Looking at Akainu indifferently, Wuchen said bluntly: "I am in a human state, you and I are likely to be evenly matched, but when I look down at you from the perspective of God... Any resistance is a futile struggle. "


Chapter 648 What Is Distance [First More]

Sakkasi's basically black old face was even more gloomy. Even though he tried to hide his inner calm, his anxious expression was still exposed in plain sight.

The dense array of various magical weapons in the air was almost boundless, like a mountain, making it harder for Sakaski to breathe dozens of times than usual.

"It seems that your justice is nothing more than that, Sakaski." Holding back his inner smile, Wuchen said calmly.

The red dog that came into view was covered in scarlet blood stains, and his chin was slanted by the dust-free beating. The first impression it gave was that it was extremely miserable.

In fact, this guy didn't suffer multiple injuries, and Akainu's armed domineering has also reached the realm of perfection, resisting most physical attacks.

"It's over? It's still a long way off!" Staring at Wuchen, Sakaski said solemnly.

He is the kind of person who is extremely extreme. As long as his fighting power still exists, wanting him to give up his point of view is tantamount to dreaming, which is unrealistic.

In other words, as long as he doesn't die and still has a breath, he will persevere forever.

"An ignorant man." Raising his eyelids, Wuchen said hopelessly.

This kind of stubborn person cannot stand up unless he is completely beaten. It is impossible for him to give up voluntarily. Sakaski's stubbornness and fortitude are well known to the world.

"Come here." With a groan, Sakaski was full of fighting spirit.

The moment the voice fell, a shadow fell in front of him in the blink of an eye, with dead water-like eyes without luster, looking at Sakaski as indifferently as a corpse.

"How can the speed be so fast?!" Sakaski snorted uncontrollably, his face full of disbelief, Wuchen's strange movement just now seemed to ignore the distance.

Looking at Akainu's shocked eyes, Wuchen didn't choose to rush, but just stared at it.

"Speed? What is speed, and speed is distance."

The dust-free whisper resounded in Sakaski's ears, with a wise voice, "What do you think is the definition of distance, one meter or ten thousand meters? Or is it further away..."

As for Wuchen's words, Akainu's face was dazed, he heard it ignorantly, and didn't quite understand what it meant.

"Don't you understand... Everyone's definition of distance is actually different. The ends of the earth in your eyes are just a snap of your fingers in my eyes. If you explain it like this, you should understand what it means."

Whether it is a short one meter or a distant ten thousand meters, the actual meaning to Wuchen is the same. The distance between one meter and ten thousand meters is just a thought.

"What a joke!" Akainu growled with a fierce look in his eyes.

At the same time, the huge magma arm condensed on the right arm, mercilessly blasted towards the dust-free close at hand, and the continuously expanding magma fist was enough to swallow and destroy everything.

"Big fire!"

In just a blink of an eye, the dust-free close at hand was swallowed up, and a huge explosion was splashed. Although there was a suspicion of a sneak attack, victory or defeat did not matter.

The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. This is the same principle from ancient times to the present. Whoever makes history is written by the victors!

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The splashed flames swallowed the dust-free, and the whole person was wrapped in magma. This scene seemed to make the scalp numb. Even with the domineering defense of the armed color, the surface of the skin would be severely burned.

Akainu's face was full of hope, his eyes were fierce, and his right arm once again condensed boiling hot magma. This slight physical damage is far from enough to hurt Wuchen, so he must work harder.

"Big fire!!!"

The arms condensed giant magma fists, and Sakaski slammed it mercilessly. The bursting magma wrapped and swallowed the dust-free layers, and the scorching high temperature was enough to melt the steel.

After dozens of times like this, Akainu was able to stop.

Even if it is armed with domineering defense, it is still dead.

Seeing this, Akainu breathed a sigh of relief, his body covered in magma evaporated the sweat stains, and the strength that Wuchen brought him was suppressed, just like encountering the legendary natural enemy.


The powerful and favorable voice spread out, and fell into the ears of all the high-ranking naval officers present like a wave.

"It's over? It's time to end, but unfortunately the one who was defeated is called Sakaski."

The sound of the cloud and the wind resounded through the endless void, filled with strong magic power, wandering the sky, and never dissipated for a long time, resounding through everyone's ear curtains.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!!!"


The thick magma that wrapped the dust-free body burst open and was bounced off by the powerful force, and the intact dust-free exposed everyone's ears.

"Impossible!" Sakaski's pupils dilated upon seeing this, and he rubbed his eyes, thinking it was because of his old eyesight.

Wuchen didn't care what he did, the palm of his hand covered the area where Sakaski was standing, and a strange black hole appeared in the palm of his hand, revealing a strong gravitational force.

Gravity is the natural enemy of all living and non-living things in nature!

"Vientiane Tianyin!"

Akainu's body flew over uncontrollably and struggled hard. Even if he gritted his teeth and wanted to stop his body, he was helpless. Under the pull of gravity, the dominance of his entire body was completely returned to Wuchen.

Akainu himself can play a very small role, like a stone falling into the sea, only causing short-term ripples, and then being forcibly pulled by Wuchen.

After just a few short breaths of effort, Akainu fell in front of Wuchen.

The deep eye sockets twisted rapidly, the darkness was gradually replaced by blood red, the dust-free eye sockets changed earth-shakingly, and the mysterious eyes composed of five-pointed stars were clearly visible.

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