On the blue sea, several navy warships rushed forward, and Kizaru who turned off the phone bug was full of doubts.

At first, the order received was to pull Edward Weibull into the "Shibukai", but now Sengoku has turned his face and demanded to kill him directly and simply.

The difference between before and after is too great!

"How the final decision is made, that is a game that big men can play, we just need to obey the result."

Lazily stretched his waist, took off the blindfolds he put on his eyes, and Aokiji stood up from the couch. Unlike usual, his eyes were now filled with cold light.

For Zefa, he was grateful and looked at it like a teacher.

"It's really scary..."

Kizaru's gaze fell on Aokiji, and the corner of his mouth murmured.It is full of disapproval. It is well known that in the teacher-student relationship, Zefa and Kizaru are the least harmonious.

If one day Kizaru accepts the task of killing Zefa, he will definitely execute it mercilessly.

"That guy's body can hardly be beaten to death. Be careful when you meet him. I heard that his strength is not comparable to that of the young white beard." No longer the wretched appearance before, the old face of Kiabou appeared cautious.

Qing pheasant nodded solemnly as well. The person who can cut off Zefa's arm, how could he be someone in the pool, and his strength is at least on the same level as them. The Warring States Period sent Qing pheasant and Kizaru to go out at the same time to prevent a repeat of Zefa's tragedy. Only in this way He felt confident.


On the other side, Mary Joa, the atmosphere was also very strange.

In the luxurious villa, the lights are intertwined and colorful, and the ingenious crystal lamps are full of extravagance. No one appreciates such a beautiful scenery.

Instead, it smelled of gunpowder.

Wuchen sat on the sofa with a peaceful expression, carefully flipping through the books with both hands, and sometimes showed a contemplative expression with his head down.

At the beginning, Wuchen used conspiracy and tricks to seize the first generation of ghosts from him, which was considered an acquaintance.

"That guy's head is very stupid. He is a top-level combat force that the government is looking for. In the future, he can even completely control him. It would be unwise to kick him out of the [Qiwuhai] position."

Just because of Wuchen's verbal order, their world government's painstakingly long-running plan collapsed in an instant.

Hearing this, Wuchen just raised his head and glanced at him lightly, and continued to lower his head to read the book. The content in the book is quite simple, that is, the distribution and structure of the islands in the entire world.

But it looks more interesting than what the old man said.

"Loisnan [Saint] please give me a reason enough to convince the old man!"

Seeing Wuchen ignore him one after another, the bald-headed five old star's voice increased several decibels, faintly sullen, as one of the highest powers in the world, but being ignored by this kid, how can he live.

"Didn't I say it, that's an order, there's no reason, an order is an order."

He continued to lower his head to read the book, never looking up from the beginning to the end, his whispers resounded in the ears of the bald-headed five old stars.

Although the Five Old Stars are actually the lackeys of the Tianlong people, the five of them are obviously obsessed with the Tianlong people. Realizing that their wings are growing hard, they want to abandon their masters and fly high alone.


The old face of the bald five old star collapsed, but he was speechless to refute it. This ridiculous reason actually made him speechless, because the law stipulates that!

The Tianlong people are above everything, and any laws that bind human beings will not work on them.

"Don't ask too much, it's your duty to be responsible for listening and executing." Touching the corners of his eyes, he seemed a little tired, and Wuchen waved his hand and ordered the expulsion.

The bald-headed five old stars could only stare blankly and walk away.

"Master, you are so bullying."

Seeing the bald-headed five old star maids leave, Hancock in black maid costume swept out from the darkness, and his exquisite figure was vividly highlighted.

Very knowingly, he rubbed his shoulders for Wuchen.

"Do you think it's too much?" Wuchen asked calmly.

Hearing that, Hancock nodded lightly. This kind of unreasonable robber logic is completely taking advantage of the situation to oppress people. Of course, Wuchen's strength is also what the Five Old Stars are most afraid of.

"Whenever there is a reason for the order of the Tianlong people, it is to satisfy their own selfish desires." Closing the book in his hand, Wuchen said with a natural look.

This is the case with Tianlong people, orders are orders, no reason is needed, they are only responsible for execution.

Wuchen will not be so boring to reason and reason with the Five Old Stars, and simply rely on his superior status to oppress others, even if they refuse to accept it, there is nothing they can do.

Because the laws formulated by the Five Old Stars are the basis for everything based on the principle of the supremacy of Tianlong people.

"You are forcing them." Hancock reminded.

The dog jumped over the wall in a hurry. One day in the future, it is possible that the five old stars who are driven crazy will do anything crazy.

"At least they're still far from madness."

Shrugging his shoulders, Wuchen said indifferently.


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Chapter 654 You have to thank me [first]

In this regard, Hancock is undeniable. Those Mary Joa's dragons are like this. They do whatever they want according to their own will, and there is no need for motives at all.

Looking through the balcony glass, seeing the five bald stars who left in anger, Hancock couldn't help but lament.

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