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Chapter 657 Depressed Garp [fourth more]

Luffy's eyes widened, and when he mentioned the word "Kapp", the color of fear flashed in his eyes, and he felt goosebumps all over his body like a devil, and Wuchen could even see the exposed trembling hair.

"This kid is surprisingly afraid of Karp...but he doesn't seem to know anything." Seeing Luffy staring at him blankly, Wuchen guessed in his heart.

The red-haired Shanks obviously didn't tell him about the body that Wuchen occupied Luffy.

"Perhaps this is also the fate that the world says." Staring at Luffy's face, there was no dust and no taste.

In just an instant, he lost interest in Luffy.

Looking at Luffy in front of him carefully, to be honest, Wuchen didn't feel that there was anything special about it, only that sunny smiling face was quite approachable, and at first glance it belonged to the familiar kind.

"Would you like to kill him now to solve the big trouble?" Bai Jue quietly leaned over, with a fierce light in his eyes.

As long as you kill Monkey D Luffy now, you can work forever in the future.

"Is there any reason to solve him now?" Wuchen asked noncommittally, his voice always kept indifferent.

"Because he is the sea..."

When the words came to an abrupt end, Bai Jue suddenly realized that Luffy had just set out to sea and had not yet been offered a bounty, so he was not a pirate.

"It's just a child who likes fantasy, there's no need to make it so exaggerated."

Glancing at Bai Jue, there is no dust in the ancient well and no waves. He is just a teenage child. Even if he goes against the sky, it is impossible for him to have the strength to threaten him in the future.

Seeing Luffy who was able to talk to his daughter, Wuchen smiled slightly and didn't say anything to disturb him. Maybe it was because they were of the same age that they felt opportunistic to talk, and it was more convenient to communicate.

Seeing that Wuchen is so determined, Bai Jue is not easy to speak. After all, he was only created by Wuchen.

It is indeed as Wuchen said, a person has boundaries, and no one can grow endlessly, including Wuchen himself.

"Master, it shouldn't be a good idea to let a stranger on board like this." Hancock, who was dressed as a maid, frowned and said softly.

People are unpredictable, and there are countless hungry wolves that eat people without spitting bones.

"Do you think he can beat me?" Glancing at Hancock, Wuchen asked with interest.

Hearing that, Boya Hancock shook his head resolutely, opened his mouth, and saw that the dust-free face still remained calm, and when it came to his mouth, he took it back.

If you want to be detrimental to Wuchen, you must at least have the strength to defeat him.

In the early morning of the next day, the morning breeze was mighty, and the sparkling sea was covered with a layer of dazzling gold.

Wuchen randomly found an island with living people and threw Luffy down. This is also his own request. Luffy, who has been clamoring to seek companions for adventure, is very annoying.

Just throw it out and let him fend for himself.

"Hey hey hey...you haven't told me what your name is. I will repay you when I become famous all over the world."

At the bustling pier, Luffy waved his fist vigorously and shouted at the luxury ship that was docked.

A figure on the ship was expressionless, with his hands in his trouser pockets, looking down at Luffy with indifferent eyes, and said indifferently: "You don't need to know who my name is, this will only make you despair, ignorance is also a kind of happiness, Sometimes knowing too much can be painful."

After saying that, Wuchen's body suddenly lost its texture, and it floated away like an afterimage.

"Next time we meet... maybe it will be the enemy."

Standing still, Luffy's face was sluggish. He heard Wuchen's words in a haze, perhaps because of his optimism. Luffy once again showed a sunny smile, full of cheerfulness.

As everyone knows, a figure in the dark happened to see this scene. Seeing Luffy leave, the black figure hesitated for a while, and immediately followed.

The endless sea caused monstrous ripples, and when I looked closely, a big ship moved forward rapidly.

Ignoring the sea in front of him, his deep eyes are full of indescribable magic power, and he sees through the many spaces, and Luffy's past and future all emerge in the dust-free eyes.

"Master, Lieutenant General Garp's phone number." Hancock handed over the phone bug that communicated with Garp.

"You should have an impression of the murloc named Aaron. It was the murloc who attacked Mary Joa before. Later, Jinping became [King Xia Qiwuhai] and released him on bail, but the boy's temper did not change, and he was still doing Pirates." From the other side of the phone worm, Garp's old, but full of energy voice came.

Hearing this, Wuchen immediately understood what the old man was thinking, and made it clear that he would take care of Aaron by the way.

"I've already left the East China Sea, and now I'm on my way back to Mary Joa. The murloc Aaron has someone else to deal with." Wuchen refused righteously.

"other people?"

Karp was stunned when he heard the words. The East China Sea was the blatantly weakest sea area of ​​the "four seas". Aaron was a local snake there, and he was also considered a little-known figure. East China Sea was very rare to offend him.

"That's right, and you still know this person and are very familiar with him." Wuchen smiled, with a tone of unkindness.

Far away in Marin, Kapu was confused. His only acquaintance in Donghai was Windmill Town, and the strength of that group of people could be used for robbery. As for the challenge of Aaron from the murloc race, it was still too far away. Far.

After thinking about it for a long time, Garp barely came up with a figure in his mind, and the old face suddenly turned green.

"Difficult, could it be Luffy?!"

Garp's old face was twitching with anger, and countless crows floated past his head. He felt that his eyelids were beating, and there must be no good thing. He didn't expect the reason to be Luffy.

"The blood of your Monchi family is outrageous." In disguise, he recognized Karp's answer, and Wuchen was full of emotion.

Garp is a naval hero. He has made Roger famous in the world for several times, and his son Drago is known as the most vicious prisoner in the world. As for Luffy, a rising star, the future will not compare The first two are worse.


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