"Resistance in the corner."

He glanced at Green Pepper hopelessly. If he guessed correctly, those warships that bombarded the Chambord Islands were Green Pepper's subordinates, or the pirates who were attached to them.

"Leave it to me, just freeze them all."

At this moment, Kuzan's slightly tired voice came, and his tone was lacking.

There is doubt on the dust-free face, Kuzan's strength is almost the same as that of the generals, and they are on a par with each other. This tired appearance, and even there are many gaps in the corners of the clothes, is obviously a battle against the top powerhouses.

"Your state...what is going on, [Pluto] Rayleigh's words should be restrained by Sakaski." Staring at the slightly embarrassed Kuzan, Wuchen asked.

Obviously, only "Pluto" Rayleigh is the top powerhouse on this island. In the future, when he is old, he will be able to fight against Kizaru, and now he is still young and can naturally fight against generals.

"This one……"

Kuzan's expression was rigid, a flash of embarrassment flashed, and he scratched his head and said in anguish: "Suddenly, a red-nosed guy attacked me. That guy's ability is very strange, and his body can be split in four or five."

Thinking of that strange ability, Kuzan was quite surprised.

"Red nose? Four or five splits?"

This time, it was replaced by a weird, dust-free face, a red nose with four to five splits?This is obviously the God of Bucky!

Then, after thinking about it, Wuchen was relieved. After all, he was also a crew member of One Piece. He was battle-hardened, and it was normal for him to hide his strength and make plans.

In the past, the crew members who followed One Piece to traverse the world were all first-class players. The last time I took Bucky's battleship, Wuchen vaguely felt that something was wrong with the old boy.


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Chapter 627 Because I am also a Tianlong person [fourth more]

Although I don't understand what Bucky's purpose is, judging from the treacherousness of the world government, the Five Old Stars will never arrange a lowly powerful clown as "King Xia Qiwuhai" for no reason. There must be something unknown about it. exists in secret.

After Kuzan said this, Wuchen suddenly realized that what happened around Bucky the Clown was indeed unreasonable.

Is it an unintentional mistake to not leak water? Sometimes it is because it is too perfect that it is full of mistakes. Wuchen sees this epitome from the current clown Bucky.

Perfection is also a failure.

"Boom boom boom..."

The harsh explosions resounded non-stop, and the waters around the Chambord Islands were bombarded by a large number of pirate ships, and the civilians of the Chambord Islands fled like mice crossing the street.

"Eh... It's troublesome enough, I thought it was a pleasant mission... These pirates are really tricky."

Looking around, seeing that the sea area in the distance is full of dense warships, the green pheasant quickly swept past, and only needs to use his "Ice Age" to freeze the surrounding sea area on the sea surface. These pirates are the turtles in the urn.

"It's a pity..." He looked down at the green pepper with his eyes down, and said abruptly without dust.

Cone Zhi Qingjiao had a black face, and simply ignored the existence of Wuchen and buried his old face in the ground. It seemed that the monotonous land was more beautiful and beautiful than Wuchen's smelly face.

Seeing this, Wuchen just smiled indifferently.

"Your apprentice beat the Tianlong people and robbed the devil fruit auctioned by Charles Ross. If you are caught, you don't need me to tell you what the fate will be... Being executed directly is considered good luck." Gu's way.

The speaker is unintentional, the listener is intentional, and the old face with black pepper has a subtle change.

"Of course, being directly executed is just the luckiest thing. In terms of the cruelty of the Tianlong people, it is normal for him to be cut into pieces and then thrown into the sea to feed the sea kings." Wuchen continued to add flames.

Tianlong people are arrogant and treat everyone as human beings. In their eyes, human beings are just inferior creatures, and it is unpleasant to say that human beings all over the world are allowed to be entertained by them.

As exaggerated as it may sound, the world of the Dragons is like that.

"What the hell are you trying to say?" Green Pepper asked badly.

Every time Wuchen said about the habits of Tianlong people, Zhuo Zhiqingjiao's heart became more and more depressed. Once his apprentice was captured alive, he would definitely be dismembered by the furious Tianlong people.

"Actually what I want to say is very simple, obey me, I have something for you to do, otherwise... Hmph, I will hand over your apprentice to the Tianlong people, and imagine the end... If you are willing to obey With me, I will let you go safely in the future, and so will your apprentices." Wuchen said with a smile, full of threats.

In the heyday of Green Pepper, the bounty was a big pirate with a reward of more than [-] million Bailey. It is self-evident how strong he is. It takes Garp himself to solve him. He, it is estimated that no one is his opponent.

Although Doflamingo is strong, it is still some distance away from the peak period in the future.

"You threaten me?" Green Pepper asked angrily.

The golden waves swept out, and the suffocating overlord's domineering domineering suppressed one's breath.

"It is indeed a threat to you." Wuchen smiled happily and admitted frankly.

Between life and death, the wrong choice is to step into hell completely, and the right choice is naturally a person who gains the Tao and ascends to heaven. It depends on the choice.

"My apprentice beat the Tianlong people, even if you are an admiral, you can't forgive them." Not rejecting it, Qingjiao just chose to retort.

The identity of the Admiral is scary enough, but he is still a lackey serving the Tianlong people, and even some pirates in the New World, ridiculing that the Admiral is the most loyal lackey of the Tianlong people.

Where the Tianlong people catch fire, the Admiral will be responsible for where to put out the fire...

"Really... What if I was also a Tianlong person." Wuchen asked jokingly.

To a certain extent, the laws of the world are built according to the will of the Tianlong people, to satisfy their selfish desires, and have great power, even if a few pirates are released.

"Ghost, are you a three-year-old child, the world knows that Tianlong people are incompetent scumbags——" His eyes widened, and the words stopped abruptly when he reached his mouth, and Qingjiao stared at the dust-free clothes. , "You are actually a Tianlong person?! What a joke, aren't they all incompetent scumbags?!"

The swirling eyes were suddenly lost, replaced by shock, and then took a deep breath, Qingjiao looked at Wuchen's exposed coat, it is not fake that only Tianlong people dare to wear ostentatious uniforms.

Pretending to be a dragon man?In more than [-] years of government in the whole world, no one has been so bold.

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