"The fruit of your surgery is very good, and it can be called an invincible existence, but if you think that you can defeat me with this special attack, it is just a fool's dream."

The dust-free indifference that entered the state of armed domineering.

The ability of the fruit of surgery can be said to be incomprehensible. In the special space created by Luo, everything is dominated by him, and the armed color is domineering to a certain extent but can be defended.

The future Doflamingo is to defend Luo's slaughterhouse with armed color domineering.

"Thinking that you are invincible and can do whatever you want? Many pirates think so on the great route every day, but their end is a dead end." The dust-free road flashed with black light.

There are countless pirates who have the ability to call the fruit of no solution, but in the end they are still heading for the abyss of hell, which also shows that there is no invincible ability in this world, and the key is to fight in all aspects of comprehensive ability.

"No, I can't die yet, I have to avenge Corazon!" Roaring hysterically, staring at the slowly approaching Wuchen.

Wuchen didn't take a step forward, his heart would be depressed and desperate, this black body, the monster with refined steel bones enough to defend against all attacks, is no different from Wudi, both offense and defense are perfect, want to shake He is almost a fantasy.


Seeing Luo's eyes flickering constantly, Wuchen had already guessed that he was Jiang Lang's talent, and tried his best.


A stride spanned dozens of distances, and in the special space created by Luo, it was completely useless to Wuchen, and a fist blasted him out.


The mangrove trees that built the Chambord Islands were smashed and trembled, showing how fierce the force was.

The meaning of armed arrogance is actually the same as that of Susanoo. Although the power is not as strong as that of Susanoo, it is more dexterous and can move freely, and is easier to control than Susanoo's bulky body.

And the domineering power of the armed color is also quite good.

Chapter 623 Ignorance is also happiness [sixth more]

Although its power is not comparable to that of a behemoth like Susanoo, it also has advantages. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses, and it all depends on the geographical environment.

In a place like the Chambord Archipelago, I am afraid that the complete body will be dismembered with a single blow, so there is no need to be exaggerated.

"Cough cough cough..."

His throat was unstoppable until he vomited blood stains, and his abdomen received a heavy blow from Wuchen. There were already signs of depression, and he was only one step away from stepping into the coffin completely.

If it wasn't for Wuchen's deliberate mercy, Luo's abdomen would have turned into a blood hole, penetrated by the domineering and powerful force of the armed color.

"Do you want to stand up...the willpower is too strong."

Seeing Luo Yang's face with unbearable pupils, Wuchen nodded slightly, and gave him an admiring look without hesitation.

Although it is said that Luo is now as fragile as a sheep in Wuchen's eyes, and can easily kill him, it is undeniable that this guy has worked hard all year round and has cultivated a strong heart, and the vast ocean in the future definitely has his a place.

However, fate was ruthless, and Wuchen, the big hungry wolf, regarded him as something in his pocket, and his fate was already doomed.

He glanced at Luo, and then took it back. Wuchen didn't plan to kill him, at least not now. He strode away from his ear, but Luo's iron words that he refused to give up rang out.

"Mr. Corazon said that all races with [D] in their names can turn corruption into magic. I can't lie here. Since D can do what others can't, how can I lie in this ghost place?!"

Turning his head and giving him a pitying glance, Wuchen sighed that the poison was too deep.

Sometimes if you know too much, you will feel that your destiny is twisted and bizarre, and your life is full of ups and downs.

If you don't know this, everything will not be so complicated, but you will live happily and not worry about conspiracies and tricks. Sometimes ignorance is also a kind of alternative happiness.

"What can you do if you are D, you are not that kid from Monkey D Luffy, who can explode without the protagonist's halo."

Like sweeping him, Wuchen raised his thumb high, and the golden photons gathered in the front section, condensed into golden dots, and shot straight at Luo, who was swaying.

"Laser!!! Pfft!!!"

The whistling light easily penetrated Luo, leaving a scorched blood hole on his left shoulder. After several tortures, he finally fell to the ground with serious injuries and fell into a coma.

These injuries may be fatal to ordinary people. For a pirate like Luo who is constantly training himself frantically, even if it is serious, it is not fatal, because Wuchen deliberately avoids his important body organs.

From the point of view of a genius doctor like Luo, even if he cannot operate on him, there is still a way to save his life.

"Boom boom boom..."

The ground suddenly trembled, and then a strong storm swooped over. The pirates and the navy who were fighting all around were shocked by this strong impact, blinding their eyes and foaming at the mouth.

"This unparalleled tyrannical arrogance... There are still such powerful characters on this island. This kind of quintessential tyrannical arrogance is already a consummate, and the sea area in the second half of the great route is rare."

Eyes gleamed, and Wu Chen was a little surprised.

In his mind, a figure with a face full of arrogance was vaguely presented, with a magnanimous belly, his piercing eyes full of contempt, and he looked at anyone with disdain.

"Mr. General... [Green Pepper of Cone] That old guy has gone wild!"

The navy officer who hurried over said loudly, with a tone of anxiety and urgency, and even ignored Luo lying unconscious on the ground. Compared with green pepper, this kid is just a trash fish on the roadside, not worth mentioning. .

"What about Sakaski and Kuzan?" Wuchen asked calmly, not in a hurry.

The two already have the strength of generals, but the rank of lieutenant general is still maintained. Together, they can definitely capture the green pepper, and it is even easier to stop him.

No matter how powerful the green peppers in their heyday were, they couldn't withstand the siege of the two generals.

"There are too many pirates on the island. Among them, there are some mysterious masters. Sakaski and Mr. Aokiji are restrained by them to deal with other pirates."

Wuchen frowned when he heard the words, he didn't remember any masters in the Chambord Archipelago.

"Could it be him?"

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