"Luffy, the gap between us is too far... It is difficult to make up the gap between us with pure blood." Wuchen said as light as a breeze.

The reptiles on the land, even if they have wings, can never touch the flying eagle, let alone fight.

"Stop chattering!"

The angry Luffy completely ignored the words, raised his palm and aimed at Wuchen, his eyes were as cold as icebergs.Although he is familiar with Wuchen, Luffy will not let go of those who hurt his partner.

"Rubber pistol!"

The extremely resilient arm stretched indefinitely, almost instantly approaching Wuchen and smashing towards his belly.


With a loud roar, a smile appeared on Luffy's small face. He was sure that he had hit Wuchen, and the flexibility of the human abdomen in his hand would not deceive.

However, the dust-free sight that comes into view is light and light.

"Obviously hit him, why is it still that look of nothing."

Luffy's face was sluggish, and the thinking in his mind was blank. He attacked with all his strength, but Wuchen was unscathed.

"Unfortunately, the strength is too weak."

He patted the wrinkled corners of his clothes, and said without changing his face.

Just as Luffy thought, he did attack Wuchen, but the feeling to Wuchen was a soft fist, like scratching it without any feeling.

Not only did there not feel any pain, but it made Wuchen's body a little itchy... There are too many gaps between them, and Luffy is too weak now.

Even if the strength is dead, a reward of four or five thousand Bailey pirates is offered. Thinking about Wuchen is boring.

"Rubber machine gun!"

The dense rain of bullets fell on Wuchen, eroding his whole body, but Wuchen always stood still, and his footsteps did not move at all, as tall and straight as Mount Tai.

Not only did he not feel the pain, but because of Luffy's attack, his slightly itchy body felt extra comfortable for a moment.

"Hey, why did you stop suddenly?"

After a while, looking at Luffy who was tired like a dead dog with his tongue drooping, Wuchen asked disappointedly.

Then he looked up at the gray sky, the sunset in the distance had gradually dimmed, and it was about to sink into the sea. It was obviously not too late.

"It's time to end."

Looking back, staring at Luffy, Wuchen's body turned into a lightning-like swipe, because the speed of light was too terrifying, every time Wuchen moved, there would be a harsh roar with him.

The high-pitched whistling sound made people dizzy for a while.

In just the blink of an eye, the dust-free divine soldier descended from the sky, crossed many spaces, and easily came to Luffy, grabbing Luffy's throat like a rabbit.

"In this case, you have no backhand ability."

Black skin poured out from the slender little hands, instantly eroding the entire arm.

"It hurts...it hurts!"

Luffy struggled hard, grabbed Wuchen's right arm, and bombarded with his fists, but it was like steel, and there was a crisp sound of "boom boom".

From Wuchen's indifferent face, it is not difficult to see that the role played can be ignored.

"The attack that covers the domineering of the armed color, even if you are a rubber man, you will still feel pain... The domineering of the armed color is the natural enemy of all capable people, and any capable person is no exception, so are you."

Anyone of any type of ability is not immune to the domineering of the armed color, even though Luffy is a rubber man, he will feel pain when attacked by the armed color.

"Let go of me." Luffy growled through gritted teeth.

Being so stuck by Luffy, he realized that he was like a lonely boat in the ocean, and he didn't need rough seas, just a small breeze to easily overturn him.

An unprecedented unwillingness poured into his heart, his eyes were locked tightly, and a strong resentment burst out of his body, and the awe-inspiring appearance of killing intent was exceptionally strange.

"Don't put on such a scary face, it will only make you more powerless."

Looking at Luffy with deadly eyes, Wuchen couldn't help shaking his head. He had seen too many eyes of this kind of protest and unwillingness. To change the reality of the fiasco was nothing short of fantasy.

"Let go of Luffy!"

The sluggish Nami picked up the rusted steel pipe and ran towards Wuchen, the fear in her eyes was clearly visible, but her face was determined.


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Chapter 693 Leaving [First Update]

Recommended book: Master of Naruto Body Art, please collect it if you like it, thank you so much! ! !

Looking at the rampant Nami with interest, Wuchen couldn't help but look at her with admiration. The fear in her eyes was clearly visible, but she still rushed over without hesitation.

In the past, Nami always looked evasive and escaping from reality, but now this performance is eye-catching. Although Wuchen's performance is very brainless, it can be seen that she still cherishes her companions very much in her heart.

The eyebrows were slightly raised, and a ripple visible to the naked eye spread out.


This magical energy is boundless, spreading rapidly, without boundaries, mysterious and mysterious, without substance, but it is real, scattered around the dust-free center, and easily engulfs the unaware Nami.

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