However, the two sides have already forged an endless grievance and can only destroy him with absolute power.


Time flies, spring comes and goes, and when I realize it, it's already five years.

Mary Joa.

The bright scorching sun fell from the nine heavens, and he was lying on the couch without dust, enjoying the sunbathing comfortably. On his abdomen, there was a little girl carved in pink and jade, with quirky black eyes like black. agate.

Touching the little girl's silver hair, Wuchen's face was helpless, and then he sighed. He had obviously seen this scene and was not surprised.

"Yuexi come down quickly, do you want to crush your father to death?"

Yuexi just made a face at Wuchen, and then jumped three feet high, landing heavily on Wuchen's abdomen.

Seeing this, Wuchen hurried to catch her. This quirky bear daughter is more tossing than anyone else. The reason why she was brought out of the system world is because this little girl is rubbing against Kaguya every day and loving her. Kaguya couldn't bear to refuse, Yue Xi was the flesh that fell from her body, and naturally she didn't want her daughter to be wronged.

Now that Kaguya has spoken, Wuchen naturally brings Yuexi's knowledge to understand the outside world.


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Chapter 639 Five years in the blink of an eye [fourth more]

Wuchen looked at the bear daughter in his arms, dumbfounded. This little kid is shrewd and cunning, and his IQ is vastly different from her immature body, and then helplessly hugged her and walked to the depths of the room.

Hancock's prepared drinks are clearly visible, and they are neatly placed on the exquisite stone table.

"Dad Daddy will really enjoy it. He lives a happy life outside and has a beautiful little maid."

Yuexi Xiao~ kept stuffing her mouth with cakes, looking at Hancock from time to time, she nodded secretly, her eyes darkened and empty, as if she was comparing Hancock's figure with Kaguya. , Jiao ~ smiled at Wuchen winking.

"Stop talking nonsense, give me something to eat." Wuchen scolded with a black face.

I was speechless for a while, I really couldn't figure out what Hui Yeji taught this little girl, but looking at the thief's sly eyes, it was obvious that she was self-taught.

Picking up the newspaper that Hancock sent to read carefully, looking for the news you need, if you guessed correctly, the three lieutenant generals should set foot on the peak in the next few days.

Seeing that Wuchen didn't talk to her, Xiaoyuexi took advantage of the momentum and obviously didn't want to let Wuchen go so easily.

"It's no wonder that several aunties said that you are a monk who is not close to women. I am the only one, and it is the body-"

When the words came to an abrupt end, Yue Xi's neck shrank unconsciously, and the dust-free eyes that came into view were gloomy, staring at her sternly.

"The body is very normal!"

Fluttering eyes rolled, Yue Xi quickly changed her mind, she begged Kaguya for several months before she could come out, but she didn't want to be locked in the small black room by Wuchen again.

Glancing at her helplessly, Wuchen then retracted her gaze, this quirky little girl is very strange, and sometimes she has to give her some color to see, otherwise she may really push her nose on her face.


The phone worm placed on the table suddenly rang, and Wuchen gave Hancock a look, who nodded and brought the phone worm over.

"I'll really enjoy..." Xiaoyuexi rolled her eyes and said, but she was simply ignored by Wuchen.

She, who lived with Kaguya Ji all the year round, is full of strangeness to the outside world. The rotten life of the Tianlong people is beyond the imagination of the world, and the resources of the whole world are left to them to squander.

In fact, compared to other Tianlong people, Wuchen is already a monk who can see through the red dust...

"Long time no see, Warring States."

With a magnetic voice popping out of Wuchen's mouth, he said softly: "There is nothing to do without going to the Three Treasures Palace, you come to me, there must be no good."

The Warring States Marshal on the other end of the phone was stunned. After thinking about it carefully, his face was embarrassed. It was really not a good thing for him to find Wuchen.

"Cough cough... There are exceptions to everything." Warring States said with a red face, a gloomy look.

Before it even started, in this short confrontation, he seemed to have fallen into a disadvantage, and he couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion.

"You want me to participate in the promotion ceremony of Kuzan and Sakaski?" He understood the intention of the Warring States in an instant, and Wuchen pondered into the ears of the Warring States, "That's right, I am currently the only general in the navy, It’s really impossible not to participate.”

Hearing the words, the Warring States breathed a sigh of relief, and the tightly held heart also relaxed, and he was relieved.

"Even so, I still don't have time. You should know that my naughty daughter must need me to watch." Wuchen refused righteously.

Human nature is always difficult to refute.

When the Warring States heard the words, the old face turned green in an instant, and he was very angry. He, the marshal, had never been smooth sailing when he asked the general Wuchen to do things, and every time it was ups and downs.

Fortunately, he had already made such preparations before, and had already prepared for the soft and hard bubbles.

After a few years of getting along, Warring States has already figured out what Wuchen's temperament is. This kind of person hates threats and coercion the most. Going with his wishes can turn the impossible into a possibility. Blindly fighting against Wuchen is just asking for trouble.

"It's okay to participate, but there is a condition." After about half an hour, he couldn't stand the dust-free prevarication of the warring states.

Sengoku's expression froze slightly, then he remembered the sensitive situation now, and gritted his teeth: "As long as it is within my power and does not violate the Navy's philosophy, I can promise you."

Wuchen nodded, just as he was about to turn off the phone bug, the intriguing voice of the Warring States suddenly rang again, and the tone was full of alternative meanings.

"What do you think of the three of them?" Zhan Guo asked calmly with his eyes narrowed slightly.

Brows raised slightly, Wuchen always felt that there was something in the Warring States dialect, the three of them were naturally Sakaski, Kuzan, and Polusalino.

"Could this old guy be looking for a future marshal right now?" An extremely absurd thought suddenly appeared, and Wuchen was secretly surprised.

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