"Just you? Unless I completely exhaust Chakra, any other method will not work. If you don't believe me, just try it."

Controlling Luffy's immature body to look at this group of people, he said in a clear and light manner, and there was an unprecedented calm between his gestures and actions.

A normal human being would not get mad at a clown for fun.

The red-haired Shanks' eyes flickered, sometimes shooting a dim light that devoured him, enough to devour everything, staring at Luffy, as if hesitating whether to kill him.

"The navy meets the pirates, the justice meets the evil... When two diametrically opposed forces meet, what do you say besides war?" Wuchen asked rhetorically with a smile.

The red-haired Shanks sneered on his taut face. Although the crew members today are not as good as they used to be, they are all elites. Both armed and knowledgeable are elites. If they want to kill them with a sudden attack, it is idiotic.

"The war I'm talking about is not the kind you come and go with, it's just unilateral annihilation."

The smiling face froze, Wuchen's voice suddenly sank, filled with a bleak chill, and the scorpions in the eye sockets also spun wildly.

Bursts of evil red light dazzled the eyes, and Luffy's whole body was covered with a blood-colored halo.

"Attention everyone, this guy—"

Seeing the eyes turn strangely, the red-haired Shanks hurriedly shouted loudly, knowing that Wuchen was going to attack, but it was too late.

"Monthly Reading!"

Moaning down, seeing the people of the red-haired pirate group in the dust-free eyes, they were almost completely wiped out, and fell to the ground powerlessly, their faces were as pale as paper, and their expressions were faintly startled and boundless fear.

"Ah ah ah... As expected of the [Four Emperors] red-haired Shanks, there is still consciousness."

Gujing Wubo's tone rippled, and Wuchen was quite surprised.

Destroyed by Yue Du, the red-haired Shanks just fell to the ground unbearably, and then stood up slowly, obviously his willpower was extremely strong.

At the same time, Wuchen's voice was lowered, and this blow almost used up all the chakra that he had hidden in Luffy's eyes.

"Hehehe...you can be considered exhausted." The red-haired Shanks' tone carried the joy of the rest of his life.

However, Wuchen smiled strangely. He had taken all the unfavorable factors into account before, and it was indeed impossible to directly kill all the members of the Red-haired Pirates with "Yue Du".

"Boom boom boom..."

At this moment, messy footsteps and shouts of killing suddenly came from outside the tavern.

"The final protagonist is finally here."


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Chapter 636 The dog will jump over the wall in a hurry [First More]

Sensing the messy footsteps outside the tavern, the stiff red-haired Shanks' face changed drastically. If it were normal, he would naturally not take it seriously, but now it is not what it used to be.

Affected by the dust-free "Yuedu" attack, his whole person is like a swaying willow branch in the wind and rain.

The once majestic red-haired Shanks has become a mermaid, and even a child with a knife has several chances to know his life.

"Don't treat everyone as dark as you, maybe that group of people are just passing by..."

"Passers-by? I'm afraid you won't be able to deceive yourself."

Shaking his head, Wuchen interrupted Shanks immediately with a disdainful tone, and he also imagined the development of the situation to force his own direction.

"I can tell you, not only have you seen the group of people making trouble outside, but you seem to be familiar with them..." Wuchen's tone suddenly became a little more playful and obviously gloating, "That group of guys was once set up by you. Wei, when you robbed Windmill Town last time, you were the one who made the rescue. It was a group of unruly bandits, and the leader seemed to be called Sig..."

Hearing this, the red-haired Shanxton's face turned gloomy, and he risked an awe-inspiring murderous intent.

Sig?Of course he has an impression!

When he stayed in Windmill Town for a while, Sig came to Windmill Town to rob him, but was beaten up by the red-haired pirates and wiped out all the bandits except Sig himself.

Of course, Sig let him slip away on purpose, and the red-haired Shanks thought at the time was very simple, he was just a small character who was not in the mainstream, there was no need to kill them all, and he was not that kind of person.

Unexpectedly, it was that kid who came to make trouble today. An unprecedented sense of regret quietly spread in his heart. If he could kill Siger directly, there would not be such a scene now.

"You designed all this in advance... You despicable and shameless fellow!" With his eyes locked on Wuchen, the red-haired Shanks roared with all his strength.

It seems that only these can vent his depressed mood, calm himself down, and seek a good strategy to overcome the enemy.

"Since you all say that I am the most evil person in the world... what can I do with despicableness and shamelessness, the victor is still me, the [Four Emperors] who rule the world may be killed by a bandit who offers a reward of [Eight Million] Bailey... This news must be very exciting~ explosive." Wuchen pursed his lips and smiled indifferently.

Looking at the unwilling red-haired Shanks, Wuchen became interested for a while, and said with a smile: "Actually, it's not that there is no way to survive... Lower your self-esteem and become—"

"You're dreaming!" Shankston refuted as if anticipating what Wuchen said.

Pirates are a group that advocates freedom. Letting him be a subordinate of Wuchen is nothing short of a dream. Besides, the lives of the Japanese crew of the red-haired pirates are all thanks to Wuchen. He only has pure hatred and wants to get rid of everything. It's a fantasy to be a dust-free subordinate.

"Heaven has a way, you don't go, hell has no door, you cast yourself, anyway, it's up to you." Wuchen said calmly as water.

He had long guessed that the red-haired Shanks would refuse mercilessly. The latter liked to live unfettered, and Wuchen wanted to keep him in a cage and live alone, which was obviously impossible.

"Speaking of which... You actually thought a group of bandits could kill us?!" Red-haired Shanks insisted through gritted teeth.

The shining eyes were all stubborn, and the body was faintly domineering, and the whole tavern swayed and trembled, as if an earthquake had suddenly occurred.


Countless cracks appeared on the wooden houses, messy like spider webs.

"This superb domineering cannot be underestimated... No wonder this kid can become one of the [Four Sovereigns] at such a young age." Wuchen nodded slightly, looking at the scene in front of him and remembering it in his heart.

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