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Chapter 610 Selling Teammates [Fifth More]

The reason why Bartholomew Bear controlled him was entirely because this kid found fault, and now it was a good deal to replace the bear with the secret research results of the "blood factor".

Anyway, this bear can't play any role, it's better to use waste.

"Make the best use of your talents, make the best use of everything, and squeeze your last value out. This is also the necessary price to pay for the sneak attack on me." Wuchen's face was as usual, and he would not feel guilty.

To allow the bear to survive until now, it is already the virtue of having a good life.

"Bartholomy bear? He can indeed take on this task." Polsalino's eyes lit up, and he sighed that this man could do it.

Before he joined the "King Xia Qiwuhai", the navy had a great headache for the Bartholomew bear. Unlike other pirates, the bear had the title of "tyrant" and hated the navy very much. The nickname was the slaughter of the navy. came.

The perverted physical defense of the bear, Polsalino can be clearly seen, and the strange ability can bounce all physical damage, and even human fatigue can easily bounce out.

It is definitely the most suitable experimental body to carry some of the abilities of the glittering fruit, no one.

"As for his conditions..." Polsalino murmured, the wretched old face rarely normalized.

If Xiong really chooses to be willing to be the experimental body of the "human weapon" of the world government, then the conditions can be described as a lion's opening, which is beyond imagination.

"The reason you became a general should be inextricably related to this experiment, Polsalino."

While pondering, Wuchen's wise whisper resounded in his ears, and Polsalino was stunned, looked into his eyes, and then nodded slowly.

It can be regarded as an endorsement of Wuchen's remarks. The reason why he can climb to the sky in one step is indeed related to this test.

What is a general?It means that in the entire navy, from now on, only subordinate to the marshal, and above ten thousand people, not only needs the strength of the general level, but also needs merit!

The criteria for becoming a general can be roughly divided into three categories, the most important is strength, the second is seniority, and there are personal achievements.

All three are indispensable.

To put it simply, to become a general also requires victory. To become a general, you must have the achievement of blocking the world's lingering voices. This time, becoming a test product of Vega Punk can also make Polsalino rise to the sky.

This fellow is very cunning. Even if Vega Punk's transformation fails, the tyrant bear will suffer, and he can stay out of it by himself.

"Loisnan [Saint] is really wise and terrifying. He guessed my mind." Rubbing his head in embarrassment, Polsalino said helplessly.

As Wuchen said, he really had such an idea.

Even if it fails, it's just bad luck for the bear who needs to undergo physical transformation, and Polsalino will not be implicated in the failure. If there is no bear to join, the person who is transformed by the flesh and body may be himself... No wonder Will push three blocks four.

Maybe what PX will appear in the future - Polusalino No. 1!Polsalino No. 2... He shivered uncontrollably just thinking about it.

Even if Vegapunk really failed in the final test, the high-level navy or world government would not blame Vegapunk. The current Polsalino is only a trivial lieutenant general, although he is dozens of stronger than the average lieutenant general. times, but far from Vega Punk.

The world government and the navy would still turn without Porusalino, and without Vegapunk and his inventions, they would definitely fall into an unprecedented disadvantage.

Now if there is a "tyrant" bear to join, naturally the best of both worlds.

"But will that guy really join the [Human Weapon] test? It doesn't look like it." Polsalino asked suspiciously, remembering the bear's hatred for the navy.

He was the one who hated the Navy the most in the "Seven Wuhai".

Wuchen glanced at Polsalino lightly, and replied: "You have to understand that the current bear is [King Xia Qiwuhai], and in a way, he has already compromised."

If you hate the navy, you will not join the "King's Qiwuhai", let alone serve the navy shamelessly.

"Go ask him yourself."

Leaving a fluttering sentence, Wuchen melted into the sky and disappeared without a trace, and Hancock, who followed closely, saw Wuchen leave, and he also left.

"This guy... I heard that his fruit ability is similar to mine and thought it was just a rumor. Now it seems that some of his abilities are very close to the glittering fruit, and his ability to use is much stronger than mine." Polusalino looked Seriously, exclaimed inwardly.

There is a legend about the ability of the dust-free fruit among the senior navy officials. Most of the claims are consistent with the ability of the glittering fruit of Polusalino. I thought it was made up. The application control is completely beyond his cognition.

"Do I need to ask him to teach me two tricks... Forget it, he doesn't have time, and I don't have time."

With a sigh, Polsalino didn't think too much, and quickly turned back to contact the tyrant bear of the "Seven Wuhai". After all, it is hard to find a ghost to die for.

In the quiet and tranquility outside the night sky, Polsalino quickly contacted Tyrant Bear, thinking that he would reject his conditions on the spot, but unexpectedly, he agreed to the conditions of participating in the experiment.

And the condition is Vega Punk's secret research material - the bloodline factor!

The bloodline factor was beyond the limits of Porusalino's rights. After some contemplation, for the sake of his wealth, he could only go to the mad scientist Vegapunk.

Hearing that the Bartholomew Bear from "The King's Qiwuhai" participated in this test, Vega Punk agreed even more strangely, and didn't even mention half the word "no".

Not only did Polsalino not cheer up, he even had an ugly expression on his face, scolding Vega Punk for being shameless, feeling abandoned, and flattering him every day when he didn't have a suitable test subject, and immediately when he had a bear. Set him aside to cool off!


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Chapter 611 World Government Conference [sixth more]

At night, Mary Joa did not settle down as peacefully as before, and many ports did not stop opening. Suddenly, there were many different dresses, and kings from all over the world visited Mary Joa.

Every five years, the world government will hold a meeting with the members of the allied countries, and the content of the discussion is naturally meaningless topics such as world peace, and the revolutionary army that is eyeing it.

The quiet Mary Joa also became lively for a while, and the Tianlong people also calmed down strangely, no longer tortured the slaves, and no longer let out the depressing and depressing screams.

Wuchen had to sigh secretly, when did the arrogant Tianlong people value their image and influence so much.

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