and then he drank it without dust, and there was still a little red blood stain on the corner of his mouth.

"Do I need to kill him now?" Bai Jue said coldly with a heart swollen.

The so-called him is naturally Garp's grandson - Monkey D Luffy.

Wen Yan Wuchen just glanced at Bai Jue lightly, and then shook his head resolutely. It's just a child with a big fart, and it can play a very small role, which can be ignored and not a cause for concern.

"The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. It's just right for the red-haired Shanks to be defeated by the cruel reality. As for the legend that the so-called [D's Will] is the natural enemy of God...Puchi!"

Although I wanted to suppress the inner ridicule, it broke out uncontrollably.

The corners of his mouth are curved, and there is a sneer on his face.

"But that kid actually thought that if he escaped to the East China Sea, he would be safe."

A chill appeared on his face, the goblet in his hand instantly turned into slag, and a seamless vicious plan was formed. Even if the red-haired Shanks escaped to the East China Sea, Wuchen would definitely tear off his arm!

Waving his hand, Bai Jue walked over and listened carefully to Wuchen's plan.

After a long silence, Bai Jue looked at Wuchen with a strange look on his face, and looked at Wuchen with suspicion. Unlike before, it was not so much a careful and detailed plan as it was to take advantage of it.

What made Bai Jue speechless and unacceptable the most was that the target being used this time was still a group of unpopular bandits.

"The embankment of a thousand miles collapses in the ant's nest. The more unexpected the small role is, it can often play a huge destructive role. Even if the enemy is a passerby, sometimes it is necessary to put on [-] alerts." Witnessing Bai Jue's suspicion Eyes, Wuchen explained in a loud voice.

There are so many such examples as the sands of the Ganges River, too many to count.

In the future, the white beard and red-haired Shanks fell into trouble because of this, and the same was true for Zefa at the beginning. It was because he felt that Wuchen was synonymous with Tianlong people and straw bags, so he would save Fisher of the murlocs. Tiger was beaten by Wuchen.

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