But the ability to choose teammates is not guaranteed. In the future, every character of the Straw Hat Pirates will be a pirate with a high reward, and even the bounty of all members exceeds [-] billion Bailey!


The sharp smashing of the air came head-on, and the arm that extended infinitely smashed head-on.

"I'll definitely hit this bastard this time!"

Luffy's face was full of hope, and Wuchen lowered his head, as if he was thinking about something, but he didn't notice the rubber fist that came.

What surprised Luffy was that the moment he attacked Wuchen, he suddenly turned his head and easily avoided the attack.

"How is it possible, is it possible that this guy has eyes on his head?!"

Nami exclaimed in disbelief, and she saw every move of the dust-free.

Luffy is also full of stunned, optimistic state of mind, can't help but raise a little frustration, dust-free keeps calm from beginning to end, those quiet eyes, silently tell that everything is under control.

"You are far from your father... Luffy."

His eyes rippled, and Wuchen's tone was full of disappointment. Now Luffy is just a small role, which can be destroyed with a flick of a finger. Wuchen tried to make himself interested in Luffy, but he couldn't.

It is too weak, more vulnerable than any enemy Wuchen has ever fought against.

"You know my grandfather, and my father, father?!" When referring to the word "father", Luffy's tone was obviously trembling and hopeful.

He hasn't seen his father, not even a single glance, and he doesn't even know what he looks like.

"I not only know them, but also have a deep relationship with them."

Wuchen whispered, thinking of Dorag and Garp's appearance in his mind, "If their strength is calculated by Bailey, the bounty will be at least [-] billion Baileys..."

This is also Wuchen's personal guess. Today's "Four Emperors" Bigumam offers a reward of [-] million to Bailey, and both Drago and Garp can compete with the "Four Emperors" in strength.

Even Garp's strength far exceeds this number. Although he is old now, his strength is still incredible.

Hearing this, everyone at the scene gasped involuntarily and stared at Luffy in shock. I didn't expect this silly boy to have such a shocking family background.

The strength of father and grandfather has reached the level of reward of [-] billion. For Nami and others, they are legendary characters.


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Chapter 690 Rolling [Second]

Recommended Book: Master of Naruto Body Art! ! ! ! !Favorite friends to collect it.

Luffy is also sluggish, as if his soul has been extracted, his eyes are empty and dazed, and the whole person is sluggish, no different from sculpture.

Apparently, he was also shocked by his pitiful grandfather and the old man he had seen.

"This is a slap in the face, deliberately making us take it lightly, don't be fooled!"

Zoro, who stood out from the ruins, shouted loudly.Eye sockets stared at Wuchen, as if the three swords unsheathed cut the edge, reflecting the edge that is unfavorable.

Glancing at the flickering Taidao, there was a burning stinging sensation in the pupils.

"Let you take it lightly?"

Hearing this, Wuchen's unchanging face sneered and said with contempt: "For adults, pinching a baby in a swaddle to death is just as simple as eating and drinking... Make you take it lightly? Boring."

Zoro's expression became even colder.

"Boom boom boom!"

In mid-air, the sky-rocketing blast was launched, and then Sanji broke out of the ground and was attacked by the "Shen Luo Tianzheng". He was obviously more embarrassed than Sauron, and holes in his bright clothes could be seen everywhere.

"Is this the strength of the general... It is beyond imagination and terrifying."

Sanji's face was solemn, and even though he tried his best to suppress it, his whole body still trembled uncontrollably, but it was not because he was afraid of dust-free. He had already looked down on life and death at the beginning of the road of pirates.

It was the silent oppression that seemed to pierce his soul, and the shadow hidden in his heart could not be swept away.Being stared at by Wuchen's eyes, even if it was just a casual glance, Sanji had a feeling of shivering in his soul.

However, Sanji was still rock solid and refused to give up.

"The strength of your pirate group is not strong, but everyone's tenacity should not be underestimated."

The admiration in the dust-free tone is undisguised, with admiration.The strength of these people is barely average, even inferior, but everyone's tenacity, and the spirit of daring to fight and not giving up are awe-inspiring.

"Don't come here, I'm a rubber guy, he won't hurt me, I'll deal with him!"

Seeing that Zoro and Sanji were about to join forces to attack Wuchen again, Luffy hurriedly stopped him. He was a rubber man, and pain was just a concept to him.

From childhood to adulthood, in about seventeen years of career, only Garp can make Luffy feel pain!

Wuchen's expression gradually became cold, and the palms of his hands were replaced by black steel. Sen Leng's eyes scrutinized Luffy carefully, and then he threw him out mercilessly.

"Boom boom boom..."

The ground could not withstand the erosion of the turbulent force, and large potholes appeared.

"Cough cough... it hurts!"

The unprecedented stinging pain swept through the whole body like a flood, and Luffy's face twitched with pain, "I'm a rubber guy, how could I feel pain...?!"

Luffy's tone was surprised and puzzled. The person who can cause him such pain is currently only his grandfather Garp, and Wuchen is the second person in his life.

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